User talk:Nerd42

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Revision as of 21:35, 13 January 2006 by Jay (Talk | contribs)
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Heimstern Läufer and "The Homestar Runner Wiki Welcoming Committee", 04:47, 6 January 2006 (UTC)

hi there. how come there haven't been any strong bad emails for so long? --NERD42  email  talk   h²g²  pedia  uncyc  15:14, 6 January 2006 (UTC)

There hasn't been anything in a long time. See the massave discussion about it. By the way, your sig seems a bit long. We're still working out hard and fast rules, but there's been considerable discussion on the matter. Welcome to the wiki, glad to have you aboard. Thunderbird 18:22, 6 January 2006 (UTC)
aw, it'd be a shame if you couldn't do fancy sigs. --NERD42  email  talk   h²g²  pedia  uncyc  18:36, 6 January 2006 (UTC)
You can do fnacy sigs, take a look around, STUFF have a lot of sigs. Just not as long as you have. Elcool (talk)(contribs) 18:39, 6 January 2006 (UTC)
Here's a good showcase of acceptable, original, sigs. The "Pie in bub's face" sig is also too long, ignore that one ;) Thunderbird 18:44, 6 January 2006 (UTC)
Here's some examples of your sig, a smaller version, an even smaller version that would be preferable, the standard maximum, and my sig:
   Nerd42    email  talk  h²g²  pedia  uncyc 
   Nerd42    email  talk  h²g²  pedia  uncyc 
   Nerd42    email  talk  h²g²  pedia  uncyc 
It should be noted that we also discourage background colors in sigs. — It's dot com 20:16, 6 January 2006 (UTC)
OK well I'm on a bunch of different wikis, so if my sig's not allowed on here I'm still interested in suggestions including background colors anyway. Adding the <small> tag was a good idea. :) --NERD42  email  talk   h²g²  pedia  uncyc  20:31, 6 January 2006 (UTC)

resolving signature issues

My new sig comes close but still doesn't measure up ... :(

NERD42  email  talk   h²g²  pedia  uncyc  04:59, 12 January 2006 (UTC)

Oh wait, I fixed it! But now it's too small to read the little teeny words. :( --NERD42  email  talk   h²g²  pedia  uncyc  05:03, 12 January 2006 (UTC)

Before Censorship

Hey! First of all, as an aside, I think the sig above is great, and adequately legible. But on to what I was going to talk about: I noticed an edit summary on Timeline in which you described "Common Era" as "anti-religious/politically-correct censorship" that (someone) was "trying to pull off." First of all, the issue does come up once in H*R, in lackey, and what appears there is B.C. and A.D. And since the attempt at assigning such dates to 'toons is kinda absurd, I doubt the matter will come up again; if it does, though, I'd actually faver "Common Era." While I'm myself a Christian and a fan both of "passionate orthodoxy" (see Save The Wheel) and any opportunities to glorify Christ, I do also believe that a wiki, as a public knowledge base and as a microcosm of a political community, ought to be religiously neutral. While I personally believe that the cross was in fact the watershed event of the history of the universe, I don't expect members of other religions to share that view; thus my use of the neutral terms would be motivated not by an antagonism to religion but, in fact, by a valuing of freedom of religion!
But wait—I forgot; my main point wasn't whether or not to use them, but that the tone of the edit summary was a little confrontational. That was a real person (in this case Lapper) who made that edit, and he does read edit summaries; he may or may not agree with being characterized as anti-religious and a censor, but I strongly suspect he wouldn't. The problem is that the phrasing speaks not only about the issue but about Lapper's intents and identity. Anyway, your comment was hardly flaming, and was only mildly confrontational—but it would still be a good idea to try to avoid hurting other users. —AbdiViklas 05:33, 13 January 2006 (UTC)

Oh, please understand that I did not intend that comment to be directed toward any individual person (to be taken personally) in any way. However, I think that the reason B.C. and A.D. are/were replaced by "Common Era" is specifically to single out Christian traditions in Western culture for censorship and eventual elimination. To replace B.C. and A.D. with "common era" dates seems to me to be exactly like refusing to use Arabic numerals (1234567890) in order to get rid of an implication of Islamic religion. I agree that wikis ought to be religiously neutral. However, that doesn't mean they should change the way that dates have always been written down in order to cater to anti-religious political correct censors who want to rewrite history. If you are offended at the sight of "B.C." and "A.D." then you have serious ideological problems and probably shouldn't be editing a wiki anyway because there is no way you could possibly keep your contributions NPOV.
So, for the record, if I was directing a comment in an edit summary to an individual person, I would have named that person and linked to their user page in the edit summary.
This "save the wheel" thing sounds interesting. Which church in particular is this web site referring to?
Oh, and I'm glad you can read my new Mini-sig even if I can't LOL --NERD42  email  talk   h²g²  pedia  uncyc  21:01, 13 January 2006 (UTC)
Speaking as a non-Christian, it's not that we have it out for Christianity; it's just that we (or, at least, I) want everyone to be treated equally... and, as it happens, Christianity is currently treated as non-equally as you can get in America. Now, the issue of "BCE and CE" or "BC and AD" is an extremely minor point, and I don't care one way or the other. However, even many Christians realize that the cutoff point has a few errors in it with regards to the predicted birth of Jesus; the date's pretty arbitrary no matter how you look at it, and the number is the same either way.
And, by the way, since when do Arabic numberals have anything to do with the Islam religion? The only connection I see is they came from the same part of the world. --Jay (Talk) 21:11, 13 January 2006 (UTC)
"Christianity is currently treated as non-equally as you can get in America." - Are you sure? Consider that the USA has the largest Christian population of any country in the world. I'd say it's about in proportion. Go figure that it has national Christian traditions. --NERD42  email  talk   h²g²  pedia  uncyc  21:20, 13 January 2006 (UTC)
I'm sorry I responded, actually, as I can already see where this is going, and I even bet I can guess some false assumptions you've made about my own views. But here goes: the Constitution itself states that no law with no nonreligious purpose can be made in America, and many such laws are made anyway; for instance, atheists are not allowed to hold office due to some state constitutions, even though the national constitution says that these laws are illegal and has done so for over two hundred years. Now, this isn't a matter of law, I realize; just trying to show what I mean. --Jay (Talk) 21:35, 13 January 2006 (UTC)

Strong Bad's possible mind powers

Is it just me, or does everybody else realize that every time Strong Bad imagines something, it becomes real. For example, he imagines Trogdor and suddenly Videotrix comes out with the video games. He sings jams to himself and suddenly he has an album (Strong Bad Sings) He imagines the future and then suddenly that future becomes real. (20X6) This suggests to me that Strong Bad's mind might be like, able to affect reality or transport manipulate Free Country, USA in ways we don't think about. --NERD42  email  talk   h²g²  pedia  uncyc  21:11, 13 January 2006 (UTC)

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