Homestar Runner and The Cheat's Relationship
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Revision as of 15:52, 19 June 2024 by The Knights Who Say Ni (Talk | contribs)

"Let me outline my master plan. I will (a) drop my grapes, and (b) uncover that cheat!"
Homestar Runner and The Cheat have a generally antagonistic relationship. The Cheat usually enjoys tormenting Homestar Runner, usually at the request of Strong Bad, but he has gone out of his way to hurt or inconvenience him of his own initiative as well. Homestar is generally oblivious to The Cheat's attempts to antagonize him but will, through ignorance more than malice, insult or degrade him in turn.
There have also been a few instances where the two were at peace, with Homestar being friendly to the little guy and The Cheat helping Homestar out, usually in a "professional" capacity.
[edit] The Cheat Antagonizing Homestar
- A Jumping Jack Contest — The Cheat tricks Homestar into drinking 147 glasses of melonade in attempt to have him disqualified.
- The Cheat Theme Song — Skate Party sings that The Cheat is "always messin' up Homestar's plans".
- Main Page 15 — In this Powered by The Cheat main page, a circle with a slash overlaps Homestar if "toons" is selected.
- Pumpkin Carve-nival — The Cheat refuses to talk to Homestar after he mistakes The Cheat's costume for Witch's Brew.
- Lookin at a Thing in a Bag — The Cheat plans how to trick Homestar into buying free drinks for him and his friends.
- Crazy Cartoon, mile, and New Boots — The Cheat creates a cartoon in which Strong Bad kicks Homestar.
- Email privileges — The Cheat burns Homestar's magazines.
- Everybody Knows It — The Cheat confirms Homestar's suspicions that he will put dog food in Homestar's shoes later.
- Tis True, Pom Pom, Tis True — The Cheat whacks Homestar with a baseball bat, causing him to believe he was transported to the Middle Ages.
- PAY PLUS! — The Cheat uses a single-button remote control to make Homestar fall through a trapdoor.
- Email origins — The Cheat chainwhips Homestar.
- Email garage sale — The Cheat breaks into Homestar's house to abduct Homestar and steal his stuff.
- Email space program — The Cheat throws a CD case at Homestar.
- Summer Short Shorts — The Cheatsaurus attacks PBTC Homestar (as well as Strong Bad and Marzipan).
- Date Nite — The Cheat threatens to beat Homestar up when he tries to ruin his date with Marzipan.
- Email rough copy — The Cheat throws water balloons at Homestar when he tries to make Strong Bad flavored water.
- The Homestar Runner Gets Something Stuck in His Craw — The Cheat and Strong Bad make fun of The Homestar Runner for doing yard work and for talking to his craw.
- Strong Badia the Free — The Cheat becomes a traitor to the Homestarmy during the overthrow of The King of Town.
- Best Caper Ever — The Cheat pees in Homestar's melonade and somehow helps Strong Bad lure Homestar into the Arctic.
- Where U Goin' 2? — The Cheat drinks Homestar's melonade before Homestar can.
[edit] Homestar Antagonizing The Cheat
- Original Book and Strongest Man in the World — Homestar kicks The Cheat to eliminate Strong Bad from the Strongest Man in the World contest.
- Labor Dabor — Homestar scolds The Cheat and beats him with a spoon for working on Labor Day.
- Date Nite — Homestar compares The Cheat's figure to a "Trivial Pursuit cheese wedge".
- DNA Evidence — Homestar accidentally spits the "Mountain Dew," which was really the DNA evidence, at The Cheat.
- Email pet show — Homestar gets The Cheat disqualified from the Cat Mess Inbredtational Pet Show.
- Email hiding — Homestar inadvertently annoys The Cheat by calling him "The Squeak."
- Strong Badia the Free — If The Cheat and Homestar come into battle during Maps and Minions Deluxe, Homestar says "You're no match for the Homestarmy!" and kicks The Cheat.
[edit] Homestar and The Cheat getting along
- A Mother's Day Message — Homestar and The Cheat ridicule Strong Bad's sailor costume along with Pom Pom and Strong Mad.
- The Cheat Theme Song — Homestar calls The Cheat's video the best video game he ever played.
- Email helium — Homestar calls The Cheat "a fine-looking young man".
- The Interview — Homestar says that The Cheat could win a fight against Strong Sad.
- Everybody Knows It — Homestar and The Cheat do a music video.
- Email replacement — Homestar refuses to kick The Cheat.
- Email extra plug — Homestar and The Cheat plan to "watch" a picture of Andy Griffith's head taped to the TV with Strong Mad and Strong Sad. Later, they all help Strong Bad with his "unplugged email."
- Halloween Fairstival — Homestar tries to cure The Cheat's hiccups by selling him Witch's Brew.
- Email pizza joint — The Cheat gives Homestar a job at The Pizz.
- Email do over — Homestar and The Cheat spend this email in each other's roles.
- The Homestar Runner Gets Something Stuck in His Craw — The Homestar Runner gets The Cheat, Strong Bad, Bubs, Coach Z, and himself meatball subs.
- Homestar Ruiner — The Cheat gives Homestar advice on how to win Marzipan back (although this could be false advice).
- Baddest of the Bands — Homestar cheers The Cheat and the other Cool Tapes on at the Battle of the Bands, though he states he's only pretending while Pom Pom is giving him a break from the Pomstar stage.
- Dangeresque 3: The Criminal Projective — Homestar plays Uzi Bazooka, the minion of The Cheat's character, Craig. Homestar is also seen brushing The Cheat's head.
- A Death Defying Decemberween — The Cheat assists in Homestar's scheme to get out of visiting Marzipan's parents.
- Front Facing — The Cheat attempts to join Homestar in facing the camera, and Homestar encourages him, complimenting him on his back-facing pose.