Strong Bad Email Menu

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The current Strong Bad Email menu

The menu in which all of the Strong Bad Emails are displayed on Strong Bad's computers.

Places: Computer Room

Date: Wednesday, August 22, 2001 (original); Thursday, December 31, 2020 (current version)

Page Title: Sbemails

Previous Page Titles: See Strong Bad Email Menu Page Titles


[edit] Current Menu

[edit] Email Listing

Number Release Date Name Description Running Time
9999 209 2022 parenting Coach Z somehow has the authority to make everyone pretend to have babies in a weird contest! Meanwhile, the KOT opens a steak house. 07 min 53 sec
9998 208 2018 the next april fools thing A Strong Bad email suddenly appears in the middle of an April Fools toon! SB discusses where he gets his motivation and inspiration. Homestar plugs his upcoming hotel conference room life seminar. 06 min 52 sec
9997 207 2017 too cool Strong Bad dares to view Senor Cardgage's character video. 04 min 41 sec
9996 206 2015 sbemail 206 Strong Bad dusts off his old computer to checka some email. 05 min 12 sec
9995 205 2009 videography All the tips and tricks for being a special event videographer the Strong Bad way. 03 min 30 sec
9994 204 2009 dictionary SB explains some of the finer points of his very own made-up dictionary. 03 min 48 sec
9993 203 2009 independent Strong Bad explains the distinct differences between indie films and independent films. 05 min 20 sec
9992 202 2009 imaginary Strong Bad tells us all about the imaginary friend Strong Sad had when they were little. 04 min 08 sec
9991 201 2009 hremail 3184 Homestar's hremail is interrupted by Strong Bad's triumphant return to email-check where he lays out the different types of cool explosions. 05 min 04 sec
9990 200 2008 email thunder Strong Bad discovers that all this time, Homestar has an email checking show too! 05 min 10 sec
9989 199 2008 being mean A well-meaning dad asks for Strong Bad's help in teaching his kids to be nice. A solid plan. 03 min 26 sec
9988 198 2008 magic trick Strong Bad breaks down all the different styles of magician. 03 min 52 sec
9987 197 2008 your edge Strong Bad tries to prove he's not losing his edge. 04 min 00 sec
9986 196 2008 hiding This one's all about hiding places and hide n seek. If that sounds funny, sure, watch this one. 03 min 48 sec
9985 195 2008 love poems Dr. Marvin Rubdown gives lessons on writing love poems. 04 min 26 sec
9984 194 2008 specially marked Strong Bad complains about the different types of toys that come in cereal boxes. Hey, maybe give this one a chance! It might be funny! 03 min 08 sec
9983 193 2008 rated Strong Bad explains all the gorey details of different kinds of R-rated movies. 03 min 25 sec
9982 192 2008 shapeshifter One might think ol' Strong Bad would be all about shapeshifting. Not so. He explains the downsides of shapeshiftery. 04 min 07 sec
9981 191 2008 buried The Cheat and Strong Bad bust out the metal detector in search of ancient ruins beneath Strong Badia. 03 min 55 sec
9980 190 2008 licensed Learn how to become an officially licensed UNlicensed seller of Strong Bad and The Cheat knock-offs. 04 min 18 sec
9979 189 2008 pet show The Cheat gets entered in the Cat Mess Inbredtational Pet Show. 03 min 44 sec
9978 188 2008 fan club Strong Bad realizes fan clubs and fan fiction aren't be so bad after all. 04 min 32 sec
9977 187 2008 winter pool Strong Bad and Homestar find themselves trapped when the gang fills the pool with red flavored gelatin. How will they get out? 04 min 06 sec
9976 186 2008 environment Strong Sad and Marzipan protest the Lappy's energy consumption. 03 min 28 sec
9975 185 2007 nightlife A look at the thriving nightlife scene around town. 04 min 12 sec
9974 184 2007 diorama Strong Bad gives advice on how to make the best middle school diorama. 03 min 34 sec
9973 183 2007 yes, wrestling A look back through all of Strong Bad's wrestling gimmicks and his fued with the Jack 'em Up KId. 04 min 41 sec
9972 182 2007 business trip Homestar and Strong Bad try to seal the deal on an important business trip. 04 min 06 sec
9971 181 2007 web comics As our masked hero talks about different types of web-comics, we somehow end up on Saturday morning cartoons about video games. 03 min 34 sec
9970 180 2007 slumber party Get important advice on which slumber parties to attend in this Strong bad email. 04 min 11 sec
9969 179 2007 pizza joint Strong Bad's fake pizza joint becomes the talk of the town until its online presence sends sales crashing. 04 min 09 sec
9968 178 2007 bike thief Strong Bad helps someone from getting their bike stolen by thinking like a bike thief. 03 min 56 sec
