From Homestar Runner Wiki
Holidays are a big part of Free Country, USA, with holidays such as Mother's Day and Flag Day. Some of the more prevalent holidays are unlikely choices, such as April Fools' Day and Labor Day, also known as Labor Dabor. The most celebrated holidays, however, are Halloween and Decemberween, the latter of which appears to be a euphemism for Christmas.
The toon names in italic text are toons where the holiday is only mentioned.
New Year's Day (January 1)
A day to set goals for the next year, with no intention whatsoever of following them.
- Where's The Cheat? (2002) — The Cheat's resolution mentioned.
- Strong Sad's Lament (2003) — Strong Sad talks about several people's resolutions, and his own.
- Homestar Presents: Presents (2005) — Strong Bad mentions near the end that Homestar Runner will be freaking out about Decemberween presents until New Year's.
- Homestar Ruiner (2008) — If Coach Z asks Strong Mad about the Total Load Powder in his locker, Strong Mad says only on Tuesdays. Coach Z asks him what day today is, to which Strong Mad responds, "HAPPY NEW YEAR".
- Marzipan's Answering Machine Version 17.2 (2011) — Strong Sad tries something new on January 1, 2011.
Trogday (January 13)
The anniversary of the creation of Trogdor the Burninator in the Strong Bad Email dragon.
- See main article: Trogday (holiday)
Super Bowl/The Big Game (last Sunday in January or first Sunday in February)
A day of rest, and of putting off until tomorrow what you could do today.
- island (2002) — Strong Bad and Homestar find a flyer advertising Super Bowl XIX.
- Superbowl Dealie (2003)
- Sloshybowl (2008)
Valentine's Day (February 14)
A depressing time for Strong Sad, and possibly even Strong Bad, Valentine's Day is the day the citizens of Free Country, USA realize just how empty their lives really are.
- Marzipan's Answering Machine Version 6.0 (2002) — Strong Bad and Homestar ask Marzipan what they should get their girlfriends for Valentine's Day.
- Strong Sad's Lament (2003) — Strong Sad laments about Valentine's Day, via a short Powered by The Cheat-style animation.
- Teen Girl Squad Issue 12 (2007)
- Sickly Sam's Big Outing (2008)
- Ancient Valentine Cards (2021)
April Fools' Day (April 1)
A time of tomfoolery for
- See main article: April Fools' Day
Easter (Sunday following first full moon after March 20)
A holiday of small note and obscurity in Free Country, USA, Easter has not been featured very often (perhaps due to its religious content, similar to Decemberween replacing Christmas).
- The House That Gave Sucky Treats (2001) — One option involves giving Strong Bad old Easter candy.
- Eggs (2007) — This toon was left unfinished for six years.
- Rotten Eggs (2008)
- Punkin Stencils (2009) — Homestar recalls carving a picture of the Goblin into one of his pumpkins, then leaving it out on the front porch until Easter, allowing it to rot and turn as green as the Goblin himself.
- On April 6, 2020, Strong Bad started an Easter egg hunt on his Twitter account. The catch is to not use the wiki.
The Cheat's "Cheatday" (April 18)
The Cheat's birthday, known as "Cheatday", is celebrated on April 18, the date on The Cheat's fake ID, because that's the only day Strong Bad is sure is not The Cheat's birthday.
- Strong Bad Main Page — Strong Bad refers to The Cheat's birthday party.
- cheatday (2004)
Record Store Day (third Saturday in April)
A day about celebrating the cultivation of record stores everywhere.
- Record Store Day (2015)
- Record Store Day 2018 (2018)
Earth Day (April 22)
Earth Day provides a time to conserve the environment and its resources, but hardly anyone in Free Country takes advantage of it.
- Happy Hallow-day (2006) — The King of Town assures Strong Sad he is on a strict diet of Arbor Day and Earth Day.
- Pistols for Pandas (2009) — Crack Stuntman refers to it as a "made-up holiday designed to make your parents feel guilty about their car".
Mother's Day (second Sunday in May)
A day to recognize the hard work of the women who never have appeared in Free Country, USA, and likely never will.
- A Mother's Day Message (2001)
Memorial Day (last Monday in May)
It is sometimes referred to as Senorial Day, which may be its own holiday that corresponds to Memorial Day. Apparently, all the big stores in town (at least, Senor Cardgage's and Bubs's) have sales that weekend.
- Senorial Day (2005)
- the movies (2005) — "Memorials Day" is one of the dates listed on the Dangeresque 3 poster
Flag Day (June 14)
A day to proudly raise the Strong Badia flag, and sing along to the Strong Badia national anthem.
- flag day (2002)
Fourth of July/Independence Day (July 4)
A time of patriotism, retrospect, and, of course, fireworks.
Labor Day (first Monday of September)
Labor Day (also known as Labor Dabor) is a day of no work, enforced by the Homestarmy.
