From Homestar Runner Wiki
Often the Brothers Chaps will leave some curious questions unanswered in their toons. This page was created as a database for these circulating questions, as well as a place to gather questions to ask the Brothers Chaps, if you were to ever get the chance. They're also here in the hopes that a fellow user will have some inside info or firsthand knowledge, and can answer a few of them for us. To a lesser extent, there is also the hope that the Brothers Chaps might one day (or already have) stumbled upon this list, and perhaps feel inclined to answer them either in their toons or elsewhere. Feel free to add any questions that might be bugging you in the correct section. If you find that a question has already been answered, mention it on the bottom of this page, along with a reason and reference why/where it was answered.
Contents |
HRWiki-related Questions
- What were the circumstances of your finding the wiki? Specifically, when, where, why, and how. How much of it did you browse at the time, and what was your reaction then?
- Do you ever edit the wiki?
- Do you ever include elements into the toons based on confusion or misunderstanding at the wiki?
- Have you ever purposefully used the Quote of the Week or Sketchbook to resolve transcription questions for us?
- Do you ever use the wiki Fun Facts to debug new programs or features on the site?
- When did you produce Marzipan's Answering Machine Version 15.2? Did you make a new installment after you saw our featured article on the main page or perhaps earlier while browsing our selection process—or was it just a huge coincidence that the first time we showcased an answering machine was the day before you released a new version of this rare feature?
- Have you ever used the forum to find ideas for Halloween costumes?
Personal Information
- When is Missy's birthday?
- Is Missy's full name now Melissa Palmer-Chapman?
- On what date was the Original Book written?
- Are either of you left-handed?
Thought-process Questions
- Why label HyperBlade "Hypou Blade", on the Floppy Disk Container?
- Do you consider the Homestar and Marzipan/Homsar/Poopsmith previews ("Whatsit All About") in narrator to be one, two, or three movies?
- In caffeine, why was Coach Z's line changed from "I'm just a crazy old man!" to "I'm just an old man!"?
- Why was the secret phrase in Homestar Talker replaced?
- Is Marzipan a vegetarian, a vegan, or neither? (When she ate marshmallows in Date Nite, was this an oversight, or did you intend for them to be vegetarian marshmallows?)
- What is the relationship, if any, between Videlectrix, Boardelectrix, and Kidelectrix?
- Did you always intend to properly resolve montage (in the paper) or did you write a proper resolution due to fan demand?
- How come Strong Bad rarely shows his emotional features (e.g. he once looked worried in the beginning of retirement)?
- Is June 3rd 2004 significant? Did you originally plan to release something on that date?
- What is the toothpick sculpture supposed to look like?
- In personal favorites, did Coach Z's line "I'm a blade-man, man!" actually change from "I'm a white guy with a knife"?
- Is Strong Sad's sustainable MP3 player supposed to be an iPhone (as suggested by the silver border) or an iPod Touch (as suggested by the lack of a speaker)?
- Was fan club a parody of the Homestar Runner fandom in particular, or just fandom in general?
- Is the "broken glass" song from licensed just a random song, or is it a parody of something (and if so, what)?
- Why did The Poopsmith take a vow of silence?
- Whose Whatsit does the Poopsmith shovel?
- How were the emails on Sbemails' 50 Greatest Hits chosen?
- Why have "back" links been retired?
- Was Parsnips A-Plenty intended to be the Old-Timey version of The Reddest Radish?
- What, if anything, happened February 7, 2008?
Potential Real-World References
- Was the Everybody to the Limit tune based off of "Oops Up Side Your Head" by The Gap Band?
- Were you watching Family Guy the night you made do over?
- Was the word choice "Bedazzle" in Decemberween Short Shorts an intentional reference to the Bedazzler or just a coincidence?
- Is 20X6 inspired by 20XX from Mega Man, 20X5 from Metroid, or just the general concept of X replacing a date?
- Was Istanbul (in dangeresque 3) an intentional They Might Be Giants reference, or just a coincidence?
- Is the ATM wearing a football helmet in Experimental Film supposed to be a reference to Commander Keen?
Potential Inside Jokes
- Where does Wear a Bikini! come from?
- What is the significance of the names Jerome, Kevin, Dennis, Debra, and Joshy?
Potential Easter Eggs
- Was clicking on the word "abused" in privileges originally intended to be an Easter egg?
- Was the light switch in The House That Gave Sucky Treats ever intended to do anything?
- Were the credits on Peasant's Quest Movie Trailer ever supposed to be clickable?
Transcription Questions
- Strong Bad in The Reddest Radish: "Now let's cheat it" or "cheese it"?
- Limozeen Thanksgiving E-Cards Card #1: "...and the ____ of cranberry sauce"?