9967 177 2007 original Strong Bad reminisces about all the Bubs's before the current one. 03 min 30 sec
9966 176 2007 hygiene Strong Bad helps John with his hygiene problems by putting him in an embarrassing educational video. 04 min 06 sec
9965 175 2007 concert Strong Sad and Strong Bad somehow end up liking the same band. 04 min 26 sec
9964 174 2007 mini-golf We get a look at the surreal goings-on of the Sweet Cuppin' Cakes mini-golf course. 04 min 27 sec
9963 173 2007 the paper Strong Bad pays homage to his dying printer paper. 03 min 08 sec
9962 172 2007 more armies At the Vaguely Military Career Fair, Strong Bad tries to sign people up for the On-Point Kings. 03 min 40 sec
9961 171 2007 underlings Strong Bad helps someone deal with an awkward social situation. 03 min 11 sec
9960 170 2007 rough copy Strong Bad gets litigious then ridiculous when someone draws some comics about him and The Cheat. 03 min 33 sec
9959 169 2007 from work Strong Bad has to work with some limitations as checks his personal email from his work computer. 03 min 34 sec
9958 168 2007 your funeral Strong Bad details his off the chart/hook/chain funeral plans. 03 min 56 sec
9957 167 2007 the movies Strong Bad describes how annoying moviegoers can be. 03 min 51 sec
9956 166 2007 unnatural Strong Bad deals with the unnatural disaster of Bubs being 100 feet tall! 04 min 10 sec
9955 165 2007 strong badathlon Strong Bad describes the events of his very own athletic competition. 03 min 39 sec
9954 164 2007 looking old Strong Bad updates his look so as not to lose touch with the younger generation. 04 min 18 sec
9953 163 2006 what i want Strong Bad lays out all the worst Decemberween present ideas. 03 min 29 sec
9952 162 2006 the chair Bubs helps Strong Bad pick a new email-checkin' chair to use at his computer desk. 03 min 58 sec
9951 161 2006 4 branches Strong Bad explains the four main categories of stupid things Homestar's done. 04 min 55 sec
9950 160 2006 coloring Learn about crayon names with a Limozeen coloring book and Marzipan's creepy school/cult. 03 min 56 sec
9949 159 2006 retirement Mysterious forces have taken Strong Bad's laptop! Can he meet the ransom demands and get her back? 06 min 53 sec
9948 158 2006 cliffhangers Since there are no real cliffhangers, Strong Bad makes up a bunch and resolves them only to be a victim of a cliffhanger himself! 03 min 22 sec
9947 157 2006 trading cards Strong Bad refuses to give Daniel from Canada what he wants and instead shows off everybody else's trading cards. 03 min 26 sec
9946 156 2006 road trip This my friend is jumbo/LARGE! Strong Bad and The Cheat try to take Bubs' Gremlin on a road trip. 04 min 18 sec
9945 155 2006 theme song Strong Bad crafts a sitcom theme song for his 3-5 minute email show. Do you want to make.... twicebutt? 03 min 55 sec
9944 154 2006 keep cool Cool time, pool time! There's a pool, remember?! And Strong Bad is the lifeguard! 03 min 33 sec
9943 153 2006 redesign Learn the basics of branding as Strong Bad attempts to redesign the venerable No Loafing sign with mixed results. 03 min 46 sec
9942 152 2006 isp With his internet acting up, Strong Bad has to call customer service and ultimately confronts the Bubs in charge! 03 min 23 sec
9941 151 2006 senior prom Strong Bad makes up a convoluted plan to crash the senior prom. You can imagine how that goes for him. 04 min 16 sec
9940 150 2006 alternate universe For his sesquicentenn-email, Strong Bad and The Cheat make an alternate universe portal so he can visit his many doppelgangers. 05 min 52 sec
9939 149 2006 candy product Strong Bad gets his own candy product and a catchy commercial for it too! 03 min 01 sec
9938 148 2006 disconnected Strong Bad weighs the pros and cons of separating his head from his body. 03 min 11 sec
9937 147 2006 lady fan SB tries to help someone impress their lady fan, but it probably doesn't work. Homestar tweeses it out! 03 min 30 sec
9936 146 2006 pop-up Somebody's friend had a dream there was a Strong Bad pop-up book, it was the book of YOUR dreams! 03 min 12 sec
9935 145 2006 myths & legends The origins of the bear holding a shark are revealed and a community is set on edge by mysterious sightings. 02 min 55 sec
9934 144 2006 narrator StroBro decides to narrate everybody else's daily lives like movie trailers. Stuff gets chucked at Strong Sad. 03 min 01 sec
9933 143 2006 technology Look out mama, Strong Bad's usin' technology! Learn about the latest tech from the mouth of a real techtalker! 03 min 47 sec
