Talk:Biz Cas Fri 2

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Revision as of 20:06, 24 July 2005 by Kinsey (Talk | contribs)
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Oh. My. God. HILARITY! I personally loved it because I got the reference to the spelling bee! That was funny!Ookelaylay 18:19, 2 Jul 2005 (UTC)

HEY, YOU! This ain't a forum! Get outta here and post at this link instead - Another H*R Fan

Sorry! The page is DISCUSSION.


Isn't it noteworthy that the shareholders sound like the Peasent's Quest narrator?

Not when you consider almost all the voices on the site are done by one person. — It's dot com 18:52, 4 Jul 2005 (UTC)

2 places

The Place mentioned is the office, but what about the meeting room where they are supposed to present the earnings?-ashley

Well, Ash, the meeting room is contained within the office, so it's not really necessary to list them both. I have updated The Office to include information on the different rooms. — It's dot com 22:07, 9 Jul 2005 (UTC)

did ya ever notice

how Homestar's messed up eyes look a lot like eyelashes? -Kinsey

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