- Homestar Runner in dreamail: "I do hate white clouds" or "clowns"?
- Senor Cardgage from Senorial Day: "Gamble around the campfire" or "Gambol"?
- Puppet Jam: Mission Control: What is the lyric before "mission control"?
- Limozeen's Feed the Childrens: "Hey hey, doo-doot doo" or "Hey hey, doot doo"?
- Is Homsar actually saying something in the Easter egg of A Folky Tale, or is it just general mumbling?
- Head Bad in disconnected: "I hate your shoes", "I think you're cute", or something else?
- The Announcer in Strongest Man in the World: "Pom-Pom-Strong-Bad-and-Homestar" or what?
- "You can not..." or "...can't not be ready for the Strongest Man in the World Contest?"
- The Grape Fairie in Strongest Man in the World: "All right, youze ____ brains"?
- In Arcade Game, does the game say "Trogdor" or "Trogador" and if intentionally the latter, why?
- What is the Podstar Runner 2006 floppy disk labeled?
- What is the true title of Where the Crap Are We? (the Macromedia Central toon)?
- Why are Lappynapped! and Eggs uncategorized on your site? What would their categories be (toon, short, etc.)?
- Could you provide any precise dates for H* updates 2000–2001?
- In the June 29, 2006 Sketchbook, does Homestar's sole say "1-up" or "7-up"?
- What does the "ds" on Homestar's cut-out stand for in keep cool?
- What did you mean for the Polish message to say?
- Strong Bad in Drive-Thru: "bro-awesome" or "pro-awesome"?
- Drive-Thru Whale in Drive-Thru: "Steve, drive around", "Steer your car around", "Please drive around", ...?
- In Marzipan's Answering Machine Version 17.2:
Character Identification
- Is Mr. Bossman supposed to be the Old-Timey version of Homsar, or of someone else?
- The Saddy Dumpington entry in Strong Sad's Lament appears as though it could have been written by either Strong Sad or by Strong Bad (who had stolen Strong Sad's password). Which is it?
- Who is Kewpie Dan?
- What are the origins of 1-Up's name?
- Which one is Zubs and which one is Coach B?
- Is Mrs. So-and-so-erson supposed to be Arrow'd Guy in disguise?
- Does the voice that announces Arrow'd Guy's attacks belong to Arrow'd Guy or the narrator, Strong Bad?
- Is the Stickly Man supposed to be a 20X6 the Poopsmith?
- Is the cockroach crawling around in Strong Bad Main Page supposed to be different from Gavin, or just an old style?
- Who is "Our gracious host" supposed to be?
- In Teen Girl Squad Issue 11, which one is C-dogg and which is Naptime?
- In Teen Girl Squad Issue 12, is the first boy's name "Patchbeard" or "Peter Puberty"?
- Was Rumble Red intended to be the Old-Timey Nebulon?
- Which characters sing the first verse of the Sweet Cuppin' Cakes Theme Song and say "Eh! Steve" at the end?
- Is the man on the cover of This Book is Better Than 1st, 2nd, and Quite Possible 3rd Base Lem Sportsinterviews?
- Which paper dies at the end of hremail 3184; The Paper or New Paper?
- Is Humidibeth just a figment of Humidibot's imagination, or a real character?
- Who called Marzipan in Marzipan's Answering Machine Version 17.2, Blue Laser Commander or Guy Who Does The Bad Guy's Voice?
- What is the CGI Paper's true name?
- Does The Cheat's third computer have a name? If so, what is it?
Continuity Questions
- How many Wireless Biznesses were there, and will they ever be viewable again?
- Are you going to update Downloads and/or Homestar Quiz?
- Why did you take Puppet Jam: Mission Control off the site for a year before releasing it?
- When did you change the Main Page format off the one in the Museum?
- What happened to those characters that are rarely seen anymore?
- Did the Poopsmith appear in Marshmallow's Last Stand before The King of Town, or was he added in MLS later?
- Why was sb_email 22 released out of order?
- Why is there no silver Homestar head at the beginning of the podcast for Malloween Commercial?
- Why do the music video podcasts begin and end with the " Presents a Strong Bad Email" clips, even if Strong Bad does not even appear in them?
- Were toons such as Homestar vs. Other Little Girl, Strong Bad is a Bad Guy, or even Super NES ever intended to be added to the Random Toon button?
- Were TROGDOR! and Duck Guardian One ever intended to return to Viidelectrix?
- Why was Podstar Runner discontinued for nine months (from March 2007 to January 2008)?
- Why weren't any toons removed from New Stuff?
- Which email was The Umpire going to appear in, according to the DVD commentary for Where My Hat Is At?
- Why does the Visor Robot speak with its PBTC voice in Marzipan's Answering Machine Version 17.2?