9932 142 2006 secret identity Live a day in a Mudgeman's shoes as Strong Bad lies about secret identities he doesn't actually have. 03 min 44 sec
9931 141 2006 death metal Learn to hot glue corn flaskes to your face the Strong Bad way and get your fill of D-E words, invisible orbs, and creepy rusty meat! 03 min 48 sec
9930 140 2006 high school In his usual deflective style, Strong Bad expains what other cartoon characters are like when they're teens and then takes it too far. 03 min 02 sec
9929 139 2005 portrait Strong Bad tries to figure what art style is most worthy of his visage. 03 min 37 sec
9928 138 2005 space program Space Captainface and Strap Coopmore get ready for launchday in this filmstrip from Strong Badia's space programs, SBASAF. 03 min 44 sec
9927 137 2005 bedtime story The Cheat's bedtime routine has officially reached rigamarole status. Watch and learn! 03 min 34 sec
9926 136 2005 geddup noise Strong Bad tells the tale of the meteoric rise of the sound it make when he stands up from his computer desk. 03 min 38 sec
9925 135 2005 SB revisits one of his earliest (made-up) emails. Connoisseurs of late nineties flash animation will get a real kick out of it! 04 min 22 sec
9924 134 2005 record book Strong Bad tries to get a world record for his new record book. Other great stuff happens, too. 03 min 51 sec
9923 133 2005 bottom 10 Strong Bad's Bottom 10 List! Not much more to say! 04 min 59 sec
9922 132 2005 modeling Strong Bad dons the latest styles for a high-fashion photo shoot. 03 min 10 sec
9921 131 2005 boring (really) The most action-packed Strong Bad email ever! Bricks! Eye closings! Three-letter words! 04 min 40 sec
9920 130 2005 do over Strong Bad tries to do-over a few previous emails. It works perfectly. Nothing goes wrong at all. 04 min 24 sec
9919 129 2005 garage sale Strong Bad breaks down garage sales and the people who frequent them. 03 min 28 sec
9918 128 2005 rampage Strong Bad demonstrates the types of rampages he goes on these days. Reading, regal, and legal to name a few. 03 min 44 sec
9917 127 2005 long pants Homestar shows up wearing shorts and pants at the same time. At least he was told long pants. Long pants, long pants. By who we don't know. 03 min 05 sec
9916 126 2005 best thing Strong Bad remember the best thing ever: Limozeen's very short-lived Saturday morning cartoon. 04 min 08 sec
9915 125 2005 rock opera One word from each of his first 125 sbemails make up the lyrics to Strong Bad's definitely-planned-from-the-start rock opera. 03 min 23 sec
9914 124 2005 secret recipes SB tricks people into eating gross stuff. The Cheat gets a haircut. What's not to love? 04 min 34 sec
9913 123 2005 origins Homestar singing some songs about bread is all you really need to know about this one. Strong Bad is in it too, I assume. 03 min 20 sec
9912 122 2005 dreamail Strong Bad describes the perfect email with the help of a fade-y pink border. 03 min 43 sec
9911 121 2005 part-time job Strong Bad tries to sell cups of ice for Bubs while dressed up as the Tragic Clown Dog. A classic! 03 min 18 sec
9910 120 2004 radio Strong Bad gives advice on/makes fun of the various types of radio hosts. 04 min 02 sec
9909 119 2004 animal Strong Bad gets a new laptop computer and also, furthermore, hereforto details what his own made up animal would be like. 04 min 02 sec
9908 118 2004 virus Strong Bad's Compy 386 gets a virus. 04 min 05 sec
9907 117 2004 montage Strong Bad creates a montage. 03 min 15 sec
9906 116 2004 extra plug SB puts the extra plug under his desk to good use. 03 min 23 sec
9905 115 2004 time capsule What would Strong Bad leave to future generations? Watch this cartoon to find out! 03 min 22 sec
9904 114 2004 the facts Everyone wants to know why Strong Mad doesn't have a cartoon. Well, one person wants to know. Strong Bad gives a rock solid explanation. 02 min 53 sec
9903 113 2004 pizzaz Strong Bad interviews himself to find out the secret of his pizzaz. 03 min 19 sec
9902 112 2004 old comics Strong Bad explains why the King of Town has a Poopsmith. Sort of. 02 min 33 sec
9901 111 2004 other days Since Mondays are traditionally for email checking, Strong Bad explains what he does the rest of the week. 03 min 12 sec
9900 110 2004 for kids Strong Bad describes what his television show for kids would be like. 03 min 24 sec
9899 109 2004 crying Strong Bad makes Homestar cry with his drawing of a one legged puppy with an indomitable spirit! Enter Li'l Brudder! 03 min 26 sec
9898 108 2004 pom pom Strong Bad investigates what happens if Pom Pom is poked with a pin. No ever-loving snot is kicked out of anyone. 02 min 25 sec
9897 107 2004 cheatday Strong Bad divulges the mysteries surrounding the Cheat's birthday. 02 min 33 sec
