From Homestar Runner Wiki
Revision as of 10:12, 13 October 2005 by TotalSpaceshipGuy3 (Talk | contribs)
Contents |
The Short Start
Oh, hello
Greetings one and everyone.
I go by Total Spaceship Guy3.
Favourite H*R Stuff
Character - Strong Bad
Toon - Bug In Mouth Disease
Short - Experimental Film
TGS - Teen Girl Squad Issue 9
SB Email - caffeine. Followed closely by long pants
Marzipan's answering machine - Number 10
Crap I have done on the Wiki
This is were you want to go to find that out.
Noteworthy Crap I have done on the Wiki
- I did the Coach Z, Bubs and Homestar scene of Happy Fireworks.
- I uploaded HappyFireworksCheatsHeadExplode.png, which was used on The Cheat's Head Exploding and G.
I wanna know some stuff
Note: Please don't edit this page, let me know in my talk.
Nothing Yet.
Pretending things are-a made of money
Playing Video Games for several hours
Drinking drinks
Is this really all I got? Yeah, yeah pretty much