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Revision as of 01:21, 10 December 2004 by strongbadman (Talk | contribs)
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Strong Bad



Hey, what's up? My favourite character is Strong Bad (you can see easily.) And I've been going to for almost a year now. I'd say my favourite part on the site is Strong Bad e-mail!!!!!! Those things rock!!! I've changed favourite character alot! First it was Homestar when I first went. Second was Strong Bad. Third was Pom Pom. Fourth was The Cheat. Fifth was Homestar again. And sixth is Strong Bad again. So, I don't think I will change characters anymore! Nope, no more of that......nope. Oh, and you can add something at the bottom (but only a comment!). Okay, that's all. You can say something at the bottom, and I'll reply. (If I get the chance.)



Yeah, I took a Homestar Runner quiz and came out Strong Bad! Isn't that awesome? I am my favourite (and the best) character of all the characters! Hey, if you have taken this quiz you can add it in the Comments section below! I just wanna say one more thing. Strong Bad is the best! Now, my Biograhpy is: I like to play videogames, watch Strong Bad e-mail over, and over again. Watch TV. Play with friends. And all that junk. So, add a comment if you want to.

Favourite Characters

Yes, I made up a favourite character place. If you want to tell me your favourite please do it like this example:

Example: strongbadman

1. Strong Bad 2. The Cheat 3. Homestar Runner 4. Um, Sterrence?


1.blah blah blah!!!

Like the top one.


Okay, now you know about me. Please if you can leave a comment like I said in the begining.


Okay, this is where you can leave 'em. I'll try to get back to you (on here) as soon as possible!!!! Here's an example! Example: Hey, strongbadman! Great page! I like the picture of Strong Bad. Do you think we could talk some more over the Wiki Talk? Sincerly, Crap for Brains. I'll anwser like this: Dear Crap for Brains, yes I know it is a great page. DIDN'T YOU KNOW THAT? DELETED!!! Seriously, if I don't like it, I will write DELETED!!!! I'm serious!

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