9896 106 2004 dangeresque 3 Strong Bad offers the digitally remastered director's cut of Dangeresque 1: Dangeresque, Too? 04 min 54 sec
9895 105 2004 replacement Who will check his emails when Strong Bad retires? Aforementioned Strong Bad tries to find out. 03 min 22 sec
9894 104 2004 theme park Strong Bad describes what the Strong Badia theme park would be like. 04 min 14 sec
9893 103 2004 haircut Strong Bad struggles to answer an email about haircuts. 02 min 59 sec
9892 102 2004 lunch special Strong Bad tries to trick Bubs into giving him a free lunch special. And we find out that Bubs can fly. Canon! 03 min 43 sec
9891 101 2004 car Homestar shows off his tricked out hat instead of Strong Bad talking about his non-existent car. 02 min 54 sec
9890 100 2004 flashback Strong Bad answers his 100th email in WIDESCREEEEEEEEEEEEN! Reveals the secret origins of Duck Shirt Homestar and The Cheat! 05 min 01 sec
9889 99 2004 different town Strong Bad sings a song about how he would make his town different. 02 min 54 sec
9888 98 2004 stupid stuff Strong Bad tries to get Homestar to say something intelligent. Somehow this will get him some fresh Grumblecakes. 02 min 39 sec
9887 97 2004 monument While building an impressive monument to himself, Strong Bad is distracted by Bubs with a piece of paper taped to his chest, I mean the Thnikkaman. 02 min 08 sec
9886 96 2004 lackey Quotation marks abound in this email about what a good lackey The Cheat is to Strong Bad. Featuring justifiably forgotten cantaloupe puppet Doreauxgard. 02 min 47 sec
9885 95 2004 the bet Strong Bad loses a bet and has to spend the night in the King of Town's castle. Something-arity ensues. 02 min 37 sec
9884 94 2004 video games Strong Bad takes us on a journey through cyber-time as he imagines different video games versions of himself. Come for the "Your Head Asplode", stay for the "You can't get ye flask." 03 min 04 sec
9883 93 2004 army Do you has what it takes to join the Homestarmy? Arguably the beginning of the Cheat Commandos! 04 min 10 sec
9882 92 2003 kind of cool Strong Bad describes what he would be like if he wasn't a stylish, buff, handsome man. Enter Senor Cardgage!! 02 min 57 sec
9881 91 2003 caffeine See what happens when Strong Sad is given caffeine! It's the most understandable Strong Mad has ever been! 02 min 41 sec
9880 90 2003 colonization Strong Bad describes the colonization of Strong Badia like a politically incorrect 1980's third grade american history book might. 01 min 57 sec
9879 89 2003 local news The World in Crisis with Strong Badia Action Cool News 5! Hard hitting journalism! Thank you, tonight. 03 min 05 sec
9878 88 2003 couch patch The origin story of the duct-tape patch on Strong Bad's couch is finally told! Everyone wanted to know! 03 min 01 sec
9877 87 2003 mile SB takes the week off so the Cheat takes a crack at making his own poorly animated email cartoon. 02 min 27 sec
9876 86 2003 no loafing Strong Bad increases productivity something-eight percent with the help of some motivational wall hangings. 01 min 54 sec
9875 85 2003 2 years Strong Bad's prediction of what Strong Badia will be like in 2 years. At least I think that's what it's about. 02 min 02 sec
9874 84 2003 kids' book Strong Bad makes a kids' book called "Everyone is Different." 02 min 01 sec
9873 83 2003 labor day Strong Bad with his trusty megaphone sits on a cooler for the best Labor Day ever. 02 min 46 sec
9872 82 2003 impression Strong Bad tries to dethrone The Cheat in the annual Strong Sad Lookalike Contest. 03 min 13 sec
9871 81 2003 date Strong Bad shows us what it's like when Homestar and Marzipan go on a date. Beware the lurking horrors! 03 min 10 sec
9870 80 2003 stunt double Strong Bad proves he does all his own stunt work by showing clips from his smash hit movie Dangeresque 2. Witness the genesis (peter gabriel, not phil collins) of the world's best private eye/crooked cop: Dangeresque! 02 min 17 sec
9869 79 2003 the process Strong Bad breaks down all the steps of a successful email check. Learn from the pro! 03 min 20 sec
9868 78 2003 anything The Homestar Runner sits in and guest-checks one of Strong Bad's beloved emails! Can you believe it? 02 min 13 sec
9867 77 2003 suntan Bronze bods and rippling abs abound when Strong Bad gets some sun. 03 min 17 sec
9866 76 2003 sibbie Strong Bad refuses to make a song about Sibbie. He'll never do it. Never. Wait. 02 min 19 sec
9865 75 2003 funny SB transforms into some type of squeaky guy. Floppy disk and ketchup co-star. 02 min 20 sec
9864 74 2003 privileges The Cheat cashes in his customer rewards card in this Strong Bad email cartoon! 02 min 23 sec
