
From Homestar Runner Wiki

Revision as of 12:39, 14 March 2006 by Homfrog (Talk | contribs)
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I'm Homfrog. Doodle my paper! Seriously.


How I came Here

I was introduced to Homestar by my friend Desmond,
who was introduced by his cousin, and now he's in Queens, New York.
So, I was a Homestar-n00b, watching every toon I could get my hands on.
One day, I wanted to read the lyrics of Experimental Film. So,
I Google'd it, and ended up at that page ^^^^^^^^^ right there.
So I browsed this knowledge base, roaming everywhere. Coming arcoss
User:The Paper, I saw the link to The Paper's Fanstuff on The
and clickity-dee!! I ended up at the Homestar Runner Fanstuff
Wiki!! I now mostly stroll in that sector of the World Wide Wed, so don't
expect me to edit here much.

Homfrog's Word of the Whenever

cyg·net ( P ) Pronunciation Key (sgnt) n. A young swan.

I like it because, uh, it sounds cool. It sounds like the first part of signature, too. And,

sig·na·ture ( P ) Pronunciation Key (sgn-chr) n. One's name as written by oneself. The act of signing one's name. A distinctive mark, characteristic, or sound indicating identity: A surprise ending is the signature of an O. Henry short story. Abbr. Sig. or S. Medicine. The part of a physician's prescription containing directions to the patient. Music. A sign used to indicate key. A sign used to indicate tempo. Printing. A letter, number, or symbol placed at the bottom of the first page on each sheet of printed pages of a book as a guide to the proper sequence of the sheets in binding. A large sheet printed with four or a multiple of four pages that when folded becomes a section of the book.

Okay, that's enough. See you later, crocodiles. 12:39, 14 March 2006 (UTC)

Other links.

Helscome my wedsite

My Life and elevendysix others.

Me on The Fanstuff



I like the moooooooon...

Maybe I'll put some images here.

Badalang! Badalang!
Looking cool, like that warhol painting
Mayo+air duct, hmmm...
Sing a song of Pennzoil!
It's that clock, look at it go, always stuck on 2:55, and it's still there!
Some kinda whale-snake
Totally manganese
Wanna come play video games at my house?
Come on in... whoops wrong quote
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