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Welcome to the Homestar Runner Wiki, the Homestar Runner knowledge base that anyone can edit.

We're currently working on 3,382 articles about our favorite Internet cartoon.

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Recent updates to the official Homestar Runner site.

Featured content of the day (or whenever)

Buying a Decemberween present for Strong Bad is like a great sports play. watch
We've got to find the first Decemberween! watch
Have this on in like the background or something.
A series of Decemberween-themed cartoons that are... in July. watch
A Rather Dashing snowglobe. watch
Oh crap! It's Decemberween already! watch
A perennial all-star of bad awful Decemberween presents. watch
The short shorts are BACK! And holiday scented! watch
Don't you see? The magic of Decemberween is inside everyone! watch
I'm really sorry that I got you bad presents. watch
Just mark your calendars! Pre-game starts at twelve, kickoff's set for 12:30. watch
Senor Cardgage is dying! watch
Everybody dresses up in *ween costumes. watch
Dangeresque is invited to the Cheat Commandos Bring-Your-Own-Hot-Jones Decemberween Party... but someone stole all the Hot Jones! watch
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