That a Ghost

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(Transcript: corrected spelling of "monocle" and "Rockefeller")
m (Transcript: picturemadrawing, spelled like thingamajig.)
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''{The Homestar Runner walks past two portraits. The one marked 'Mr. Pietimer' follows him with its eyes.}''
''{The Homestar Runner walks past two portraits. The one marked 'Mr. Pietimer' follows him with its eyes.}''
'''THE HOMESTAR RUNNER''': That picture-m'drawin' looks sur-spicious. ''{He lifts it off the wall, revealing two one-eyed crows with a label reading "The Guys".}'' It's just two weird one-eyed crows. Ah, phooey.
'''THE HOMESTAR RUNNER''': That picturemadrawin' looks sur-spicious. ''{He lifts it off the wall, revealing two one-eyed crows with a label reading "The Guys".}'' It's just two weird one-eyed crows. Ah, phooey.
''{Cut to Fat Dudley amidst some barrels, with a cigar and a jug marked 'XXX'. The Homestar Runner pops out of a barrel.}''
''{Cut to Fat Dudley amidst some barrels, with a cigar and a jug marked 'XXX'. The Homestar Runner pops out of a barrel.}''

Revision as of 18:35, 18 October 2004

Dig my grave.

The old-timey characters seek a reward for the capture of a ghost.

Cast (in order of appearance): 1936 Marzipan, The Homestar Runner, Fat Dudley, The Strong Bad, The Sneak, Strong Man, The Guy at the Depot, Sickly Sam

Page Title: Bury me deep I'm cold and clammy!






{Cut to:}

"That A Ghost"

Presented in Grand Old Sound-O-Vision

copyright 1937

{Opens to 1936 Marzipan with a plate of bones on the table}

1936 MARZIPAN: We haven't eaten in weeks!

THE HOMESTAR RUNNER: Guess what I read in the news-papper today.

1936 MARZIPAN: I can't guess.

THE HOMESTAR RUNNER: I read that a ghost.

1936 MARZIPAN: You read that a ghost what?

THE HOMESTAR RUNNER: I read that a ghost is.

1936 MARZIPAN: You read that a ghost is what?

THE HOMESTAR RUNNER: I read that a ghost is here in town and there's a 27 cent reward for its capture.

'FAT DUDLEY: {makes showtune noises}

THE HOMESTAR RUNNER: You said it Fat Duds. We sure could buy a lot of corn-pone with 27 big ones.

{The conversation is being watched in a telescope; pan to the right of the long telescope, where actually no-one is watching, but The Strong Bad stands nearby reading a paper}

THE STRONG BAD: Says here in the news-papper that the encapturement of the new apparition garners a top reward of 26 and one pennies!

{Cut to The Strong Bad, Strong Man and The Sneak}

THE STRONG BAD: We could buy the monocle off Rockefeller's very eyeball with that kind of cash!


{Danger music. Cut to The Homestar Runner, 1936 Marzipan and Fat Dudley in front of a spooky house with a gate signed 'Pietimer'}

THE HOMESTAR RUNNER: Let's check out the old Pietimer place.

1936 MARZIPAN: We should split up.

THE HOMESTAR RUNNER: We can do more damage that way.

{They walk in. 1936 Marzipan looks under a cup.}

1936 MARZIPAN: Under here?

{The Homestar Runner looks at a bookshelf full of ghost books.}

THE HOMESTAR RUNNER: Hmm. Let's see. Maybe it's in here.

{He removes a book labelled 'A Goodtime Story', the only book not related to ghosts or monsters. Opening it, a moth flies out.}

THE HOMESTAR RUNNER: Just a moth. {He tries to eat the moth, but it flies off.} Dernit!

{1936 Marzipan looks under a plate.}

1936 MARZIPAN: Under here? {Spiders run out.}

{The Homestar Runner walks past two portraits. The one marked 'Mr. Pietimer' follows him with its eyes.}

THE HOMESTAR RUNNER: That picturemadrawin' looks sur-spicious. {He lifts it off the wall, revealing two one-eyed crows with a label reading "The Guys".} It's just two weird one-eyed crows. Ah, phooey.

{Cut to Fat Dudley amidst some barrels, with a cigar and a jug marked 'XXX'. The Homestar Runner pops out of a barrel.}

THE HOMESTAR RUNNER: Fat Dudley? Were you gonna sneak a nip of hooch?

