From Homestar Runner Wiki
Voip is an onomatopoeia used in the Homestar Runner universe to represent laser shots and teleportation.
- Teen Girl Squad Issue 1 — So and So falls victim to the Visor Robot's "VOiP!".
- Hallrunner — When one chooses to fight Robot Darren, the game gives the reply, "Robot Darren has a laser. VOIP!".
- Email alternate universe — It appears several times during Strong Bad's visit to Strong Badman's apartment.
- Thy Dungeonman 3 — Used as the teleportation noise.
- Store Front Page News 2006 — Used to advertise the "Get Ye Flask" shirts.
- Teen Girl Squad Issue 11 — Cheerleader is struck by the "blinding voip" from Sci-Fi Greg's bare chest.
- Homestar Ruiner — The Robotic Penguin says "GuesswhatVOIP!" while killing The Ugly One.
- 8-Bit is Enough — "Voip" is occasionally used as a sound effect when using the interdimensional portals.
- Strong Bad Classics! — The Porridge Maiden "voips" the word "voip" while optic-blasting the Smithybot.
- Trogdor!! The Board Game — One of the items that gives special abilities to the player is called the Ring of Voip.