Fluffy Puff Commercial

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This article is about the toon where Homestar Runner keeps messing up on a Fluffy Puff Marshmallows commercial. For the commercial in which Marshie debuts, see Meet Marshie.
Toon Category: Shorts
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"What did he say?"

Homestar Runner plugs Fluffy Puff Marshmallows. Of course, he screws it up.

Cast (in order of appearance): Homestar Runner, Clapper Loader, Cherry Greg, The Announcer

Places: The Field

Date: 2001

Running Time: 2:24

Page Title: Fluffy Puff Marshmallows

DVD: Everything Else, Volume 1


[edit] Transcript

{Homestar stands in a field, with a clapperboard obstructing the view. It reads "FLUFFY PUFF MARSHMALLOWS, Roll 1, Scene 1, Take 1, Director CHERRY GREG, Date (no date is written). The offscreen clapper loader speaks.}

CLAPPER LOADER: Fluffy Puff Marshmallows, take one.

{The clapperboard snaps and is pulled out of frame to reveal Homestar holding an upside-down bag of Fluffy Puff Marshmallows. Cherry Greg, also offscreen, speaks.}

CHERRY GREG: And, action.

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Before I drink a tall glass of melonade, {presenting the upside-down bag} I like to eat about a hundred and forty-seven Fluffy Puff Marshmallows.

CHERRY GREG: {interrupting} Cut! The bag's upside down.

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Oh. Sorry. {flipping the bag the right way up} About a hundred and forty-seven Fluffy Puff—

CHERRY GREG: Uh, we're not rolling.


{A 'bip' is heard, which signifies a cut to a new take. The clapper now reads "Take 2".}


{The clapper snaps and is pulled away again. The camera adjusts and focuses on Homestar, holding the bag (the right way up).}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Before I drink a tall glass of melonade, {presenting the bag} I like to eat about a hundred and forty-seven Flushy Push Marfmallows. Seriously folks, they're—

CHERRY GREG: Cut. You said Flushy Push.

HOMESTAR RUNNER: I know! Can you believe it?

CHERRY GREG: Yeah, they're called Fluffy Puff.

HOMESTAR RUNNER: I know! Can you believe it?

{Bip to next scene, with updated clapper.}


CHERRY GREG: And, action.

{The clapper snaps.}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Before I drink a tall glass of melonade, {presenting the bag} I like to eat about a hundred and forty-seven Fluffy Puff Marshmallows. Seriously folks, they're the... {losing enthusiasm} uh, the... um... the... {drops the bag} the best.

{Bip to next scene, with updated clapper.}

CLAPPER LOADER: Take six. {snaps the clapper}


HOMESTAR RUNNER: Before I drink something, oftentimes I eat something too.

{Bip to next scene (the clapper updated to show "Roll 2, Take 13"), with the clapper loader mid-sentence.}

CLAPPER LOADER: ...thirteen! {snaps the clapper}

{Homestar is revealed to be noisily chewing on a mouthful of marshmallows.}


HOMESTAR RUNNER: {with his mouth full} What did you say?

CHERRY GREG: {more slowly} Action.


{Bip to next scene, skipping the clapper. It is now slightly dark out. Homestar is mid-sentence.}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: ...a hundred and forty-seven Fluffy Puff Marshmallows. Seriously folks, they're the best.

{As Homestar speaks an offscreen bird squawks loudly and two white liquid droppings fall from the sky onto his head.}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: {triumphantly} Alright! We finally got it! That's a wrap, huh? You guys?

{Bip to next scene. The clapper ("Roll 8, Take 57"), quickly snaps and pulls away. It is now darker out. Homestar is reading a stack of papers.}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: {quietly reading out loud} ...I usually eat about a hundred and forty-seven... seriously, folks, they're the best... {dropping the papers, speaking normally} Okay, I got it!

CHERRY GREG: Okay. We're gonna get it this time. And... action.

{Homestar stands motionless, saying nothing. Crickets chirp. A boom microphone comes down from the top of the frame and hits Homestar in the head.}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Oh! Before I drink a hundred and forty-seven glasses of melonade, {shaking the bag} I eat a hundred and forty-seven Fluffity Puffity Marshalades!

{Bip to next scene, skipping the clapper. It is now sunset. Homestar looks tired and fed up.}

CHERRY GREG: {tired} Action.

