
From Homestar Runner Wiki

Revision as of 21:25, 24 June 2006 by RFalcon (Talk | contribs)
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Welcome to my userpage! right below are the main updates, to your rightis a list of friends on the wiki, still in progress, under the updates is an "About me"


My friends on the HRWIKI


Welcome to my part of the wiki

Ah, yes. This is my first official posting on the HRwiki, it's still a little under construction as I am still learning Wiki coding. I'll post a little more later on, bye for now.

About me

Well, by now you probably know that my name is rFalcon, but I also go by RedFalcon, R, An pretty much every variation of the name you can think of. I run a sprite comic website based on Sonic the Hedgehog, (Clicky clicky) I'm also a fan of Mario Bros, Megaman, I'm getting I little into Crash Bandicoot, and of course, I'm a fan of HomestarRunner (Shocker I know). you can normally find me at #HRwiki and #sagm (My own channel yay), my own forums,, and that sort of place.

Notable thing of the whenever

Yeh, gimmy a minute.

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