Talk:Couch Mumbling

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Revision as of 02:38, 29 December 2007 by Foxby (Talk | contribs)
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What about doing what was done for the Floppy Disk Container? On each toon it appears in, just link it to the id-tag, instead of putting it in real-world references?

Strong Bad [[Couch Mumbling|mumbles]] [[Couch Mumbling#Pilotwings|Pilotwings]]

Or something along those lines? Thunderbird 17:02, 27 March 2006 (UTC)

Pilot Wings

I actually have Pilot Wings for the N64.

The available vehicles are: Gyrocoptor (like a cross between a helicoptor and airplane-- two propellors, one in front, one in back) Rocket Belt (jetpack) Hang Glider

Biplanes were not available, nor actual helicoptors.

After unlocking them, you could also fly with: Human Cannonball Wings strapped to your arms (called "birdman") Skydiving Jump Boots (I don't remember the exact name for these)

Just making the information on the page more accurate. xP

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