The Brothers Strong

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The Brothers Strong. From left to right: Strong Mad, Strong Bad, Strong Sad.
The Brothers Strong Decemberween card.
The Cheat

The Brothers Strong is the collective term for the three brothers, Strong Bad, Strong Mad, and Strong Sad, as well as The Cheat. The eldest of the brothers is Strong Mad, followed by Strong Bad, then Strong Sad. According to Strong Bad in the email flashback, The Cheat was taken in by The Brothers Strong when he was found in an egg filled with fishsticks.

The Strong Brothers' assumed surname is "Strong", since it is common to each of them. Even though the Homestar Runner body of work is an American-based cartoon, their family name is spoken before the individual's given name, a naming convention mistakenly labeled the Eastern order.

They reside in the House of the Brothers Strong, except for The Cheat, who lives in The King of Town's Grill. Strong Bad, Strong Mad, and The Cheat think that Strong Sad is whiny and annoying, so they have been known to (more often than not) bully him. Nevertheless, they were all seen to have posed for a picture in Decemberween Email Menu, showing that they can, on occasion, get along. Strong Mad has a particular affiliation for The Cheat, (as seen on the TV Time Toons Menu, where the TV Time booklet poses the question "Strong Mad & the Cheat: The Next Bosom Buddies?") and usually gets enraged when Strong Bad kicks him.

All of the Brothers Strong (except The Cheat) appear to be ambidextrous.

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