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Revision as of 07:57, 30 July 2022 by Gfdgsgxgzgdrc (Talk | contribs)
Whether being brought to Thanksgiving dinners, sold as an herbal supplement, or causing turmoil behind the scenes, salads of various kinds have been mentioned from time to time.
- Videlectrix — One of the games made by the company is called Salad Daze.
- The House That Gave Sucky Treats — If Homsar is voted for best costume, the viewer is prompted to send an email with "Homsar Salad Sandwich" as the subject.
- Email CGNU (DVD commentary) — Homestar Runner mentions that his attempt to draw the guy with a big knife resulted in him drawing a girl with a salad.
- Email unused emails (Easter egg) — One of the images the viewer can make appear in Bubs's weekly spamvertisement is a jar of three-bean salad.
- Email suntan (Easter egg) — Homsar draws a calculator displaying "SALAd" on him as part of his "Celebrity(?) Testimonial" for the Ab-Abber 2000.
- Email caffeine — While hyped up on caffeine, Strong Sad asks Coach Z if he wants some salad while attacking him.
- Email old comics — Strong Bad leaves to start the "Who Put Pasta Salad in Strong Mad's Underdrawer Drawer Scare of '04".
- Some Puppet Stuff — After Mike Chapman asks him what he had for breakfast, Puppet Homestar responds by saying he had two salads ("one of fruit, and one of rice").
- Stinkoman 20X6 — After defeating Harvax XVII, who is revealed to be full of Prudench, Stinkoman cheers, "ALRIGHT! PRAWN SALAD!"
- Stinkomanual — The quote on Nebulon's page is "Another green salad, another iced tea...", a line from the Sonic Youth song "Tunic (Song for Karen)".
- Email pop-up — Strong Bad, saying that the sender's email about a Strong Bad pop-up book that was "the book of [their] dreams" could apply to anything, edits the email by replacing "pop-up book" with "salad", followed by "taco salad".
- Let us give TANKS! — Ripberger brings a bowl of ambrosia salad to Blue Laser Commander's Thanksgiving dinner. He mentions it later while everyone is giving thanks.
- Email the movies — Homestar talks to the movie about making a salad.
- Email original — The King of Town eats all the mayonnaise off of Original Bubs's egg salad, angering him to the point of leaving Homestar Runner.
- Email slumber party — Salad is a part of the dinner that Strong Bad uses as an example of the food served at bad slumber parties.
- Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People —
- Homestar Ruiner — The Drive-Thru Whale may occasionally say that "in the event of a firestorm, the salad bar will remain open." This line also appears in Baddest of the Bands.
- Baddest of the Bands — Strong Bad dismisses the Lithuanian Albino Vegan Bats as a bunch of "salad-munching, pink-eyed no-blood-suckers".
- Dangeresque 3: The Criminal Projective — If Dangeresque's attempt to activate DangeCar-esque's escape hatch gets stopped by Killingyouguy, Dangeresque will tell him to quit tailgating, unless he has some potato salad and Cold Ones to share.
- 8-Bit is Enough — Strong Bad calls Strong Sad, claiming to be the evil wizard Sluushfuund, "Princess Salad Fork".
- Dangeresque Roomisode 1: Behind the Dangerdesque — Looking at Dangeresque may prompt him to say that he looks "ready for love, a gunfight, a car chase, and a small salad all at once!"
- @StrongBadActual —
- 10 Nov 2015 — Strong Bad says that he unleashes "a full snark salad" on the fans whose costumes are featured in Fan Costumes 2015.
- 24 Nov 2017 — Bubs Friday 2017 ends with shoppers being trapped in riot foam, which Strong Bad compares to a giant bargain hunter-filled ambrosia salad.
- 13 Dec 2017 — Strong Bad tells viewers to "master the 4 Bean Salad" by watching an extra special episode of Skills of an Artist.
- 15 Oct 2018 — For day 15 of Inktober, Strong Bad draws the dinner from slumber party, including the salad.
- 11 Feb 2020 — Strong Bad claims that an image of Strong Sad appearing in one's coffee means that they or someone close to them will have their pepper grinder malfunction while seasoning a salad.
- 20 Mar 2020 — Strong Bad remarks that The Cheat has managed to archive leftover ham salad on a LaserDisc.
- 10 Apr 2020 — While promoting the Homestar Runner Original Soundtrack, Strong Bad suggests adding the songs to one's day like croutons on a life salad.
- 14 Nov 2020 — According to Strong Bad, Vikings tasted like lingonberries and tiny shrimp salad.
- 21 May 2021 — Strong Bad speculates that the head of a King of Town Mii is filled with ambrosia salad.
- Marzipan's Answering Machine Version 17.2 — Strong Sad calls Marzipan to tell her about the 2014 Wilted Salad Festival.
- Draccus — Strong Bad utilizes a technique called the "four-bean salad" for the face of his Draccus drawing.
- Disk 4 of 12 - World Games — Strong Bad compares the cliffs in World Games's cliff-diving event to ambrosia salad. A lady begins to comment on the cliffs, but after being warned by Strong Bad, admits she can't even fake enthusiasm for it. At the end, Strong Bad mentions having tuna salad (substituted with abalone) with a pelican during their "Peli Luncheon".