Sultry Buttons
From Homestar Runner Wiki
From her Dangeresque: The Roomisode Triungulate trading card:
"Sultry Buttons is the roguish jewel thief and twin sister of Cutesy Buttons (though no one has ever seen them in the same place at the same time). She's into leather and machetes and is skilled in several martial and/or fiber arts. She wants to simultaneously get back together with and kinda murder Dangeresque."
Sultry Buttons, played by Marzipan, is a femme fatale with black hair, and black sunglasses, and a black (apparently leather) dress, featured most prominently in Dangeresque 3: The Criminal Projective.
When Dangeresque needed Professor Experimento's ruby powered rocket to get to the sun, Sultry Buttons came in and stole the ruby used to power the rocket. As it turns out, Sultry and Dangeresque had had a romantic night in Paris years ago where he gave her a rare Stickanee flower. However, he later left her, telling her he had to "save a bus full of school children from an erupting volcano stuffed with sharks in a top secret location". She's since turned to a life of crime, focusing on robbing the world's rarest gems.
Later, Dangeresque gave her another Stickanee flower and offered to shower her with jewels. However, he had none, so Sultry gave up some of her collection for said showering: the ruby for the rocket, and the rare diamond-tipped diamond she stole from Paris. It was then that Dangeresque suggested a venue change: Hawaii, at dawn. Sultry took the bait and headed off, leaving Dangeresque with the valuables.
In Dangeresque Roomisode 3: Keep My Enemies, Loser, Sultry is one of many assassins to make an attempt on Perducci's life, which she does by throwing a knife at the kingpin's back.
While Sultry shares the same last name and actress as Cutesy Buttons, neither her writer Strong Bad nor her actress Marzipan seem to know whether they're related. The trading cards from the Steam version of Dangeresque: The Roomisode Triungulate state that the two are twin sisters, and implies that they could even be the same person.
Complete Filmography
- Debut: Dangeresque 3: The Criminal Projective
- @strongbadactual (Instagram)
- Dangeresque: The Roomisode Triungulate Trailer
- Dangeresque: The Roomisode Triungulate
- Dangeresque: The Roomisode Triungulate Launch Trailer