Broken Compy Menu

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Strong Bad Email?

Homestar Runner complains about pricing while Bubs tries to unload the shotgunned Compy 386. The menu created after the Compy 386 died.

Cast (in order of appearance): Homestar Runner, Bubs



{The shot opens with the shotgunned Compy 386 with a piece of paper taped to the front of it listing all of the current Strong Bad emails. After about 30 seconds, Homestar Runner starts talking}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: {offscreen} You want how much?! That's preposterous! What kinda shady Bubs business you running here anyways? A Bubsness? {camera zooms out so we can see Homestar and the rest of the concession stand} Why, I've got half a mind to report you, mister!

{Bubs appears from the back of the concession stand}

BUBS: Doot doot doo... alright, I'm back!


BUBS: Who were you just talkin' to?

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Um, nobody? Everybody? Strong... Mad?

BUBS: Strong Mad was up here? Where'd he go?

{camera angle changes so that the camera is inside the concession stand looking outward}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Bubsy, I'm not gonna lie to you. He flew away.

BUBS: Homestar, {camera changes back to exterior view of the concession stand} did you come up here for a reason?


BUBS: What?

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Liberty! I mean, savings? Milk! Eggs! A low-priced automobile!

BUBS: Well, why didn't you say so? I've got one right here! Just in! Fresh from the factory goodness!

{camera changes back to the interior view of the concession stand. Homestar performs several double takes}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Bubs, are you trying to sell me a lemon?

BUBS: Homestar, I'm not gonna lie to you.

{camera changes back to exterior view of the concession stand}

BUBS: You're not gonna find a better deal.

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Sold! Sold! Sold!

{The camera cuts back to the menu taped on the Compy 386}

Fun Facts

  • When this email was first put up, TBC messed up the menu so every email was one number off, meaning that clicking virus took you to montage and clicking some kinda robot took you to a 404'd sbemail0 page.
  • This toon replaced the Compy 386 email menu after its destruction in virus, and doubled as the replacement email menu.
  • This toon also has a different filename than the usual Strong Bad email menu, so instead of being "sbemail.swf," it was "sbemail_shotgunned.swf"
  • When the Tandy 400 exploded, Broken Tandy Menu similarly replaced the usual email menu.
  • The Compy 386 is missing the contrast dial

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