9863 73 2003 mascot Crazy Go Nuts University's mascot shows up at The Cheat's Golf Club Team match! 02 min 00 sec
9862 72 2003 crazy cartoon Strong Bad makes a crazy cartoon for Monkeydude. Sweet Cuppin' Cakes and Eh! Steve! are born! And then The Cheat makes one of his terrible cartoons even! This sbemail has it ALL! 02 min 39 sec
9861 71 2003 2 emails Strong Bad checks 2 emails and tries to travel both forward and back in time. 02 min 26 sec
9860 70 2003 big white face After some soul-searching and looking at low-res portraits of everyone, Strong Bad realizes he needs to apologize to the Poopsmith. 02 min 51 sec
9859 69 2003 personal favorites Strong Bad does the thing where he makes you think it's a clip show but then it's not really a clip show. I think this is the first appearance of the stone bridge. You know, because you care about that sorta stuff, right? 02 min 21 sec
9858 68 2003 caper Strong Bad gets mad at The Cheat for screwing up the jumble caper and sings "The Cheat is Not Dead" to try and patch things up. 02 min 49 sec
9857 67 2003 autobiography Listen to some excerpts from Strong Bad's books-on-tape autobiography. 02 min 43 sec
9856 66 2003 the show Strong Bad gives us a glimpse of Homestar's daytime talk-show-game-show, 'The Show.' 02 min 34 sec
9855 65 2003 unused emails What does Strong Bad do with all the emails he doesn't check on his email show? Watch this episode of his email show to find out! 01 min 38 sec
9854 64 2003 english paper Strong Bad helps a lazy student with some schoolwork. 02 min 13 sec
9853 63 2003 fingers Strong Bad imagines what it would by like to have fingers. Or rather a bunch of random stuff taped to his boxing gloves. 02 min 07 sec
9852 62 2003 interview Strong Bad sorta interviews Homsar. Also, I had forgotten that it was actually Strong Bad who invented, 'I was raised by a cup of coffee." 02 min 13 sec
9851 61 2003 monster truck Awexome Cross 98! This SUNDAY! SUNDAY! SOMEDAY! Limozeen drops they numba one jam 'Because, It's Midnite' on an unsuspecting public! 01 min 43 sec
9850 60 2003 huttah! Strong Bad is frustrated at all the emails asking about The Cheat. Probably the least descriptive title of all Strong Bad's emails. 02 min 35 sec
9849 59 2003 marzipan Quadruple negatives abound as Strong Bad tries to get Marzipan to admit she likes him. 02 min 15 sec
9848 58 2003 dragon Strong Bad shares his skills of an artist as he teaches YOU how to draw a certain wingaling dragon named Trogdor. Never have chiaroscuro and sloppy metal been juxtaposed so seamlessly. 03 min 20 sec
9847 57 2003 japanese cartoon Strong Bad imagines himself as a Japanese cartoon. Stinkoman is born! Challenge and fighting are no match for blue hair and ridiculously huge mouths! 02 min 02 sec
9846 56 2002 current status Strong Bad is apparently able to switch people's heads in this oft-forgotten sbemail. 01 min 14 sec
9845 55 2002 cheat talk Strong Bad tries to help people understand The Cheat. 01 min 08 sec
9844 54 2002 morning routine The 'R' in Strong Bad's morning routine stands for... 02 min 09 sec
9843 53 2002 comic Strong Bad debuts his new comic, Teen Girl Squad. 01 min 43 sec
9842 52 2002 island The classic episode where Strong Bad and Homestar get stuck on a desert island. 01 min 57 sec
9841 51 2002 website Tips from a pro on how to make a website. As true today as it was in 2002. 01 min 53 sec
9840 50 2002 50 emails In honor of his 50th email, Strong Bad answers 50 emails. 02 min 45 sec
9839 49 2002 theme party Strong Bad helps some college students with their upcoming party. 01 min 06 sec
9838 48 2002 ghosts Strong Bad goes hunting for ghosts in Strong Badia and runs into the pixel-y spirit of his old computer! 01 min 57 sec
9837 47 2002 new hands Strong Bad makes poor choices when deciding what to replace his hands with. 01 min 36 sec
9836 46 2002 your friends Doing what he does best, Strong Bad just be's mean to his friends. 01 min 11 sec
9835 45 2002 techno Light switch rave, everybody! Grab your glowsticks and get caught in the trance of Strong Bad's techno masterpiece. 01 min 13 sec
9834 44 2002 lures & jigs Strong Bad and Coach Z have a boring fishing TV show in this one. 01 min 45 sec
9833 43 2002 little questions Strong Bad answers questions from a Swedish fan. 01 min 13 sec
9832 42 2002 action figure Strong Bad details the features of his own action figure. 01 min 45 sec
9831 41 2002 invisibility The Compy 386 era begins! Strong Bad ponders the pros and cons of being invisible. 01 min 54 sec
9812 22 2002 sb_email 22 The Cheat helps Strong Bad recover from a PR nightmare after he offends the UK. 00 min 34 sec