- labor day (2003)
- Labor Dabor (2004)
Halloween (October 31)
A popular holiday in Free Country. The main characters are always seen in a different costume at this time.
- See main article: Halloween
Thanksgiving (fourth Thursday in November)
A time of feasting and reminiscing.
- Some Stupid Turkey (2001)
- Happy T! (2002)
- Limozeen Thanksgiving E-Cards (2003)
- colonization (2003)
- Marzipan's Answering Machine Version 9.2 (2003) — The King of Town calls up to find out if it's still Thanksgiving.
- Halloween Potion-ma-jig (2005) — The King of Town offers "powdered Thanksgiving" as a potential potion ingredient.
- Fall Float Parade (2005)
- Let us give TANKS! (2006)
- pizza joint (2007) — The King of Town tries to order 50 Thanksgiving Lover's pizzas.
- Toikey TV (2007)
- Twenty THANXty Six (2008)
- Cornucopia (2017)
Decemberween (December 25)
A made-up holiday that takes place 55 days after Halloween. It is analogous to Christmas.
- A Holiday Greeting (2000)
- The Best Decemberween Ever (2001)
- A Decemberween Pageant (2002)
- Decemberween Email Menu (2002)
- Decemberween in July (2004)
- Snowglobe (2004)
- Homestar Presents: Presents (2004)
- what i want (2006)
- Decemberween Short Shorts (2006)
- Happy Dethemberween (2007)
- Hooked on Decemberween (2008)
- A Death Defying Decemberween (2008)
- Compy Catalog — Strong Bad says receiving a new catalog is like "Decemberween morning, [his] birthday, a candy store, and Strong Sad's funeral all wrapped together".
- Doomy Tales of the Macabre — Marzipan reminds Homestar that she gives him macrame dream catchers every Decemberween.
- A Decemberween Mackerel (2010)
- Which Ween Costumes? (2010)
- Dangeresque: Puppet Squad - The Hot Jones Hijack (2017)
- Decemberweenvent Calendar (2022)
General birthday references also abound. All of these toons mention birthdays.
- In Search of the Yello Dello — Homestar tries to get Marzipan something for her birthday.
- Marzipan's Answering Machine Version 1.0 — Strong Sad mentions the CDs he got for Marzipan's birthday.
- Strong Bad Sings — Strong Mad sings "Happy Birthday", or at least tries to.
- Strong Sad's Secret Styles — The box contains a birthday card from Strong Bad to Strong Sad.
- anything — Homestar reminisces about the time he made a birthday present for Marzipan out of old CDs in a decorative bag.
- flashback — Homestar mistakenly thinks it's Strong Bad's birthday.
- origins — A flashback to Lil' Strong Bad's birthday is shown.
- bottom 10 — Marshie claims it's his "birfday"; Nibbles corrects him, saying it's his own.
- Happy Trogday — Stinkoman says his birthday was last week (presumably January 6, a week before Trogday, as japanese cartoon is the email immediately preceding dragon).
- Strongest Man in the World — Homestar tells Pom Pom to give him the golbol for his birthday.
- licensed — Homestar says it's still his "best birthdays ever" after getting glass shards stuck in his face from a glass-filled piñata.
- Compy Catalog — Strong Bad says receiving a new catalog is like "Decemberween morning, [his] birthday, a candy store, and Strong Sad's funeral all wrapped together".
- For the anniversary of the release of Strong Bad Email dragon, see #Trogday (January 13).
Anniversaries of milestones on the timeline of Homestar Runner are sometimes celebrated with toons, merchandise, or live shows.
- Strongest Man in the World (2006) — An animated remake of the Original Book for its 10th anniversary.
- Homestar's 10th Birthday T-Shirt (2006) — For the Original Book's 10th anniversary, the Store brought back an old shirt showcasing Homestar's evolution.
- Where My Hat Is At? (toon) (2009) — An animated remake of Where My Hat is At? for its 10th anniversary.
- Homestar Runner 20th Anniversary Shows (2016) — Two live shows celebrating the Original Book's 20th anniversary.
- Homestar Runner Goes for the Gold (2016) — The toon (based on the abandoned book Homestar Runner Goes For The Gold!) was first shown at the 20th anniversary shows before its release on the site in December.
- Homestar Runner Embwoidered Hoodie (2020) — On the index page messages, this hoodie was advertised as being a celebration of the Original Book's 25th birthday.
See Also
- Chronological list of Holiday Toons
Most Recent Toons | ||||||||
Big Toons
Homestar Runner Goes for the Gold
| Shorts
Zeenin' Into The Night
| Holidays
Fanstume [singular] '24
| Puppet Stuff
Talk-It-Yourself Homestar Runner Puppet Plush
| Strong Bad Email
| Video Stuff
Disk 4 of 12 - Vampire's Castle
| Teen Girl Squad
Issue 15
| Marzipan's Answering Machine
Version 17.2
| YouTube
Decemberweenvent Calendar (2022 Revisited)