HOMESTAR RUNNER: {in a monotone} Before I eat a tall slice of marmalade I like to drink lots and lots of marshmallows. I mean Fluffy Puffies.

{Bip to next scene ("Roll 46, Take 854"). It is now night. The camera zooms in on Homestar's face. He no longer looks or sounds tired.}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: {triumphantly} I like marshmallows!

{Cut to an orange screen, where a bag of Fluffy Puff Marshmallows appears and spins forward, stopping when it is upright and in focus. The Announcer, offscreen, speaks.}

THE ANNOUNCER: You heard it, folks! Homestar likes marshmallows!

JINGLE SINGERS: {offscreen, singing erratically to a music jingle} They're fluffity. They're puffity. One, two, three, four, five!

[edit] Easter Eggs

Homestar likes Marshmallows... in Abe Lincoln's Head
  • If you press L, the screen becomes Abraham Lincoln's profile silhouette.
    • This will only work for a lowercase "l". Having Caps Lock on, or holding down Shift, Ctrl or Alt, will cancel the effect.

[edit] Fun Facts

[edit] Trivia

  • This is the first short featuring the early current version of Homestar.
  • Cherry Greg was voiced by co-creator Craig Zobel in this toon. In First Time Here?, he was voiced by Dan Kubis, a friend of the Brothers Chaps.
  • Missy Palmer apparently sang in the ending jingle, as it is possible to make out Marzipan's voice.

[edit] Remarks

  • The Marshie shown on the bag of marshmallows in the preview on the TV Time Toons Menu is different from the Marshie shown in the actual toon. The toon version features a normal Marshie, yet the preview shows a completely different Marshie, winking.
  • In some scenes, Homestar doesn't blink at all.
  • Prior to the post-Flash site update, this toon had a 2 in the URL. Attempting to load the equivalent without a 2 resulted in a 404.
  • At the end of the toon in the flash file, there's a clickable space outside the screen at left. Clicking it does nothing.

[edit] Glitches

  • Whenever Homestar talks, his hat moves a little at the edge.

[edit] Inside References

[edit] Fast Forward

  • Homestar similarly flubs his lines in First Time Here?, which is also directed by Cherry Greg and bears many other similarities to this cartoon.
  • The Abe Lincoln silhouette would later be seen in Everybody to the Limit, An Open Forum, and Decomposing Pumpkins.
  • Despite almost failing miserably, Homestar gets paid almost seven years later in winter pool.
  • The ending jingle for Meet Marshie, the next commercial for Fluffy Puff, continues from this one, saying "six, seven, eight, nine ten!"

[edit] DVD Version

  • The DVD version features two hidden creators' commentaries. To access them, switch your DVD player's audio language selection while watching.

[edit] First Commentary Transcript

(Commentary by: Matt Chapman, Mike Chapman)

MATT: Oh, Cherry Greg. Your finest hour.

MIKE: Look at the light grey outline on Homestar's head.

MATT: Yeah, it's a little distracting.

MIKE: And his magenta body.

MATT: Yeah. There's a lot of discussion about his magenta body on these commentaries, I feel like.

MIKE: The light grey outline— I think this might be the only cartoon that has the outline that is quite that light.

MATT: Well, this was the debut of this version of Homestar, right?

MIKE: Yeah, I think from fat— from fat-body Homestar.

MATT: Uh... So our friend, uh... friend and co— co-restore I believe it's—

MIKE: Millionaire gaddabout—

MATT: —Craig Zobel—

MIKE: —our Craig Zobel—

MATT: —is the voice here...

MIKE: He's also the voice of Kevin.

MATT: That's right.

MIKE: On the, umm, answering machine. We used to get emails from teenage girls saying how hot Kevin sounded.

MATT: Yeah.

MIKE: Like, "Who is Kevin? He sounds hot!" We'd always forward those to Craig.

MATT: Yeah, so both Craig and, uh, our friend Dan play, uh, Cherry Greg, different parts.

MIKE: Yeah, 'cause he plays him on the First Time Here—

MATT: Yeah.

MIKE: — is that right?

MATT: Dan, who also is the voice of Łukasz!

MIKE: {laughing} Yeah!

MATT: Eh Łukasz! Cześć, Marzipan! {brief pause} Umm, look s— Homestar's eyes, when he closes his eyes, are just squished versions of his eye symbol.

MIKE: Really?

MATT: We didn't make the, like, closed eye symbol yet.