9830 40 2002 vacation Strong Bad goes on vacation and sends some postcards from exotic destinations. 04 min 17 sec
9829 39 2002 property of ones Strong Bad makes up some bogus mathematic equations about cold ones. 01 min 19 sec
9828 38 2002 helium Strong Bad temporarily joins the high-voice crew with the help of leftover party balloon. The Cheat learns to fly! 01 min 46 sec
9827 37 2002 dullard Strong Bad gives advice on how to deal with the office dullard. 02 min 05 sec
9826 36 2002 guitar Strong Bad shows off his guitar skills. 01 min 32 sec
9825 35 2002 sisters Strong Bad receives an email from two sisters asking if he has a girlfriend. 01 min 40 sec
9824 34 2002 weird dream Briefly, Strong Bad describes a weird dream he had. 01 min 17 sec
9823 33 2002 gimmicks The first of many times Strong Bad has to deal with explosion-prone computers. 01 min 16 sec
9822 32 2002 flag day Strong Bad reveals the flag and national anthem of Strong Badia. There isn't, as it turns out, lots of chocolate. 02 min 03 sec
9821 31 2002 sugarbob Strong Bad helps a guy with his girlfriend or something. 01 min 48 sec
9820 30 2002 12:00 Bubs helps Strong Bad program his VCR clock. 01 min 12 sec
9819 29 2002 superhero name Strong Bad introduces his superhero name 'Strong Badman'. Stiny! Get somebody a freakin danish! 01 min 08 sec
9818 28 2002 1 step ahead This one goes Choose-Your-Own-Adventure style as Strong Bad has several ideas for gluing Strong Sad's hands to his face. 01 min 17 sec
9817 27 2002 3 wishes Strong Bad wishes he had croissants crammed into his head. Or something like that. 01 min 32 sec
9816 26 2002 CGNU Strong Bad lets you know how to become a graduate of Crazy Go Nuts University. 01 min 12 sec
9815 25 2002 super powers The power behind the blue diamond-y thing on Strong Bad's mask is revealed. 01 min 17 sec
9814 24 2002 the bird Strong Bad checks his email at the stick and shares his award-winning flip-offery. 01 min 20 sec
9813 23 2002 little animal The origin story of kicking The Cheat. 01 min 16 sec
9811 21 2002 cartoon Strong Bad does commentary on a cartoon of himself just standing around. 01 min 45 sec
9810 20 2002 spring cleaning Strong Bad cleans out his inbox with a little help from DELETED! 01 min 27 sec
9809 19 2002 tape-leg Tape-Leg 1, not to be confused with Tape-Leg 2. 01 min 01 sec
9808 18 2002 stand-up Strong Bad's first and last stand-up comedy performance. 01 min 27 sec
9807 17 2002 studying Strong Bad gives advice on, you guessed it, studying. 01 min 13 sec
9806 16 2002 band names Strong Bad gives advice on choosing a band name. 01 min 13 sec
9805 15 2002 the basics Strong Bad gives basic tips on how to mess with people. 01 min 08 sec
9804 14 2002 duck pond Demo Strong Bad's Duck Pond Sim and experiencing being, like, right there... at the pond. C'mere ducky. 00 min 41 sec
9803 13 2002 i she be The Cheat gets set up with a rejected potential Strong Bad suitor. Kids! Don't ever meet strangers at Sbarro! Or eat there! 01 min 11 sec
9802 12 2002 credit card Strong Bad traps Homestar in a classic credit card scam. 01 min 18 sec
9801 11 2002 i rule Strong Bad checks in on/invents Strong Badia. Apparently it is behind a dumpster we've never seen before. 00 min 40 sec
9800 10 2002 trevor the vampire When Strong Bad realizes the horrible truth about Trevor, he waxes nostalgic for the carefree days of a few seconds ago. 01 min 06 sec
9799 9 2002 i love you Fhqwhgads becomes a thing when someone sends Strong Bad the 'i love you' virus! Also, the first appearance of the Guy With a Big Knife! 00 min 56 sec
9798 8 2002 brianrietta Strong Bad is a real jerk to an admirer. 00 min 53 sec
9797 7 2001 halloweener Strong Bad demonstrates the best way to make a Strong Bad Halloween costume on Stupid Over Here, I mean Homestar. 01 min 15 sec
9796 6 2001 depressio Strong Bad makes fun of brother Strong Sad. 00 min 54 sec
9795 5 2001 making out A fan asks for dating advice so SB suggests using a song he wrote. And then totally doesn't show or perform said song. Huh. 00 min 59 sec
9794 4 2001 homestar hair When he gets an email meant for Homestar, Strong Bad becomes "all cheesed off" as the kids say... in the 50's maybe. 00 min 55 sec
9793 3 2001 butt IQ Strong bad makes up his first bogus mathematical theorem to explain stupid butts. 00 min 59 sec
9792 2 2001 homsar Homsar is born, and way less funny than he will eventually become, in this very short email. 00 min 46 sec
9791 1 2001 some kinda robot Strong Bad explains his weird physiology and coins the phrase "For Good or For Awesome." 00 min 45 sec

