
From Homestar Runner Wiki

Revision as of 00:48, 27 April 2006 by Meuhcoin (Talk | contribs)
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Well, huh, welcome to my page. I won't talk a lot here, so, don't waste your time reading what I'll write...
Hm, so, what can I say...I'm a big fan of Homestar Runner (as everyone here), but the english language isn't my 1st language (I'm french, if you really want to know :p), so this Wiki is really useful, 'cause sometimes I don't understand everything.

Hm, well, I guess that's all for now. Fell free to add a little nothing to my Talk Page, I'll be happy, yay xD

And I guess I'll put some contact information here :

E-mail : [1]
AIM : Tailszefox
ICQ : 138284820
Yahoo : Tailszefox
Jabber :

Mail me or add me to your contact list if you've got time to lose, and want to talk about Homestar, or anything else :p

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