'FAT DUDLEY: {makes showtune noises}

{Outside the house again, with the gate behind them.}

THE HOMESTAR RUNNER: Aw, there's no ghosts here. Just a bunch of gross aminals. Let's go look somewheres else.

{Cut to 'Cholera Acres Cemetary', then to The Strong Bad and The Sneak in front of Eustice Pietimer's grave (skinflint and junk codger).}

THE STRONG BAD: Listen smoothly, The Sneak! We're sure to catch a ghost once we exhume this grave using my new grave-exhuming invention!

{Cut to Strong Man holding a shovel.}


THE STRONG BAD: What what? Why, no! Of course that's not just the Strong Man holding a shovel! It's my newest invention! Besides, the Strong Man's over there doing some kind of stylish jig!

{Cut to Strong Man, who is now doing a stylish jig on an unmarked grave (son of mark grave). The Guy at the Depot's head comes up out of the grave.}

THE GUY AT THE DEPOT: {wheezily} Would you please keep it down?

{Cut to The Homestar Runner, 1936 Marzipan and Fat Dudley in the 'Punkin Patch'.}

1936 MARZIPAN: The Homestar Runner, I'm s-s-s-s-scared!

THE HOMESTAR RUNNER: Scared of what? Punkins? They're just punkins.

1936 MARZIPAN: But I'm s-s-s-s-S-scared!

THE HOMESTAR RUNNER: Oh, fine. We'll go look in the graveyard.

1936 MARZIPAN: {smiling} Hooray!

{Cut back to Cholera Acres Cemetary, where they enter, then meet The Strong Bad, Strong Man and The Sneak, who have dug up the grave of Eustice Pietimer.}

THE STRONG BAD: You're too late! The reward will be ours! I'll be marching around in gold pants in no time!

1936 MARZIPAN: Where's the ghost?

THE STRONG BAD: Behold! The fantoustic phantasm!

{Sickly Sam rises out of the grave, and floats above it.}}

THE HOMESTAR RUNNER: That's no ghost. That's just our worst friend Sickly Sam.

SICKLY SAM: I bury myself alive on Tuesdays.

THE STRONG BAD: Criminy crickets! Foiled again!

THE HOMESTAR RUNNER: Then where's the real ghost?

{A black cloaked ghost with spindly arms fades in, floating above the tombstones.}

THE HOMESTAR RUNNER: {eyes bulging} Wa-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a. {his skin falls off, leaving his skeleton}

THE STRONG BAD: Wa-a-a-a-a-a! {his skin also falls off, leaving his skeleton too}

{Cut back to the ghost, which fades away, then to The Homestar Runner and 1936 Marzipan, who is also a skeleton.}

1936 MARZIPAN: At least we'll never go hungry again.

THE HOMESTAR RUNNER: 'Cept for Fat Dudley. {Cut to Fat Dudley, who is 'eating' a shoe with a soup spoon, with a jug labelled 'XXX' nearby.} He's livin' the high life!

'FAT DUDLEY: {makes showtune noises}

{Transition accompanied with closing music, to:}


Easter Eggs

  • At the end, click on the "D" in "THE END" to see The Strong Bad shopping for gold pants.

Fun Facts

  • List of books on the bookshelf:
    • Zombies Are Cool
    • Ghastly Monsters
    • Banshees, indeed!
    • A Goodtime Story
    • There is a Ghost in This Book
    • Creepiness, Oh My!
    • The Ghost In My Pocket
    • 27 Cent Ghosties
    • The Haunted Jacuzzi
    • Creepy Stories for Toddlers
    • Ghostly Measures
    • Dead Things Book One
  • List of graves in the graveyard:
    • Steakface McGee
    • unmarked grave: son of mark grave
    • Sir Rondello Shmallow: Look Lively?
    • EUSTICE PIETIMER: skinflint and junk codger
  • The Homestar Runner's voice isn't as scratchy and Fat Dudley's voice is deeper than in Parsnips-A-Plenty.
  • The Quote "Let's split up, we can do more damage that way." is a reference to 1984's Ghostbusters.
  • The picture labeled 'Cory' could be a reference to the Strong Bad e-mail cheat talk written by 'the citizens of cory'.
  • This only old-timey toon so far that does not have Sickly Sam "dying".
  • Sir Rondello Shmallow could be Mr. Shmallow's full name.

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