- Why were the rejected costumes rejected?
- Why wasn't there a Lappy equivalent to the broken Tandy and Compy menus?
Miscellaneous Questions
- What is the difference between Pork Ramblins and Pork Snagglins?
- Why does Hyperactive Strong Sad always mention Wood-davers?
- Why "rando"?
- What is "Caaardinal Sins"?
- In weird dream, why are Louisiana's underpants on sideways?
- In Parsnips A-Plenty, is the Kaiser ruling Hell, or is he just in it?
- Where, specifically, did you get the poster of Strong Sad's that Strong Bad crashes through in gimmicks?
- What is the significance of the year 1987?
- What, if anything, is pressed bunson?
- How did you get the picture for the FAQ? Did Audrey submit it to you as fanstuff, or did you find it online yourselves and then get in touch with her?
- Why were there no Decemberween toons in 2005?
- Why were there no April Fools' Day specials in 2007 or 2008?
- Was the secret page Homestar's Yearbook designed as an alternate header for Strong Bad's Message Bored?
- Would it mean anything specific if Homestar and company did get doppy?
- Which costume from Homestarloween Party received the most votes?
- What's the story behind Field Day Intro? (How were you contacted to become involved in the event?, how did it work?, etc.)
- Are the emails in SBCG4AP Advertisement, email thunder, April Fool 09, and sbemail 206 real?
- On strongbad_email.exe Disc Five, why does the FBI Warning background not have constantly shifting colors?
- Why is the Tandy 400's ghost broken in ghosts, but non-broken in retirement?
- Why did Strong Bad only check a few emails on the Compé before abandoning it?
- Will there be an Everything Else, Volume 4 (or later)?
- Did Jonathan Howe help program the weeklies XML file?
- Were the two Dad's Garage presentations the same toon?
- Will the Dad's Garage toon(s) ever be publicly available (e.g. on the site, YouTube, a DVD)?
- Was Marshmallow's Last Stand really the first full-length toon?
- What happened to the old Puppet Strong Bad?
- Why has there been next to no information regarding Dangeresque: Crime Scene Tamperer since its announcement?
Answered Questions
Somewhat Answered Questions
- What do you think of the Homestar Runner Wiki? (Answered several times, see The Brothers Chaps' Fansite Acknowledgments)
- Has the wiki helped you in any way? (Ditto)
- What is the history of If I Ran the Camera? (Somewhat answered with the addition of the Flash File, it appears to just be a short animation made for family centered around Astrid Renee, who is Little Girl)
- Where does the name Dan come from? (Dan is a cousin of the Brothers Chaps)
- Why were A Jumping Jack Contest and Marshmallow's Last Stand removed from the site? (In the Club Aquatica interview, Matt Chapman mentions that the toons were removed due to personal reasons, but said he and Mike weren't able to explain further.)
- Do Homestar and Marzipan live together now, as implied in your funeral and Date Nite? (In the DVD commentary for Date Nite, Matt and Mike agree that Homestar and Marzipan still live in different houses, yet Homestar comes to Marzipan's house often.)
- Was Quality Time with Cardboard Homestar intended to include references to the baby break? (The DVD commentary begins with Mike announcing that "Matt had a baby", which makes it very likely the references were intentional)
- Why Sanka for the substance to "caffeinate" Strong Sad when it's decaf? (According to the DVD commentary, Matt and Mike did not know when they wrote the email that Sanka was decaf coffee)
- Will the Kick The Cheats ever be brought back? (After selling out in 2005, Kick The Cheat toys were brought back by popular demand through 2007. They have been referred to as "extinct" through the Store with no indication of being brought back a second time. As evidenced through Twitter and Instagram, Mike and Matt still have leftover spare voiceboxes; on rare occasions a remaining doll has been offered as a contest price or donation incentive.)
- Do the Videlectrix Guys have names and, if so, what are they? (Conflicting answers are given in Eric Conveys an Emotion: The Interview, 8-Bit is Enough, and Joystick Wagglin' with Videlectrix: Halloween Edition.)
- Will there be a second CD? (See Homestar Runner Original Soundtrack)
- Are you going to update First Time Here? (In the YouTube version of First Time Here?, the ending is slightly changed visually to have Strong Bad recommend Fish Eye Lens and TROGDOR! instead of A Jorb Well Done and the Homestar Talker, respectively.)
- Will ever return to regular updates? (Main Pages now say "updated every someday"; in interviews TBC have explained "We're not expecting this to be our full-time gig [...] if we want to make a great cartoon, every couple months it will be something new" and "We still want to make [toons], but it might be sort of sporadic and without warning.")
