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Groan in Iowa!

Sometimes when text appears in a cartoon or game, a word that would be expected is replaced by a homophone, a word that is pronounced the same, but has a different spelling and meaning.


  • Thorax Corporation — There are various examples of homophones across the site. The list is as follows:
    • "Our Gentle Staph" (Seen on the page of the same name)
    • "[...] we can't weight!" (Seen on the second old pop-up)
    • "Take the Rode less haggled with LEG DELABOR!" (Seen on Leg's "Path's to Total Stardom" page)
    • "We don't want to waist our time or yours so we'll get ride to the point. [...] Due to Fedeal Income Tacks Laws, [...]." (Seen on the PROGRAM CONGRATULATION(TM)(R)(C) PRODUKT)
    • "The water cooler just down the hall from my ofice-cubikle provides me now with great sustenance and pried." (Seen on Sted Delabor's page)
  • Marshmallow's Last Stand — On the wall behind Homestar Runner and Pom Pom in the beginning, there is a picture that reads, "Nice to meat you". When it zooms in, the picture changes to "Lettuce pray".
  • The King of Town DVD — The page title for the commentary reads "The King of Town Common Tation".
  • In Search of the Yello DelloMarzipan's watering can reads "H2Oh!".
    • The page title for the commentary reads "YELLO-DELLO COMMON TATERS".
  • Email guitarStrong Bad claims he can play some "hott lixx" on a guitar.
  • Email dullardDullard has "THE BEST BOSS IN THE WHOLE WHIRLED."
  • Email mascot — The subtitles read "See Gee In You".
  • Email mile — The theme of the prom advertised in the Easter egg is "A Knight to Remember".
  • Malloween Commercial — Homestar offers the trick-or-treating Marshie CAN D.
  • Email couch patchThe Poopsmith wears a Has Matt? suit.
  • Email colonization — The book on the history of Strong Badia shows the area as "The Neu Wirlde".
  • Stinkoman 20X6FLASH 7 OR HIRE REQUIRED. This is also an example of deliberately poor English.
  • Stinkomanual — In Level 6, the question is posed: "Is it getting warmer in hear?!?"
  • HomestarRunner.com: PAY PLUS! — A "loggin'" box is located in the top right corner of the screen.
  • Email garage sale — The can of peas that Senor Cardgage buys reads "Canopys".
  • Teen Girl Squad Issue 9 — The glue stick is labeled "GLOO STICK".
  • Sick Day — Strong Bad's box of tissues is labeled "Tish, You!".
  • Email alternate universe — Strong Bad suggests to email sender Jody (who is not a girl) that he can "probably ditch that (not a girl) thing, if you just replaced it with something tough and cool and kool and tuff".
  • Thy Dungeonman 3 — A veggie cart dude says, "Visualize whirled peas."
  • Email coloring — After receiving an email from "Ter", Strong Bad begins the response with "Well, Ter," but types "Welter".
    • Marzipan's class is known as "L.U.R.N.."
  • Email strong badathlon — The poster for the "Homestar vs. Homestar?" fight says the match is available on Paper View!
  • Email your funeral — Strong Bad is lying in a "Coughin'".
  • Email more armies — Strong Bad holds up a Bro, Sure! at his On Point Kings booth. Inside, it mentions their fourfathers.
  • Email bike thiefStrong Mad disguises himself as a textile factory labeled BRRLAP.
  • Rap Song — Music plays from a Mick's Tape.
  • Happy Dethemberween — The pamphlets that pop up when Strong Bad says "discount travel packages" are accompanied by a pop-up that says, "Lo, Low Fares!"
    • Later, the high pitched singers are singing from book called "Hims."
  • Email specially markedCorn Krunch is IOWA GROAN, one box of cereal has OH! T'MEEL in it, and Chocolate Breakfast Candy Bar Pops are "PART OF THIS NEW, TRITIOUS BREAKFAST".
  • videlectrix.com (July 18, 2008) — "Videlectrix has been committing to all kinds of excellents in video gaming."
  • Most in the Graveyard — The page title reads "Ketchup Fountain SOUL'd Separately".
  • Dangeresque Roomisode 1: Behind the Dangerdesque — Upon entering the Smoky Office, Strong Bad as Dangeresque remarks that "that warehaus was full of action and suspense!"
  • 4 GregsSci-Fi Greg says "halftime" as "Halph-Thyme".
  • Kick-a-Ball — When Strong Bad tells The Cheat to check the Cheaters' Almanac to avoiding stepping on their "cheat toes", The Cheat holds up a bag of Cheat-toes.
  • Where U Goin' 2? — The book of "Hims" reappears.
  • Email videography — Strong Bad uses a Seedy Rom of unanimated clip art and copyright-free classical music to improve a wedding video.
  • Flash is Dead! — Homestar Runner's dating profile is best viewed with Ned's cape 1.0 or lower.
  • The Show: Ween Edition — Strong Mad's guess is "right on the money", but "write on the money" appears on the screen with an animation of writing on money.

See Also

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