From Homestar Runner Wiki
Demons of various types occasionally appear or are mentioned in the Homestar Runner universe.
- The Jibblies Painting depicts the Rocoulm, a demon holding a torch.
- Parsnips A-Plenty (Easter egg) — A demon resembling The Poopsmith pokes Old-Timey Strong Bad with a pitchfork.
- Email website — One of the many animated GIFs on Strong Bad's Website is of a demon driving a convertable.
- 3 Times Halloween Funjob (Easter egg) — Stinkoman, dressed as Speed Racer, calls himself a "demon on wheels".
- Email different town — In Strong Bad's vision of a perfect town, Strong Sad has horns and a tail.
- Senorial Day — Bubs wears horns and promises that one will save like a demon.
- Kid Speedy — One of the levels is "Demon's Rub Marathon".
- Email coloring — Larry Palaroncini is "screaming like a demon".
- Jibblies 2 — Pom Pom dresses as a Doom Cacodemon.
- Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People — When talking to someone, sometimes buttons for Angel and Devil Strong Bad appear above Strong Bad. Clicking Devil Strong Bad will make Strong Bad say something mean to whoever he is talking to.
- Baddest of the Bands — A stage prop is "maybe cooler than a giant robotic demon".
- Haunted Photo Booth — Strong Bad wishes that the ghost image would give him demonic barf powers.
- The Homestar Runner Enters The Spooky Woods — Tiny-Handed Strong Bad's ghost enters The Homestar Runner, thereby possessing him demonically.