A Jorb Well Done

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A Jorb Well Done

Coach Z can't say the word job. The rest of the gang tries to teach him. JAERB!

Cast (in order of appearance): Coach Z, Homestar Runner, Pom Pom, Bubs, Marzipan, Tom Servo, Strong Bad, Strong Mad, The Cheat, Strong Sad

Page Title: A Jorb Well Done


{We're in a football field. Homestar is running back and forth and he knocks over Strong Sad. Pom-Pom starts jumping on him and the electronic score board is keeping count. Also, Bubs is there for some reason. Coach Z blows his whistle}

COACH Z: Okay there boys, pack it up, pack it in.

{Homestar walks over to him}

COACH Z: Great jaerb there, Homestar.

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Uhhhm...I'm sorry. What?

COACH Z: I uh, I say you did a great JORB out there!



HOMESTAR RUNNER: Oh. Man. Pom-Pom, you've gotta check this out. {Pom-Pom bounces over} Okay, Coach, tell Pom-Pom what I did today.

COACH Z: Err, uh well, I was just telling Homestar here that he done a great joearb.

{Pom-Pom laughs, it sounds like bubbles.}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: {laughs} Coach, That's ridiculous. We have got to do something about that.

{cut to Homestar with his teaching stuff on, points to a board with "JOB vs. JAERB" on it. Homestar crosses out Jaerb and circles Job}

{cut to Marzipan. She has 3 pictures of mouths with the letters labelled A, E and O}

MARZIPAN: O. Job. O. Job.


MARZIPAN: Coach Z, you should make your mouth into an O, like this. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.

COACH Z: You mean like this? OOORREEAARRR!!!!!!

MARZIPAN: That’s better!

{We're at the cinema. Pom-Pom seems to be doing some sort of Clockwork Orange Hypnotism Technique on Coach Z, only without the eye hooks. In other words, he's strapped into the seat. The screen flashes the word JOB over and over, followed by pictures of people with Pom-Pom heads.}

The Business Man’s JOB is to give the Business. The Construction Worker’s JOB is to smash things. The Poopsmith’s JOB is obvious.

{is on the screen, with pictures}

COACH Z: {Looks to be in pain; his face is red and is sweating} JEEEOOORREEAARRB!!!!!!!

{cut to some sort of alleyway. Strong Bad, Strong Mad and The Cheat are standing in front of a brick wall with the word JOB stylishly written in graffiti. Strong Bad has a grin on his face}

STRONG BAD: Okay, Coach, let’s give this one more try. Repeat after me. JOB.

COACH Z: Jorb.

{Strong Bad looks at Strong Mad and clears his throat}

STRONG BAD: Yes, uh, this sounds very good. Uh, my only recommendation is... try to add, some more syllables. Perhaps 3. Perhaps 4. {Sniggers, then bursts out laughing, along with Strong Mad and The Cheat. Coach Z looks down and walks off.}

{Cut to the locker room.}

COACH Z: Oh, jeez. I’m just not cut out to say a word Jaerb. How am I ever going to face the boys at practice tomorrow?

{Strong Sad enters.}

STRONG SAD Uhh, Coach Z, uhh I heard about your problem and I think that I can help. [hands him a tape] This is a tape that I made from when I was practicing the dictionary. Listen to it while you slumber. And tomorrow, you may wake to find that...

COACH Z: {interrupting} Oh wow! Thanks a lot, Strong Sad!

{Coach Z puts the tape in a tape machine. The tape is labelled "Job- 285,194 times". He then presses PLAY and goes to sleep on a bench in the locker room.}

STRONG SAD: Job. Job. Job. Job. Job. Job. Job. Job...

{Coach Z starts having dreams about Strong Sad jumping over a fence and saying the word JOB over and over.}

{The next day, at the football field, only Coach Z and Homestar are there. The score board keeps track of how many times Homestar changes directions while running. Coach Z blows his whistle}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Well Coach, How'd I do today?

COACH Z: Well, I tell ya. You did a great JOB, Hamstray.

{Homestar sighs and starts to leave}

COACH Z: No wait! I mean Hamster! I mean Stramstar. I mean Stairmaster. Homegrown! Ramrod? Humphel?


Easter Eggs

  • Wait around at the end for a Coach Z talker.

Fun Facts

  • This is the first full-length Homestar Runner cartoon that uses the Chaps' current animation style.
  • In the scene with Pom Pom in the theater, you'll notice a silhouette of Tom Servo of Mystery Science Theater 3000 fame on the left of Coach Z.
  • Coach Z strapped into the chair in the theatre is a reference to the Stanley Kubrick film A Clockwork Orange.
  • Coach Z calls Homestar Runner "Stairmaster," a reference to the StairMaster work-out product.
  • The old pop-up menu appears on this cartoon (at the bottom). All the buttons still work. Only this toon, Where's The Cheat?, and the Broken Tandy Menu seem to still have it.
  • "Pack it up, pack it in" is a reference to the old House of Pain song "Jump Around."
  • For some reason, at the scene with Homestar at the Chalk Board, the older version of Homestar's legs were used. They're supposed to be long and close together, but these are shorter and placed apart, plus some other things.
  • In Coach Z's dream of Strong Sad, Strong Sad is taking place of sheep jumping over a fence.
  • Strong Bad and Strong Sad's voices differ from those in the more recent toons, and Strong Bad still has his older eyes in this toon.
  • At the end, before Coach Z says "job" correctly, the scoreboard seems to add a point every time Homestar runs back and forth, like in Cricket.

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