MIKE: Those hills in the background look different from the usual hills, too.

MATT: They're larger.

MIKE: Yeah, I don't know what, uh—

MATT: Or they're bushes. We still haven't decided, yet.

MIKE: They're hills.

MATT: Hill-bushes.

MIKE: Hill-bushes.

MATT: Hill-shes. Shubs. {chuckles}

MIKE: Ah, bird crap.

MATT: It's always funny when there's bird crap. You can hear—

MIKE: You can hear, just noise in the background!

MATT: Yeah! Mike dropped a pencil or something.

MIKE: But this was d— wasn't this done when you were in, uh, Brooklyn?

MATT: I came home one time.

MIKE: Oh, you came home to record it?

MATT: Yeah, and recorded it all. Ooh, they got him. That's a small boom mike.

MIKE: Homestar's very large.

MATT: {laughs} Umm... Oh, Craig and Homestar have had it.

MIKE: Yeah.

MATT: I always feel like he sounds like— right here, when he says "Fluffy-Puffies", he sounds kinda like Janine from Ghostbusters. {in assumed voice} "Ghostbusters, what do you want?" Umm, when she's, like, reciting over the phone the things that she... "Do you believe in the occult, the blahbitta blah," talking to Winston Zeddemore?

MIKE: Yeah. You lost me. And everyone else, I'm sure.

[edit] Second Commentary Transcript

(Commentary by: Homestar Runner, Mike Chapman)

HOMESTAR RUNNER: {sings} Oh no, oh no, oh no!

MIKE: Hey, Homestar!


MIKE: Uh, yeah. I'm Mike.


MIKE: So, tell me about your light grey outlines here.

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Oh Mike, they did a—

MIKE: What's wrong?

HOMESTAR RUNNER: {simultaneously} —terrible job in makeup and wardrobe {accent on second syllable}.

MIKE: Too much pancake?

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Too much pancake, and a little too much pantoine.

MIKE: Pantone.

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Pantoine colors. Umm—

MIKE: So how is it, working with Cherry Greg?

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Oh Mike, he's the consommé professional. Cherry Greg is like...

MIKE: Beef consommé?

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Yes. He's like a fine beef consommé... after it's been agèd.

MIKE: Uh, tell me about the hills in the background, Homestar.

HOMESTAR RUNNER: They're... larger, and—

MIKE: Was this a different location than you guys usually shoot at?

HOMESTAR RUNNER: This was to the left of the usual field.


HOMESTAR RUNNER: Yes. Umm, I don't — I don't ever talk about melonade anymore!

MIKE: You—


MIKE: {simultaneously} I'm— I'm gonna give you a forum right now. Talk about melonade!

HOMESTAR RUNNER: I'm off Melonade, guys.

MIKE: Talk about some marshmallows and melonade for me.

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Uh... {in assumed voice} A-marshymellow! A-melonade! Is that what you want to hear? It's what everybody always wants out of me.

MIKE: That's—

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Just the same marshmallow!

MIKE: You brought it up, man!

HOMESTAR RUNNER: You brought it up, Mike! You kept talking about a forum!

MIKE: Let's uh, just watch the video. Let's get back to—

HOMESTAR RUNNER: I, look, I had a— it was my off day...

MIKE: {simultaneously} So it's— it's starting to get— starting to get dusk now.

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Yeah, these are long shooting days. All right?

MIKE: I don't think it was supposed to be that— {a telephone rings} Oh!

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Oh, who do you think that is? Let's see! I want to answer it, maybe!

MIKE: Go! It's— I hit it!

HOMESTAR RUNNER: {simultaneously} Hello? Hel— Oh! Hello? Hello, who's this? Hello? Hang on, we're recording commentary on the DVD, so hang on. {pause} No, you— but you can talk to me! {pause} Hello? I'm talking to the phone! Who's on the phone? Mike, this— they're not talking. Is this Willy? {pause} It's Willy, Mike!

MIKE: Oh, good old Willy!

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Good old Willy!

MIKE: He's gonna—

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Willy, you're gonna be on the commentary of this DVD! He thought this— I was an answering machine, this whole times!

MIKE: {laughs}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: That's great!

MIKE: {simultaneously} Willy's a really dumb friend.

HOMESTAR RUNNER: No! We gotta take that out!

[edit] Fun Facts

  • Homestar would determine that the background pieces are bushes in Flash is Dead!.

[edit] External Links

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