The House That Gave Sucky Tricks Teaser

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This toon has no official name. "The House That Gave Sucky Tricks Teaser" is just a description.
Toon Category: Halloween Teaser
watch Halloween Safety Later That Night... Teaser
"Hey Homestar, I really really like your-Hey Homestar,"

A teaser for the 2015 Halloween toon, The House That Gave Sucky Tricks.

Cast (left to right): Strong Mad, The Cheat, Bubs, Coach Z, Homestar Runner, Marzipan, The King of Town, Strong Sad, Pom Pom, The Poopsmith, Homsar, Strong Bad (in foreground)

Places: The Field

Date: Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Running Time: 0:55

Page Title: Hey Homestar!



{Fade in to silhouettes of the cast standing in The Field in their costumes. Strong Bad is standing in the foreground, again in a distinct costume with a different body shape. The text "Halloween Toon Sometime in the next 10 days!" is visible at the top.}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: {singing} Hey Homestar, I really-really like your, hey Homestar,
I really-really like your, hey Homestar,

{music fades in}

I really-really like your, hey Homestar,
I really-really like your, hey Homestar,

I really-really like your, say Bubs,
I really-really like your, say Bubs,
I really-really like your, say Bub-Bubs! Bub-Bubs!
I really-really like your, say Bub-Bubs!

Strong Bad! I really-really like your, hey Strong Bad!
I really-really like your, hey Strong Bad!
I really-really like your, hey Strong Bad!
I really-really like your,

Hey Strong Sad! Hey Mar-zi-pan!
Hey Strong Sad! Hey Mar-zi-pan!
Hey Strong Sad! Hey Mar-zi-pan!

I really-really like your, said I really-really like your really... {now speaking} I like... your costumes. {brief pause, then music ends} I really like your guyses' costumes.

Easter Eggs

"Dislike Smoke"
  • Decompiling the Flash file reveals a hidden message upon trying to remove the silhouettes. This teaser's message reads "dislike smoke".

Fun Facts


  • This is the only teaser to have the text above the characters instead of under them.


  • The characters are in an order different from the one they have been in all previous trailers.


  • The Loading text can be highlighted.

Inside References

Real-World References

  • Strong Bad's costume, and the entire teaser visual, is a reference to the Graboids in the movie Tremors.
    • In the previous teasers, the moon is in the top-right corner. Starting with this teaser, however, to more closely match the movie poster for Tremors, it is larger and behind the characters.
  • The hidden message "dislike smoke" references the original The Legend of Zelda game, when an old man tells the player that "DODONGO DISLIKES SMOKE."

External Links

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