
From Homestar Runner Wiki

Revision as of 10:12, 13 October 2005 by TotalSpaceshipGuy3 (Talk | contribs)
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My current stress level: I'm doin' rll rll well Albi
Looking Good in red.
Also looking Good in red.
Also also looking good in red, or mabye... Bad in red???


The Short Start

Oh, hello

Greetings one and everyone.

I go by Total Spaceship Guy3.

Favourite H*R Stuff

Character - Strong Bad
Toon - Bug In Mouth Disease
Short - Experimental Film
TGS - Teen Girl Squad Issue 9
SB Email - caffeine. Followed closely by long pants
Marzipan's answering machine - Number 10

Crap I have done on the Wiki

This is were you want to go to find that out.

Noteworthy Crap I have done on the Wiki

I wanna know some stuff

Note: Please don't edit this page, let me know in my talk.

Nothing Yet.


Pretending things are-a made of money
Playing Video Games for several hours
Drinking drinks
Is this really all I got? Yeah, yeah pretty much

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