Biz Cas Fri 3

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"Back up my files? Are you kidding? Is that a real thing you have to do?"

Puppet Homestar sends an email with a 3 Gig attachement to the entire company. And their families. And their High School friends. Puppet Strong Bad's computer starts smokin' and shakin' like a cat on fire.

Cast (in order of appearance): Puppet Strong Bad, Puppet The Cheat, Puppet Homestar Runner

Places: The Office

Date: August 5, 2005

Running Time: 2:10



{Close-up of a water cooler. The title words, "Biz Cas Fri" appear. Air bubbles rise into the cooler. Cut to Puppet The Cheat and Puppet Strong Bad standing in front of his computer. Smoke is coming out of it}

THE CHEAT: {questioning squeaks}

STRONG BAD: I didn't do anything. I just turned it on, tried to check my email, and it started smokin' and singin' like it was Friday night.

THE CHEAT: {squeaks}

STRONG BAD: Back up my files? Are you kidding? Is that a real thing you have to do? I always thought that that was just know, a figure of speech.

THE CHEAT: {questioning squeaks}

STRONG BAD: I dunno, like "Wake up and smell the coffee," or "See ya later, alligatior!"

THE CHEAT: {squeaks angrily and leaves}

STRONG BAD: Oh, great. Now my computer's dead. This almost never happenes to me!

HOMESTAR RUNNER: {enters room} What's up, my homie? Ew, what's that smell? Did Mancuzo at Accounting put his three-hole punch in the microwave again? That guy sucks.

STRONG BAD: Get outta here, man!

HOMESTAR RUNNER: No, not yet. So, did you get that email that I forwarded to everyone in the company, and their familys, and their High School friends?

STRONG BAD: No. Can't you see my computer and I are having domestic problems?

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Oh, man. You should seriously check it out right now. It's got a 3 Gig hilarious file attatchment. It's one of the funniest emails I've forwarded this week.

STRONG BAD: A 3 Gig attatchment? Oh, no wonder!


Easter Eggs

  • At the end, click the 'd' or the period to view Homestar's attachment.

Fun Facts


  • Strong Bad's Back Up Folder says... "Strong Bad's Back Up Folder."
  • This is another appearance of Post It notes.

Inside References

  • Strong Bad's computer exploding has happened two times before this, even though he says "this almost never happens to me." It happened in gimmicks and virus.

External Links

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