high school

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Strong Bad Email #140

Strong Bad talks about his younger years.

Computer: Lappy 486

Date: January 8, 2006

Running Time: 3:01

Page Title: Lappy 486



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STRONG BAD: {singing} It's an email, baby lunchjuice.

{Strong Bad stretches out "Hey Strong Bad!", can't seem to be able to pronounce "highschool", and reads "Cowiche, WA" as one word.}

STRONG BAD: Well, cowichewa to you too, Patrique. Now, I have an extremely unphotographic memory. So, I guess that'd be more like a drawing, or a doodle. Like a doodle memory.

Easter Eggs

  • Click on the word "unphotographic" to reveal a photographic memory of the jumble caper.
    • Click on the resulting image to reveal the doodle memory version of the same event.
  • Click on "Roman Times" to see what those times were like.

Easter Egg Transcript

THE HOMESTAR RUNNER: Oh... aqueduct.

OLD-TIMEY STRONG BAD: Hm... yes! Vomitorium!


{Cut to Sickly Sam. He vanishes, and a pillar takes his place}

Fun Facts


  • A vomitorium was a place in Roman times. During a feast, people would eat until they were stuffed, then excuse themselves to the vomitorium. They would throw up the entire contents of their stomach, then return to the feast to eat some more.


  • "Cowichewa to you too" is a misinterpretation of "konnichi wa", a basic Japanese greeting.


  • Strong Bad's reflection goes outside of the Lappy's screen as he gets up.

Inside References

  • The photo from the "photographic memory" Easter Egg is a screen shot from caper.

External Links

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