Characters Being Eaten
From Homestar Runner Wiki
Revision as of 03:10, 4 November 2022 by The Cheatbot (Talk | contribs)
Many times, the characters of the Homestar Runner universe have been eaten or suggested that they have been eaten. Most often of these is The Cheat, who has even been mentioned to be edible at various points.
[edit] The Cheat Being Eaten
- Where's The Cheat? — Coach Z thinks The King of Town has gone mad with power and is going to eat The Cheat upon seeing the King standing over The Cheat, who was asleep at the time in The King of Town's grill.
- Email secret recipes — Strong Bad attempts to give the senders of the email a recipe for cooking The Cheat.
- Email narrator — The film "Lugnut & Squeak", according to Strong Bad, was from the creators of "I'm Surprised Strong Mad Hasn't Eaten The Cheat by Now".
- Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People — When putting on Homestar's Chef Hat, Strong Bad will imitate a cooking show host, saying that they will be making The Cheat L'Orange, a delicacy in East Strong Badia.
- In a Sketchbook entry, it is suggested that The Cheat's nightmares typically consist of him being eaten by The Poopsmith.
- Doomy Tales of the Macabre — Strong Mad accidentally eats The Cheat along with his Halloween candy. Strong Bad says that The Cheat is eaten by Strong Mad about four times a day (which is how The Cheat is given baths).
- Email sbemail 206 — Strong Bad tricks Marzipan into eating The Cheat.
- The House That Gave Sucky Tricks — Strong Bad asks The Cheat if he's afraid the King of Town will try to eat him with his costume.
[edit] Other Characters Being Eaten
- Everybody to the Limit — Powered by The Cheat Strong Bad gets eaten by a giant whiffle ball with "fhqwhgads" written on it.
- Mr. Shmallow (toon) — The Moon eats Mr. Shmallow.
- Teen Girl Squad Issue 6 — The girls (minus What's Her Face) jump into the Gift Exchange Lion.
- Email secret recipes (Easter egg) — A book is seen called "So You Want to Cook a Wrestleman?", with a picture of The Cheat putting a lid on a pot with Strong Bad in it on the cover.
- Thy Dungeonman 3 — The Fat, Fat Friar cooks Thy Dungeonman in a stew and tries to eat him.
- Email keep cool (Easter egg) — The King of Town adds ice cream toppings to Strong Sad's head, which had been compared to soft-serve earlier.
- Fan Costumes 06 — Homestar says he ate Luigi and he tasted like mushrooms.
- Decemberween Short Shorts — The King of Town implies he wants to eat himself when gingerbread Homestar makes mention of such a desire.
- Email winter pool — It is implied that The King of Town eats Strong Bad, Homestar Runner, and The Poopsmith when he saves them from the pool full of red flavored Fluffy Puff Translucent Dessert Related Substance.
- Sickly Sam's Big Outing — Sickly Sam eats Old-Timey Strong Bad.
- Twenty THANXty Six — Stinkoman and 1-Up go inside Pan Pan.
- Sketchbooks —
- In the March 12, 2009 sketch, The King of Town eats Marshie.
- In the March 26, 2009 sketch, Strong Mad eats Strong Bad.
- Poker Night at the Inventory — Strong Bad says he had a jibblie nightmare where Homestar is a giant cheese blintz, and Marzipan holds Strong Bad at gunpoint and makes him eat Homestar.
- Haunted Photo Booth Teaser — Strong Bad's Ridley costume swallows Character 2 whole.
- Haunted Photo Booth — The King of Town eats a slice of himself as part of his costume.