From Homestar Runner Wiki
Although they never appear in person, there have been references to hobos — wandering vagrants who frequently settle down on trains — on the Homestar Runner website.
- Parsnips A-Plenty — The sign on the Parsnip Depot says that hobos are not allowed there.
- Hallrunner — If you choose "Talk to it" when you come all up on a train, the game says that you talk to a hobo in the livestock car and that he smells.
- Kick the Can (DVD commentary) — As Mike Chapman explains that the toons were made in two separate batches, The Homestar Runner tells him that he knew a hobo named Two Batches and that he got "run o'er by a train".
- Sam & Max Season Two Alternate Ending 101 — Homestar Runner says that he fell in with "some magical hobos, smuggling rye toast through the mists of the Coches Mountains".
- Strong Badia the Free — Strong Bad remarks that the King of Town's Snacky 186 was made for "a mix of three-year-olds and train car hobos".
- Most in the Graveyard — As Strong Bad and his posse search for a corpse to exhume and reanimate, they come across several tombstones with the inscriptions of bizarre-sounding names on them, to Strong Bad's frustration. He asks, "Is there some secret period in history when hobos ruled the Earth that I'm unaware of?" The tombstone marked "Plutis" also has an image of a hobo's bindle engraved on it.