From Homestar Runner Wiki
- This article is about the inside joke. For other uses, see Eggs (disambiguation).
Eggs are more than just a food item in the Homestar Runner universe. They also appear in a wide array of situations one would not normally expect. They have been made into a breakfast cereal, organic batteries, an Internet top level domain, plant life, and not a fruit. They are also commonly used as projectiles on Halloween.
- Marshmallow's Last Stand — A picture in the stand says "EGGS-TREME" with a picture of two fried eggs.
- Marzipan's Answering Machine Version 1.0 — Strong Bad says he's out of eggs for his baking.
- Egg Throwing Game — Bonus game at the beginning of Homestarloween Party.
- The Interview — "Eggs" appears on Homestar Runner's grocery list.
- Email morning routine — Strong Bad's EGGS brand type cereal and various eggs are featured throughout the email.
- Email anything — Strong Sad's egg timer informs Homestar of the end of the email.
- Email colonization — Strong Sad ridicules Strong Bad for eating his eggs with ketchup. Also, Homestar declares that eggs are no longer a fruit.
- Email monument — One of the items used in Strong Bad's planned monument is a "Big Green Egg" barbecue.
- Email flashback — The Cheat and a lifetime supply of fishsticks hatch out of a large egg.
- Strong Bad is in Jail Cartoon — The King of Town describes Strong Bad as having a head like a "big old, round old, red old, nasty old egg."
- Email lunch special — In Strong Mad's picture for Strong Bad, the dinosaur is having eggs for breakfast.
- Email pom pom — Homestar Runner mentions "dot egg".
- DVD version of the email studying — The website Easter egg is called bookazon.egg.
- Broken Compy Menu — Homestar claims he came to Bubs' Concession Stand for freedom, liberty, savings, milk, eggs and a low-priced automobile.
- Email dreamail — Strong Bad has a Cadbury Cream Egg omelet. He also compliments Adelaide on her poached eggs.
- Email origins — Strong Bad spells "Plague" as "Plegg".
- Email secret recipes — Homestar claims to have a Stupid Uncle Egg. A narrator immediately says he definitely doesn't.
- Strong Bad also says that if not dipped in egg wash before shaving, The Cheat gets "those red shaving bumpies" all over him.
- Bug In Mouth Disease — Strong Bad compliments himself for making the best omelette ever during a commercial break.
- Email garage sale — An egg carton is on sale for $EGG.
- Email boring (really) — "Egg" is used in Strong Bad's list of 3-letter words.
- Email record book — Strong Bad "accidentally" spills coffee, eggs, and bacon all over the record for "Dirtiest Diapey".
- Sick Day — Strong Bad refers to Strong Mad's room as Rotten Egglünd. Places on the map of Rotten Egglünd include Rotten Egg Manor and Eggmünd.
- Halloween Potion-ma-jig — One of the lyrics in Homestar's song is "The world is the egg".
- Email pop-up — The sticky note in the refrigerator in Strong Bad's pop-up book says "2 more eggs!".
- Email disconnected — Homestar refers to Head Bad as "Eggman".
- Marzipan's Answering Machine Version 13.2 — Homestar sends a "text message" to Marzipan reading "plz get eggs,milk?"
- Kid Speedy — One of the tracks is the "EGG MOUNTAIN MiNiTHON".
- Teen Girl Squad Issue 11 — When The Ugly One and What's Her Face sing a campfire song about the Chumbly Wumbly Bear, a lyric asks "did he sell eggs?", which is denied in the next line.
- Summer Short Shorts — Homestar wears a hat with the word "Egg" and a picture of a fried egg on it while working at Marshmallow's Last Stand.
- This hat reappears in Date Nite, with the word "l'egg".
- Email retirement — The King of Town's burp creates a bubble that transforms into a fried egg when popped.
- Happy Hallow-day — Homsar is seen standing near some "eggs trees" in an Easter egg.
- Eggs — This Easter toon features egg-shaped variations of Homestar Runner, Pom Pom, Marzipan, and Strong Bad.
- Sbemail 169 Deleted Scene — The address "www.whatthepfargtl.egg" appears on the screen during the movie trailer.
- Where's an Egg? — A game based entirely on finding a missing egg.
- Quality Time with Cardboard Homestar — Marzipan buys a dozen eggs from Bubs, as "organic batteries".
- Email concert — A deviled egg tray is one of the items on Limozeen's Contract Rider.
- Email original — Original Bubs leaves the show when The King of Town eats the mayonnaise from his egg salad.
- Rap Song — Fried eggs appear three times in this toon, once as Peacey P is ordering breakfast (which includes scrambled eggs), again as Coach Z is saying "that man has just ordered breakfast in the middle of my rap song!" and later after Tenerence Love's "R&B Break".
- Email yes, wrestling — Homestar Runner, as The Jack 'Em Up Kid, has a wrestling belt with an image of bacon and eggs known as the "Sizzleweight Belt".
- Email winter pool — Strong Bad calls Strong Sad "frog eggs" for reasons that Strong Sad does not understand.
- Weekly Fanstuff for March 20, 2008 — Features an Easter egg featuring Strong Bad and Homestar.
- Rotten Eggs — This toon features Strong Bad and Strong Sad finding a rotten Easter egg in the the couch.
- Email rated — According to Strong Bad, in an RRR-rated movie, a bullet can be shown passing right through a person, including his breakfast; the diagram illustrating the breakfast includes eggs and bacon.
- Email your edge — In the scene with all of the "edge-havery", eggs are briefly seen from different angles (part of some cartons, one of which is full of eggs, followed by the entire carton being in view toward the end of The Cheat sawing the hole in the floor).
- Teen Girl Squad Issue 14 — One of the items in the garbage cans dumped on the seniors is an egg.
- Strong Badia the Free Cave Girl Squad — Strong Bad can get a Teen Girl Squad idea notecard featuring an egg as an unlockable. If one of the girls raises it in the comic, it will be revealed to be a dinosaur egg.
- Costume Commercial — To protect himself from Strong Bad and The Cheat, Strong Sad wears a poncho covered in fake fried eggs.
- The Animated Adventures of Puppet Homestar — Homestar starts his pile with an egg and a bacon.
- Decomposing Pumpkins — Brainkrieg repeats "You get egged!" throughout the song.
- I Killed Pom Pom — Bubs and Coach Z have Ostrich Eggs.
- The House That Gave Sucky Tricks — Dry scrambled eggs are one of the many things about the two star bed and breakfast that Bubs and Coach Z take issue with.
- The Homestar Runner Enters The Spooky Woods — The wet pigeons believe that a ping-pong ball is an egg and attempt to hatch it.
- sloshy - No-stalgia — During the instrumental portion of the video, an omelette is fried on a skillet and served.
- Halloween Hijinks — Coach Z complains that The Sad Kids are serving him a plate of deviled eggs instead of vandalizing the house with raw ones.