More Or Less Completely Answered Questions
- Who's the rejected Marzipan costume from the Museum Sketchbook? (Answered with the Museum update)
- When are you going to update the Museum? (Answered with an update of the Museum on February 14th, 2006)
- How did you meet DaVinci's Notebook? (Answered with the DVD Commentary to Ballad of The Sneak)
- How did you meet Y-O-U? (Answered during the Q&A at Flashforward)
- How did you meet The Skate Party? (Answered in the DVD commentary track for The Cheat Theme Song - they received an email from them.)
- Strong Bad in for kids: "I'll kill all of your dogs" or "dolls"? (Answered in the DVD commentary: "dogs")
- Is "Mike" short for "Michael"? (Mike's full name is indeed Michael, which was given in his father's obituary)
- Who is the Very, Very Little Girl? (See the talk page)
- Homestar in Strong Bad is in Jail Cartoon: "Yeah, no," or "Yeah, I know"? (Answered in the DVD commentary for "Strong Bad is in Jail Cartoon")
- Is Cardboard Marzipan used when Missy is unavailable to voice Marzipan? (Yes, at least the first time. Missy was indeed unavailable for Happy Fireworks, according to the DVD commentary)
- Does the robot have a name? (TBC never actually named the robot, but they use the name Visor Robot for it, which they picked up from reading this wiki. This is all discussed very lightheartedly on the DVD commentary for Homestarloween Party, and the name has been used in Marzipan's Answering Machine Version 17.2)
- Why is Strong Sad's Lament usually on hiatus? (TBC go on an update frenzy for a short time, then just forget about it for a year. Talked about in A Folky Tale's DVD commentary.)
- What do you think of H*R Fan Fiction? (Answered in Cold Hard Flash Interview)
- What is Marzipan's first line in looking old? (Answered in the Quote of the Week)
- Taranchula in your funeral: "Put him in a jar" or "Brother in a jar"? (Answered in the Quote of the Week)
- Did you really mean for the Drive-Thru Whale to say "Sever your leg"? (Answered in the Quote of the Week)
- Will all the references to DNA evidence build up to a new case? (Answered with the release of the big toon DNA Evidence)
- Are you really planning to have Strong Bad upgrade The Paper in email #173, as shown in montage? (Answered with the release of the email the paper, in which the printer dies and Bubs helps Strong Bad install an inkjet printer)
- Is "Rocoulm" the true name of the Jibblies Painting? (Answered in Jibblies 2, where a card displaying the painting reads "The Rocoulm")
- Did you intend to make a DNA Evidence running gag back when you made strong badathlon? (Answered in the DVD commentary of the DNA Evidence Toon; when strong badathlon was written the gag was only intended to be used once)
- Does the Strong Bad Main Page take place in a rejected version of the Basement of the Brothers Strong or a separate section of the same design? (The email nightlife reveals Strong Bad's Room is located in a separate section of the current basement.)
- In rough copy, does Strong Bad say "manila envelope" or "vanilla envelope"? (The high audio quality of the Podstar Runner version reveals Strong Bad says "manila envelope".)
- How much did you do for (Answered in Late Nite JengaJam Interview - 4 Oct 2007)
- When you record the audio for the cartoons, how much of it is improvised? (Answered in NYU Talk - 1 Mar 2005; a fan asks if they record on paper first, and Mike replies, "No. We kinda just do it on the fly. We don't have time for that. When it's Sunday night at five in the afternoon we don't have time for storyboards.")
- Why hasn't Strong Bad used the Lappy 486 to delete an email? (Hasn't deleted an email on the site, but did so in the strongbad_email.exe Disc Five intro menu and in Strong Bad's Cool Game For Attractive People)
- When is Craig Zobel's birthday? (Answered in this revision of his Wikipedia article.)
- Is Fan Costumes 2016 categorized as a "big toon" unintentionally (did you mean to categorize Homestar Runner Goes for the Gold as a big toon instead)? (Yes; this has since been fixed.)
- Will Stinkoman 20X6 ever be completed? (Level 10 was finally released on December 20, 2020.)
- Was 20X6 Marzipan intended to resemble Sailor Moon? (The Sailor Moon clip art that was traced to create Marzi-Mei was found.)
- What is the true title of Eggs (the unfinished Easter special)? (Since the post-Flash site update, the names of toons are in the titles of their pages; the page for Eggs lists the toon's name as "eggs".)
- Caleb Rentpayer's butler: "Tucksworth" or "Tuxworth"? (On December 4, 2022, his name was spelled as "Tuxworth" in a Tweet.)
- Was Strong Sad really supposed to say "What?" in A Decemberween Pageant, or did he just forget his line? (Matt asks this question in the DVD commentary, to which Mike says that he intended for it to be Strong Sad's line.)