[edit] Strong Bad's Commentary

Occasionally, when selecting an email, Strong Bad will comment on it. The exact comment is picked at random.

  • Ooh! Good choice! listen
  • Aw, that's a classic! listen
  • I have no memory of this email. listen
  • This one... is okay. listen
  • Ehh, maybe pick another one. listen
  • Ooh, ooh! This one, this one! listen
  • Oh! I love this email! listen
  • Ooh, this the one with the stuff! And the characters! listen
  • Aw, this is like my 74th favorite one. listen
  • Today, I hate this one. listen
  • This sbemail was underappreciated in its time. listen
  • Oh, you're gonna love this one! listen
  • This sbemail is popular with people called Frank. listen
  • Now this is a solid email. listen
  • Truly this is the heart and soul of all sbemails. listen
  • This sbemail and I are no longer on... speaking terms. listen
  • Ah, the pinnacle of sbemails! listen
  • I definitely phoned this one in. listen
  • This one's overplayed. listen

[edit] Easter Eggs

  • The computer begins as the Lappier. Clicking on the computer's logo at the bottom-left corner of the monitor will switch the computer (including the menu theme) in the following order: Lappier → CompéLappy 486Compy 386Tandy 400. Continuing to click repeats the cycle indefinitely.
  • Click on the checked section below the scroll bar to hear a Scroll Button Song. What song Strong Bad sings depends on what computer is currently being used, with Strong Bad singing a Scroll Button Song from the computer's era, randomly picked if there are multiple ones.

