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Birth of Trogdor the Burninator
Arcade-style game fun
Screenshot from "arcade" game
Look at all his majesty
Burninating the countryside (from the movie trailer)

Trogdor is an S-shaped wingaling dragon with a beefy arm whose sole purpose in life is to burninate the countryside, peasants, and their thatch-roofed cottages. Trogdor sprung from the wild imagination of Strong Bad in the email "dragon", and has since appeared in several games, becoming one of the most well known inside jokes on the entire site.

Trogdor's Appearances

Fun Facts

  • A reference is made to Trogdor in the series finale (#722, "Chosen") of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. In the scene, several characters are in a roleplaying gaming session and one of the players is confronted with a situation that begins, "You go through the door and are confronted by Trogdor the Burninator."
  • There is also a possible reference to Trogdor in "Custom Robo"(Japanese subtitle "Battle Evolution") a video game for the Nintendo GameCube. In Story Mode, on Day 3, one of the (incorrect) choices for Question #7 of the first license exam happens to be "Parts Burninator."
  • Burninator also could be a reference to a 3 part movie series called Terminator.
  • There is a Trogdor "Real Ultimate Power" Parody website here

Why am I allowed to edit this..

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