Teen Girl Squad

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Teen Girl Squad menu
The girls are looking SO GOOD!

Teen Girl Squad is Strong Bad's comic series, crudely drawn on notebook paper, centered around four blandly named teenage girls — Cheerleader, So and So, What's Her Face, and The Ugly One — and their futile attempts to become popular, attract cute boys, and look "SO GOOD!". Each issue shows the girls performing different stereotypical teenage activities, such as going to the mall, babysitting, or taking exams, often ending in the girls' strange and gruesome deaths thanks to Strong Bad's overactive imagination. Due to the series' loose continuity, the girls always return from their untimely deaths before the next issue, or sometimes later in the episode.

The series began in the Strong Bad Email comic, when a girl named Brittany asked Strong Bad to make a comic strip about her four friends. Strong Bad's spur-of-the-moment comic soon became a series of its own, with fifteen installments, two spin-off shorts, and numerous appearances in unrelated toons. The Brothers Chaps have also admitted to using it as an outlet for new female characters.

The most popular running gags in the series are the girls' catchphrase, "SO GOOD!"; the vocalized onomatopoeias used when a character dies, often ending in -'d as in "MSG'd" or "cerebullum'd"; and the girls' unorthodox exclamations of pain in the format Ow! My X!, such as "my most of me" or "my style". Each issue ends with Strong Bad exclaiming "IT'S OVER!".

Menu Page Title: T33n G1rl Squ4dx0rx!!


[edit] Issues

Screenshot Issue Running Time Date
Issue 1
(from comic)
0:52 December 2, 2002
Issue 2 1:12 February 10, 2003
Issue 3 1:37 May 12, 2003
Issue 4 1:38 September 15, 2003
Issue 5 1:57 March 1, 2004
Issue 6
(Decemberween Special)
1:22 July 12, 2004
Issue 7
(Teeny Tiny Girl Squad)
1:53 August 23, 2004
Issue 8 2:24 January 17, 2005
Issue 9 2:05 June 20, 2005
Issue 10
(Tenthennial Extravaganza)
3:34 October 10, 2005
Issue 11 3:30 July 17, 2006
Issue 12
(Valentimes Day Special)
3:20 February 12, 2007
Issue 13 3:25 June 18, 2007
Issue 14 3:40 May 12, 2008
Issue 15 4:14 May 11, 2009

[edit] Spin-Offs

These are also listed on the Teen Girl Squad menu despite not being proper issues.

Screenshot Issue Running Time Date
4 Gregs 3:20 February 16, 2009
Decomposing Pumpkins 1:35 October 19, 2009

[edit] Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People

During the first three episodes of Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People, Strong Bad makes some Teen Girl Squad comics. In the first two episodes, the comics are mini-games where the goal is to kill all four girls before the comic ends; the more Strong Bad laughs, the higher the player's score. This requires using the correct items on the right girls during the right scenes; however, some items are unavailable until Strong Bad finds the corresponding card elsewhere in the game.

In Baddest of the Bands, the Teen Girl Squad issue is non-interactive.

Screenshot Issue
Homestar Ruiner Teen Girl Squad
Strong Badia the Free Cave Girl Squad
Baddest of the Bands Teen Girl Squad Meets Limozeen

[edit] Other Appearances

[edit] Fun Facts

  • Every episode has a different "description" of each girl on their title cards at the beginning. An extra set of these descriptions is also viewable in the preview of Teen Girl Squad on the TV Time Toons Menu, which can be seen by holding the cursor over the Teen Girl Squad button (swf file here). The descriptions tend to refer to Cheerleader's spoiled nature, So and So's book-smarts, What's Her Face's awkwardness or poverty, and The Ugly One's weirdness or lack of hygiene.
Issue Cheerleader So and So What's Her Face The Ugly One
Toons Menu hair products! plaid skirt! baggy clothes! drill team!
Issue 1 cheer! fashion sense! unpopular! hygiene?
Issue 2 growth spurt! school spirit! pity friend! psoriasis!
Issue 3 boy crazy! math crazy! whatev! actually crazy
Issue 4 cool parents! student council! shop lifting? prepaid lunch!
Issue 5 two piece! one piece! same clothes! three piece?!!
Issue 6 wants a pony wants a savings bond wants a new stepdad wants to be cheerleader
Issue 7 fattycakes! polite and boring! lice and more! boy or girl?
Issue 8 top 40 hits! hooked on classics! college radio! listens to pinebark!
Issue 9 backyard pool! library! 24 hour diner! parking deck?
Issue 9 (YouTube version) pool lifeguard! math tutor! sandwich artist! still goes to camp!
Issue 10 groovy grapefruit pink viscious violent violet radacious bodadical razzberry blue gnarly nursing home green
Issue 11 cell phone! pager! rotary phone! geiger counter!
Issue 12 red undies! whitman's sampler! black roses! pink eye!
Issue 13 $15/hour!! $4.75/hour! plain yogurt/hour!
Issue 14 most likely to! more than likely to succeed! least likely to care like, mostly to secede?
Homestar Ruiner college boys!! mathlete boys!! any boys!! shrimp po'boys!
Issue 15 strapless! puffy sleeves! tie and t-shirt! leftover brine??!

  • Each time the Teen Girl Squad menu page loads, the girls say something different. The message on Cheerleader's shirt also changes. The possibilities are below.
Quote Cheerleader's Shirt
THE UGLY ONE: teacher just called me "young man" solid
THE UGLY ONE: i'm in love with liquid paper. party
WHAT'S HER FACE: nothing is cool. hott
SO AND SO: on a roll with Honor Roll. rich
CHEERLEADER: you can't be popular AND smart 2
CHEERLEADER: lets have a boy/girl party! boy
  • The AhnbergHand font used for Strong Bad's handwriting contains a few European-style slashes, including lowercase 'q' which The Brothers Chaps have been known to "Americanize". However, they have not altered the European seven in the current Teen Girl Squad main menu.
  • The page title (T33n G1rl Squ4dx0rx!!11) is Teen Girl Squadxorx!!!! in leetspeak.
  • So and So was originally referred to as Kristen in the first issue, with the name coming from the original suggestion. Shortly afterwards, though, she is called Kristina, making it clear that Strong Bad was already forgetting the names.
  • Different toons' back buttons link to different places. Teen Girl Squad issues 1-3, 8-10 and 13 link back to the TV Time Toons Menu while the rest links back to the Teen Girl Squad Menu.

[edit] External Links

Most Recent Toons
Big Toons

Homestar Runner Goes for the Gold
Dec 24, 2016


Zeenin' Into The Night
Sep 20, 2024


Fanstume [singular] '24
Nov 30, 2024

Puppet Stuff

Talk-It-Yourself Homestar Runner Puppet Plush
May 21, 2024

Strong Bad Email

Apr 1, 2022

Video Stuff

Disk 4 of 12 - Vampire's Castle
Sep 19, 2022

Teen Girl Squad

Issue 15
May 11, 2009

Marzipan's Answering Machine

Version 17.2
Apr 1, 2016


Decemberweenvent Calendar (2022 Revisited)
Dec 16, 2024

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