From Homestar Runner Wiki
Mustard is a popular condiment, both in the real world and in the Homestar Runner universe.
- Bubs' Character Video — Among the inventory items Bubs lists for his concession stand are "mustard dogs".
- Email stupid stuff — Strong Bad says that saying stupid stuff is Homestar Runner's bread and butter, or at least his crackers and mustard. He later asks The Cheat to fix him some mustard crackers.
- Thy Dungeonman II — If the player looks at the chamber pot in the cell, it is compared to a mustard pot.
- Email record book — Homsar wins the record for "Semi-Annual Mustard Man Award Or Best Offer!".
- Email 4 branches — Homestar gives The King of Town a makeover on The Show, describing the process as "From drab to fab with nothing but mustard!"
- Email underlings — Strong Bad uses mustard (along with other condiments) to write on various food items, in an attempt to tell Homestar that he has a piece of cilantro stuck in his mouth.
- The Baloneyman — Several of the sandwiches Bubs sells from his truck include mustard. Strong Bad wipes his forehead with one such sandwich and leaves behind a small mustard stain.
- Strong Badia the Free — Upon wandering into The Poopsmith's cloud of stink, Homsar will exclaim, "This mustard is just like paradise!"
- Email imaginary — Lil' Strong Bad prepares an "open-face booby trap" with pickles, despite being out of ketchup, mustard, and mayonnaise.
- Doomy Tales of the Macabre — The King of Town dresses as Col. Mustard from Clue. Strong Bad accuses him of having eaten the Colonel's mustard.
- The House That Gave Sucky Tricks — As a part of Homestar's haunted house, his blank mounted picture frames have splashes of mustard on them.
- Email too cool — Strong Bad says that Senor Cardgage is too cool for wiping honey mustard off himself.