A Folky Tale

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We hear the "folky tale" of Saddy Dumpington.

Cast (in order of appearance): Coach Z, Strong Sad, Saddy Dumpington, The Mayor, The Dancing Brothers, Bubs (easter egg), Homsar (easter egg)


Date: August 22, 2005

Running Time: ---

Page Title: Folky Tales



{We open to a shot of Strong Sad and Coach Z standing in The Field. A rope is dangling from above.}

COACH Z: Come on, Strong Sad, I knows you can do it! Just grab a little oomp-ah down your pants, and you'll be up that rope in no time!

STRONG SAD: Ugh. I'm going to ignore that "oomp-ah down my pants" comment. {turns head towards the rope}But I'm more concered about what that rope is attached to. {looks back at Coach Z}

COACH Z: Never you mind! Just get to climbin'!

STRONG SAD: Coach Z, ropes are for dopes.

COACH Z: What's that jargle? Scripture? You quotin' scripture?

STRONG SAD: No, it's a quote from Saddy Dumpington, the legendary folk hero I made up

COACH Z: Sounds kinda like a toilet {pronounced "terlet"} if you ask me.

{Cut to the cover of a book entitled "The Folky Tales - Saddy Dumpington", with a picture of Saddy on it.}

STRONG SAD: {off-scren} Hark to the Folky Tales of Saddy Dumpington! {The picture of Saddy on the cover turns around, and then turns back to his normal position. The cover slides of the screen, revealing a field with a young girl standing in it. Saddy Dumpington is walking over to her.} He traveled the lands, spreading good cheer and smiles to all who would listen.

SADDY DUMPINGTON: I just saw a baby chick choke on a worm! They both died! Isn't that great!

{The girl starts crying. We cut to another area of the field, with a treestump and squirrel in it.}

SADDY DUMPINGTON: Oh, right! I do that all the time! I made some soup out of the rest of your family, just last night! Isn't that great?

{The squirrel starts crying. Cut to the field at sunset. Saddy is walking along.}

STRONG SAD: But he wasn't very good at spreading cheer or smiles. Just sadness and misery.

{Cut to a town.}

SADDY DUMPINGTON:' {playing his washboard} Fear not, townsfolk!

The transcript is currently being worked on. Please do not edit this section until it is completed.

Easter Eggs

  • Click on the rope at the end to see what is really holding it up.
  • Click on Strong Sad's head to see a scene with Bubs.

Fun Facts

Inside References

Real-World References

  • Joseph Carey Merrick (1862–1890), known as "The Elephant Man," gained the sympathy of Victorian Britain because of his extreme deformity.

External Links

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