From Homestar Runner Wiki
| This user contributes using Safari.
| This user found the wiki from a Google search.
| This user has a Newgrounds Account.
| This user is between 13 and 19 years old.
| This user is left handed
| This user discovered the H*R website in 2004?.
| This user discovered the H*R website when he/she was 10? years old.
| This user discovered the H*R Wiki in 2008.
| This user's favorite character is Homsar.
| This user can play the guitar.
| This user mourns the loss of the old paper
| This user downloads a lot of fonts.
| This user's jenga ship has been shanked by Strong Sad.
| This user has too many freakin' userboxes.
[edit] Step Right Up!
Aaaaaaaaaaaah'm a crudely drawn cupcake! Dooooon't forget your tapesicle! No, really, I'm Matt, I'm 14, I love H*R, and discovered it in... It was like, 200...4? My teacher showed it to me. I don't edit too much, 'sept for grammar stuffs. I could use some help with this page, making it better, so, if you can, leave some tips on my talk page. THANKS!
[edit] Favorite Toons
I've seen all of em, sept the ones on the DVDs, so my favorites are...
Everything in SBCG4AP
E-Mail flashback
E-Mail different town
All of teen girl squad
I can't think of anymore.
[edit] Favorite Quotes
Not to worry! More will be added.
[edit] Homsar
- "AaaaaaaaaaaahAaaaaaaaaaahAaaaaaaaaaaaah! Step right up! Aaaaaaaaaah'm a crudely drawn cupcake! Dooooon't forget your tapesicle!" - From Homestar Ruiner
[edit] Strong Bad
- "Maybe it has something to do with how I forgot to register the domain name and some 12 year old kid beat me to it and is asking in the high six figures for it. But maybe that's just some halarious coincidence!" - From April Fool 09
[edit] Homestar Runner
- "Taco-Man came by. He gave me some water, he gave me some water. What are you guys gonna do for me?" - From Halloween Potion-ma-jig (I just love the name "taco man")
[edit] The Poopsmith
- "Two hundred sbemails, exhausting just to think about. How can we face two hundred sbemails? The thought of all those sbemails makes me weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeak! (Puke!) From email thunder
[edit] Top Ten Favorite pages