unused emails

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Filing all the crap emails

Strong Bad Email #65

Strong Bad explains what happens to all the unused emails he gets every week.

Cast (in order of appearance): Strong Bad, The Cheat, Bubs, Strong Mad



STRONG BAD: Oooh! Check it out! Another one of those...sbemails!


Hey Strong Bad,
I was wondering what you do with the
emails that don't get showed on the
weekly email.

Dan Chase,
Aurora, Illinois

{Strong Bad stops and says "Hey!" after reading "Hey Strong Bad," and pronounces Illinois as "Illi-nwah"}

STRONG BAD: Ahh... {typing} Wha-hoah, Dan. You mean what do I do with the thousands and THOUSANDS of near unreadable emails I get every day? I like to mix it up!

{cut to the Cheat carrying some papers, organizing them into huge stacks}

STRONG BAD: {voiceover} Sometimes I give them to the Cheat for filing. And archiving.

{The Cheat sticks an email in the Medium category. Strong Bad sticks his head in the screen.}


STRONG BAD: No man, that's a short.

{The Cheat shrugs, and attempts to retrieve the e-mail, but is too short to reach the top of the pile. Cut to Strong Bad and Bubs standing at the stick, not facing each other. Strong Bad has a CD, Bubs has a bag of cash labeled "The Payoff".}

STRONG BAD: {voiceover} Or if I'm strapped for cash, I'll sell the e-mail addresses to Bubs for use in his free weekly spamvertisements.

{Strong Bad drops the CD}

STRONG BAD: Oops! Lookit that! I dropped a CD of five-thousand email addresses!

{Bubs throws the bag of money on the ground}

BUBS: Whoops! I dropped a quarter for each one!

{Cut to Strong Mad crumpling up papers}

STRONG BAD: {voiceover} And sometimes I give them to my big brother Strong Mad, for the Japanese art of paper-folding.

{Strong Bad walks on screen}

STRONG BAD: So, how are your origamis? Is that one the crane?

STRONG MAD: {holds up two crumpled-up balls of paper} THIS IS A LOTUS FLOWER! THIS IS A PRAYING MANTIS!

STRONG BAD: Oh yeah, that's great, man. {sniffs} Incredible likeness.

{Cut back to Strong Bad in front of the computer}

STRONG BAD: {typing} But mostly the emails I don't use just get... {stops typing and stands up, backing up slowly} A-digga...a-digga...a-digga-digga...a-digga...a-diggity... {starts running back towards the desk} DIGGITY DIGGITY DIGGITY DIGGITY A-DELETEEEEEED!!!!!! {jumps and does an elbow drop on the keyboard, breaking the desk in half. After a pause, the screen flashes DELETED!!} Ohhhhh....I think I broke my clavicus...majorus.

{The Paper comes down.}

Easter Eggs

  • When you see The Cheat with the 3 stacks of emails, you can click on the top of each pile for a sample of some emails. (click the close button to close the email.)
  • You can click on the top of Strong Mad's pile of emails for another look at these wonderful emails Strong Bad gets.
  • At the very end you can click on the words on Strong Bad's screen to bring up Bubs' Weekly Spamvertisement.
  • You can click on the picture of the product in the Weekly Spamvertisement to see more products from Bubs.
    • The products are:
      • A plastic tape dispenser
      • A small cup of ketchup
      • A jar of beans & vegetables
  • Here are the unused emails which appear in this toon:
    • Medium stack:
Dear Strong Bad,
This is my best one. Do you like it! I hope that you

    • Tall stack:
Dear Strong Bad, 
why don 't you do that thing?
hey i like ur e-mail and games i am stephanie and i am
10/f/nj and i play baseball cheerleader

from stephanie

    • Short stack:
Dear Strong Bad,
I tried to email you twice yesterday. You didn't email
back. 'Sup wit dat? I'm out like that.
Do you have a monkey if you do you are crap. If you
don't are still crap so leave me alone crap head. Stop
making me right this stupid crappy letter to you. So
buy craphead uh I mean crapface wait no crapnose
rrrrrghhh whatever you are stupid and have an ugly
butt and your stupid and a piece of crap. Oh yeah your
also stupid.

sincerely, me Andrew Shapiro

PS: Your still crap and always will be crap. And
please kill hamesturrunner please PLEASE  PLEASE
Bye bye.
    • Strong Mad's stack:
Dear, Strong Bad
Do you enloy reasing?

Fun Facts

  • According to commentary on the DVD the "clavicus... majorus" line was originally to be used in the unfinished toon Tis True, Pom Pom, Tis True.
  • The Floppy Disk Container holds Friendly Ware.This software package for the PC, released in 1987, included games, a number of financial programs, eye and ear tests, an ASCII drawing program, a biorhythm charter (which suffers from the Y2K bug), sports prediction software, and an introduction to computing.

Other things of interest

  • The "Digga-Digga-Digga... DELETED!" line is used again in car
  • The CD he gives Bubs says "The Goods" and Bubs's bag of money says "The Payoff"
  • It's quite odd that he has a CD with stuff that he put on it, considering he has a 386 with no CD drive or CD burner.
  • The quarters that Bubs gives Strong Bad in exchange for the email addresses total $1,250 ($0.25 x 5,000), and would weigh 62.37lbs.
  • The email address the Weekly Spamvertisement is directed to (squealydee678@kindergartencop.edu) is a reference to the Arnold Schwarzenegger film Kindergarten Cop.
  • This is one of the few instances where you can actually understand one of The Cheat's words. He says "hello" when we see him filing unused email into the three stacks.
  • "It happened to my roommate" in the spam easter egg probably refers to chain letters, and the fact that most chain letters involve some type of miracle happening, as well as saying "It happened to this person", as well as the fact of forwarding it to 50 people in order for it "to happen to you".
  • This is one of the times that Strong Bad displays one of his wrestling moves. One of the other times in the the email "car".
  • When Strong Bad runs toward the computer he passes past the same door and window about 4 times, as in gimmicks when the Tandy explodes.

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