Parents' Basement

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"I'm gonna have to ask you to leave my parent's basement now."

The location of someone's parents' basement has been mentioned in a several cartoons, often used disparagingly by Strong Bad. Typically, it is stated or implied that an individual lives in their parents' basement, suggesting a lack of personal or professional success.

Sometimes the phrase is used in a singular possessive case ("parent's" with the apostrophe before the s), implying that there is only one parent in possession of the basement.


Use by The Brothers Chaps

The Brothers Chaps have discussed their real-world parents' basement on occasion. Prior to February 2003, when they began working with a fulfillment company, distribution of Homestar Runner merchandise was done out of the Chapman parents' basement; the brothers have repeatedly emphasized that they never lived in said basement, as the running gag had led some fans to believe.

See Also

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