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![]() | These are the English subtitles for Sick Day. watch this toon
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <transcript xml:lang="en-us" file="sickday.swf" width="550" height="400"> <line start="63" end="90" speaker="strongbad" sfx="sfx" voiceover="voiceover">coughing</line> <line start="110" end="160" speaker="strongbad">The Cheat! Get in here with my puke pail.</line> <line start="161" end="174" speaker="strongbad" sfx="sfx">coughing</line> <line start="175" end="229" speaker="strongbad">And bring me some tissues. Lots more tissues!</line> <line start="232" end="270" speaker="homestar">Strong Bad, my burps smell really bad.</line> <line start="273" end="285" speaker="homestar">Check this out.</line> <line start="290" end="330" speaker="sfx">Exhaling</line> <line start="335" end="345" speaker="homestar">Hang on.</line> <line start="354" end="400" speaker="strongbad">Ugh. Go away. I can't smell anything anyways.</line> <line start="403" end="430" speaker="homestar">Oh, I'm betting you could smell these.</line> <line start="432" end="473" speaker="strongbad">Yeah, well you're lucky it's your burps that smell.</line> <line start="475" end="563" speaker="strongbad">DO NOT go into Strong Mad's room. Or, as I've taken to calling it, Rotten Egglünd.</line> <line start="574" end="602" speaker="strongmad" voiceover="voiceover">SOMEBODY HEEEEELP!</line> <line start="620" end="667" speaker="strongbad">Ugh. The Cheat! What's taking so long with my tissues?</line> <line start="670" end="709" speaker="thecheat">Crying</line> <line start="720" end="797" speaker="strongbad">Oh well. I guess I'll just re-use some of these already re-reused ones.</line> <line start="800" end="845" speaker="strongbad">Ow! They're pointy now!</line> <line start="848" end="940" speaker="homestar">Strong Bad, I don't think you're going to be able to answer your word problem this week. So I'll take one for the team.</line> <line start="943" end="1035" speaker="homestar">Two trains enter a tunnel going four miles per hour. At what time do they reach Poughkeepsie?</line> <line start="1039" end="1092" speaker="strongbad">OOOOaaaaoaaaoaaaoooh!</line> <line start="1093" end="1143" speaker="strongbad">The Paapeeeer!</line> <line start="1143" end="1152" speaker="sfx">Distorted preeeeow</line> <line start="1158" end="1188" speaker="strongbad" voiceover="voiceover">Oh no, not you too!</line> <line start="1198" end="1224" speaker="strongbad" voiceover="voiceover">Can I blow my nose on you?</line> <line start="1226" end="1242" speaker="thepaper">Distorted preeeeow</line> <line start="1251" end="1274" speaker="strongsad">Ooooh.</line> <line start="1284" end="1312" speaker="strongsad">Oooooooooh.</line> <line start="1320" end="1370" speaker="strongsad">This is the greatest day of my life.</line> <line start="1380" end="1429" speaker="strongsad">I feel like a few dollars.</line> </transcript>