
From Homestar Runner Wiki

Revision as of 22:34, 4 January 2009 by Zackman (Talk | contribs)
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I'm new to this whole Mediawiki code thing.

Therefore this web page is not very elaborate.
If you do see any form of elaboratity, I probably copied it.

Some Personal Information

I won't be posting much of this on the worldwide web simply because any creep in the world could read it if he or she wanted to.
The username MenacingBanjo is an anagram of my full name, which I am not going to tell you because it's not very common and you would be able to find out where I live and send me annoying fan mail.
Now that I've not told you my name, I can tell you that I live in the United State of Michigan.
I live right about here {points to palm of right hand}.
Here's a link to a personal website of mine It's my website

Wiki Contributions

I created the Parents' Basement page! I actually do live in my own parents' basement; hence, I feel a special bond to that page.
I got the idea from Charlie Jr.. not troolen but how do you do boxs and other cool syuff

Personal tools