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Revision as of 15:24, 1 November 2004 by Thunderbird L17 (Talk | contribs)
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Toilets didn't appear anywhere on the Site until late '03. Then after the first one, drawn by Strong Bad in the original book, an easter egg of kids' book, they appeared more and more, such as drawn again by Strong Bad for kids again in for kids. Then it branched out past Strong Bad for kids, to Strong Mad in his claymation debut, in the facts.Then Toilets broke out of Strong Bad Email in the cheat commando's Shopping for Danger. Finally, a real toilet was sighted in Free Country USA in Coach Z's locker room, in Halloween Fairstival. It was even reffered to by name as a 'Torleet', by Coach Z. How many times will toilets appear?

Screen Shots

"kids' book"
"for kids"
"the facts
"Shopping for Danger"
"Halloween Fairstival"


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