[edit] Previous Menus

[edit] Fun Facts

[edit] Trivia

  • At the time of the post-Flash site update, viewers on mobile could not change Strong Bad's computer or listen to Scroll Button Songs. The layout was later updated so that they could.
  • With emails listed in release date order, sb_email 22 ends up listed between vacation (#40) and invisibility (#41).
  • The email descriptions point out several firsts.
  • The Tandy 400 vacation menu was the last surviving Tandy menu to still be hosted on the Flash website.
  • On the Compy 386 menus, Strong Bad types "dir /p", a DOS command used to list all the files in a directory, and to pause between each screen's worth of files.
  • Sometime in the middle of 2003, during the Compy 386 era, "updated mondays" was changed to "updated somedays". Nothing like this is noted in any future menu.
  • After random.bat was implemented, the email list came from the rando.xml file. This is why the unused Lappy and Corpy menus were still updated before the switch to Ruffle. Before this, it was included in the Flash file.
  • On the old Flash site, sbemail.swf leads to the Flash file for the Compy 386 era.

[edit] Remarks

  • During most emails, the back of Strong Bad's head is visible when he sits in front of the computer, which is why he often starts a new line before the text reaches the right side of the computer's screen. However, on the Strong Bad Email menu, his head is not seen at all. This is probably so the viewers can use the bottom scroll button without anything in the way.
  • The fonts used for each of Strong Bad's five computers differ from those used within any of their respective emails.
  • After the post-Flash site update, Strong Bad Email is the only toon category to have its own separate menu, with Teen Girl Squad and Marzipan's Answering Machine being fully absorbed by the TV Time Toons Menu.
  • During Lappynapped!, retirement A, and retirement B after the Lappy was kidnapped, and after hremail 3184 when the Lappy was destroyed, it was still used for the Strong Bad Email menu. It is still updated to include the post-Lappy era emails.
  • Although the Compé was compressed into the Lappier, the Compé was still the featured computer on the menu and in Strong Bad's Scroll Button Song until the site update on December 31, 2020.
  • If the random.bat button on the Lappy was clicked after hremail 3184 was released, Strong Bad would still say the things during the random email selection even though he was absent.
  • The Corpy NT6 menu lacked a random button; however, a random email could be selected by using a Flash seekbar, causing Strong Bad to say his usual lines.
  • The Compé menu lacked a random button from its introduction until August 31, 2009, when a new Scroll Button Song was also released. During this time, right-clicking and using the Play button would give the random button effect, but the email that was selected would be displayed in the Lappy's font.
  • The Compé menu zooms in before Strong Bad finishes double-clicking it.
  • The Compé menu's "go rando!" button is clickable, even when zooming in.
  • With the October 5, 2009 update, a link to the Yahoo Store page where DVDs of the emails could be purchased was added on a sticky note. The Yahoo Store was later retired, and for a time the link brought up a Yahoo error page. The sticky note was subsequently removed on the Lappier menu.
  • The Next April Fools Thing was originally hidden inside a holiday toon, and wasn't listed on the email menu until the site update on December 31, 2020.
  • The menu was recreated in HTML5 for the post-Flash site update on December 31, 2020, and the following changes were made:
    • The computer was changed to the Lappier, with a new Scroll Button Song as well.
    • Clicking the computer's logo switches the computer.
    • Clicking on the title of an email or using the "go rando" button now brings up a short description of the selected email, rather than automatically playing it.
    • The menu includes clickable links to watch either the original Flash version or the YouTube version (if available).
    • If an email is selected, Strong Bad will sometimes briefly comment on it.
    • The current Scroll Button Song, which previously played automatically upon opening the menu, is now accessed through an Easter egg, with the addition of previously-used songs.

[edit] Goofs

[edit] Glitches

Hey, it's Stretch Bad!
  • Occasionally when viewed on mobile, Strong Bad's face looks super stretched.

[edit] Real-World References

[edit] External Links

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