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Revision as of 20:26, 28 May 2006 by Vash Lupin VI (Talk | contribs)
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Does anyone else think that BDHM's head looks like that famous mugshot of Nick Nolte after he got arrested for drunk driving?

see here: [1] -Shiin

I think BDHM should be moved into pseudocharacters. He's only ever been a drawing, and only been mentioned twice. He has far less character than the Wagon Fulla Pancakes. -Meedelede


Strong Bad used the spelling Biscuitdoughhandsman in myths & legends after being called Strongbad. "Two words. Two different words. That are not one word." I don't thing that there's any reason to believe that the Biscuitdoughhandsman spelling is anything more than a jab at Cephas Cornwall, to which he was replying at the time. -Ianiceboy 05:48, 19 February 2006 (UTC)

That could be... However, it was also written as "Biscuidoughhandsman" in a rock opera Easter egg. --DorianGray

Why Elway?

I don't see the resemblance between Elway and the drawing anymore so than many other QBs who have worn number 7. When I first saw the drawing, my first reaction was that it was Boomer Esiason that the drawing was based off of. Then upon thinking about where TBC live, I also thought about Browning Nagle (Atl '96) or Tony Graziani (Atl '99) (Who I think may be the closest resemblance at this point) or it could just be a reference to how in many TV Shows, Movie, and "Cops" type shows that criminals are wearing Sports Jerseys. All in all I think the Elway reference is debatable at best. 20:26, 28 May 2006 (UTC)

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