From Homestar Runner Wiki
There have been plenty of generic mentions or unusual uses of fruit in the Homestar Runner universe.
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[edit] Appearances
- Homestarloween Party — Strong Bad wears a fruit hat as part of his Carmen Miranda costume.
- Tis True, Pom Pom, Tis True — When Homestar Runner comes to, he offers a soliloquy about the freshest of any month-old fruit.
- Email mascot — Strong Bad agrees to take the golf club team to get real fruit smoothies because they won the game.
- Sensitive to Bees — Marzipan sings that bees like to fly around and eat your fruit.
- Email colonization — Colonial Homestar declares eggs not to be a fruit.
- Email caffeine — As caffeinated Strong Sad is bothering Coach Z, he brings up fruit salad right before the caffeine wears off.
- Some Puppet Stuff — Homestar mentions that he ate a salad of fruit for breakfast.
- Email secret recipes — Confusing the senders' origin, Strong Bad says that being from Africa, they would be used to eating exotic fruits, nectars, and lions.
- Email myths & legends — Strong Bad calls Strong Badia "an idyllic fruit-opia, rich in made-up stories and nottrueities".
- Email alternate universe — Homestar tries to make a real fruit smoothie using Strong Bad's alternate universe portal.
- Weclome Back — One of the lyrics in the Cool Tapes' hit is "Kick it down with our real fruit flavor".
- Email keep cool — One of the chemicals Strong Bad found under the sink was Bleach Juice, which was advertised as containing -4% fruit juice.
- Email cliffhangers — Space Captainface encounters rotten fruit when he enters the Forgotten Produce belt of Tablature 5.
- Teen Girl Squad Issue 12 — After The Ugly One gets killed, So and So becomes emotional while informing a fruit cup of the news. Cheerleader angrily tells her to stop talking to fruit under the serious circumstances.
- Email winter pool — Coach Z mentions that he had a student in his health class named Red Angelo, whose sister was named "Grape-Flavored Jell-O With Fruit Floatin' In It".
- Email specially marked — "Fruit Smax" is the name of a cereal that Strong Bad recommends. It is the example cereal used while Strong Bad discusses avoiding box tops.
- Place Ya Bets! — Strong Sad has a notebook that mentions "Fruit Dip" on the agenda for the meeting.
- Strong Badia the Free — Upon arrival to Marzistar (or possibly Homezipan), Homestar asks Strong Bad, "Do you have any fruit to declare?"
- Dangeresque 3: The Criminal Projective — Dangeresque says, "Do you have any fruit to declare?" while threatening to use his nunchuck gun on the sign. The sign provides a bedsheet, which Dangeresque decides is way better than fruit.
- 8-Bit is Enough —
- One of the rules Homestar has for video games is to never eat the fruit on the screen, no matter how delicious it looks. He is later seen eating inside his interface because there is lots of food just lying around, including apples, bananas, and cherries.
- Strong Bad has to find his way through Gel-Arshie's Pro Fruitboarder.
- Cornucopia — Strong Bad draws various fruits that the cornucopia holds, before deciding to draw fangs on the cornucopia and saying that it is barfing the fruit.
- Mr. Poofers Must Die — Character 1 offers a sacrificial fruit to appease a beast of the apocalypse.
[edit] Apples
- The House that Gave Sucky Treats — If Strong Bad is given an apple, he will accuse the homeowner of being a hippie, a dentist, or a hippie-dentist.
- Jibblies 2 — Strong Bad asks The Cheat to make sure that Strong Mad hasn't gotten into their stash of razor blade candy apples.
- Stinkoman 20X6 — Apples are one of the items Stinkoman must avoid on Level 3.2.
- Email love poems — The "A" in Homestar's acrostic poem for Marzipan stands for "not-organic apples".
[edit] Bananas
- Homestar Presents: Presents — One of the gifts in Bubs's bargain bin is a banana with an arrow through it.
- A personified version of the banana is featured on day 16 of the Decemberweenvent Calendar.
- Email narrator — The Strong Badman character Grossman holds a banana.
- Marzipan's Answering Machine Version 13.2 — Homestar uses a banana as a phone.
- Homestar Ruiner — Strong Bad is surprised that The King of Town would eat anything as healthy as a banana. He uses the banana peel in his plan to kick all the party-crashers out of his house.
- 8-Bit is Enough — Marveling over the giant pile of crates that Marzipan has thrown, Strong Bad considers that one of the things in the massive bounty would be bananas.
- Fan 'Stumes 2021 — In response to a costume of the Where's an Egg? protagonist where the fan is not actually holding a gun, Strong Bad suggests it's actually a costume for the sequel, Locate Banana.
[edit] Cherries
- Email redesign — Strong Bad plays Sundae Drivin' on his green screen wall, and receives the message "Cherry Get!".
- Email keep cool (Easter egg) — While Strong Sad is chatting, the King of Town sneaks up to place whipped cream and a cherry on top of the "soft-serve flip" on his head.
- 8-Bit is Enough — When Strong Bad mentions that having to talk to Gel-arshie is "no bowl of cherries", Gel-arshie becomes excited and mentions how much he loves cherries.
[edit] Peaches
- Email interview — As part of his hypothetical interview with Homsar, Strong Bad (as Homsar) replies, "'Twas the pride of the peaches".
- Halloween Potion-ma-jig — When "Sing a Song" is selected, Homestar starts with "Backyard Peaches".
- Strong Badia the Free — After putting all the Homsartifacts into the mysterious pylon, Strong Bad floats in the air and recites, "'Twas the pride of the peaches!"
[edit] Pears
- Emails no loafing, the paper, and imaginary — During the flashback scenes, the wallpaper in Strong Bad's computer room has pears on it.
- Sbemail 150?!? — Strong Sad proposes on his storyboard that Coach Z should be holding a pear covered in eyeballs.
- Email alternate universe (Easter egg) — Coach Z holds a pear covered in googly eyes. Homestar says that if Coach Z won't eat it, he should give it to someone who will.
[edit] Other Fruits
- Email coloring — Strong Bad tells The Cheat to halt production on the Laser Lemon because "Crayola beat [them] to the punch".
- Let us give TANKS! —
- Ripberger brings ambrosia salad, and he and Fightgar both mention that they are thankful for ambrosia salad.
- Crackotage is thankful for a lime.
- Where's an Egg? — One of the items that a suspect could be holding is a giant strawberry.
- @StrongBadActual tweet (18 Aug 2017) — A picture of a watermelon is animated to speak like Homestar Runner, and is later made into melonade.
- Fan 'Stumes 2019 — A fan's head transforms into a strawberry and Homestar Runner's head transforms into a watermelon slice in a parody of commercials for Fruit Gushers candy.
- Disk 4 of 12 - World Games —
- While playing "Barrel Jumping", Strong Bad says that the contestant can crash through the ice, into the frozen river of fruit punch.
- While playing "Cliff Diving", Strong Bad claims that the contestant is diving off of cliffs of pure ambrosia salad.
- Fan 'Stumes 2021 — One of the baked goods that Strong Bad suggests that Baking Time Strong Bad should have baked is pineapple part-side-out problems.