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File:PBTC grumble cake.jpeg
"Give me some of those Grumblecakes"

Only liars and thieves eat Grumblecakes, and those people go to prison!
Just ask The Cheat!

A Grumblecake is "a little cake, made with like some steam and sugar." Liars and thieves eat them. They seem pretty popular, at least with Homestar and Strong Bad. First appearing in the email "stupid stuff," when Strong Bad made a bet that if he could get Homestar to say something smart, Kevin Grumbles would have to make him some of his famous grumblecakes. Unfortunately for the masked genius, the nefarious Kevin Grumbles had also signed a deal with Homestar, thereby tricking Strong Bad out of the cakes and making him look stupid as well.

Conversely, The Cheatcakes are a popular brand of confectionary made by The Cheat, yet for some reason Strong Bad does not seem to like them as much.

Strong Bad later recorded a #1 future jam solo about Grumblecakes in the email "time capsule."


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