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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <transcript xml:lang="en-us" file="sbemail72.swf" width="550" height="400">

   <line start="15" end="70" speaker="strongbad">I'm intrigued by these... how you say... emails.</line>
   <line start="74" end="122" speaker="strongbad">"Hi Strong Bad! I wanted to know what your craziest cartoon would be like.</line>
   <line start="125" end="184" speaker="strongbad">Please make a CRAZY cartoon. Your awesome friend monkeydude"</line>
   <line start="189" end="258" speaker="strongbad">Look, I'm not your friend, monkey dude. In fact, I'm not even gonna call you monkeydude again.</line>
   <line start="262" end="324" speaker="strongbad">I'ma call you Josh. So, a kah-razy cartoon huh, Josh?</line>
   <line start="333" end="399" speaker="strongbad">Crazy cartoons usually have titles that have nothing to do with the cartoon itself. You know, like...</line>
   <line start="404" end="491" speaker="strongbad" voiceover="voiceover">Sweet Cuppin' Cakes! The main character would look like a mix between a cow and a helicopter.</line>
   <line start="496" end="532" speaker="strongbad" voiceover="voiceover">And his talking would be just these weird sounds, and no words.</line>
   <line start="533" end="554" speaker="sherlock">weird sounds</line>
   <line start="555" end="602" speaker="strongbad" voiceover="voiceover">And all the episodes would be about him trying to get a little worm out of the ground.</line>
   <line start="605" end="670" speaker="strongbad" voiceover="voiceover">Oh! Oh! And at least once an episode, Eh! Steve would show up to deliver his catchphrase!</line>
   <line start="671" end="690" speaker="ehsteve">Eh! Steve!</line>
   <line start="691" end="719" speaker="strongbad" voiceover="voiceover">And Bubs would definitely be the voice of the wheelchair.</line>
   <line start="720" end="782" speaker="wheelchair">I'll get you Eh! Steve, if it's the last thing I dooooo!</line>
   <line start="788" end="852" speaker="strongbad" voiceover="voiceover">I'd be in there too, but my head would be an old keyboard, and when I get mad, it'd play the demo.</line>
   <line start="853" end="915" speaker="keyboard">plays demo music</line>
   <line start="916" end="971" speaker="strongbad">So that's a pretty crazy cartoon huh, Josh? But I'm not much of an animator.</line>
   <line start="976" end="1011" speaker="strongbad">Though I bet The Cheat makes some crazy cartoons.</line>
   <line start="1017" end="1101" speaker="strongbad">Let's see what he's cookin' up tonight. Today. Just right.</line>
   <line start="1115" end="1146" speaker="strongbad">'Sup, my man? What're you workin' on today?</line>
   <line start="1148" end="1161" speaker="thecheat">The Cheat noises</line>
   <line start="1195" end="1241" speaker="homestar">Hey, Strong Bad! I need to be kicked in the face.</line>
   <line start="1242" end="1280" speaker="strongbad">I can do it! I will do it nine times.</line>
   <line start="1330" end="1340" speaker="homestar">This is the last—</line>
   <line start="1341" end="1370" speaker="strongbad">Shut it up, y— Shut it up, you.</line>
   <line start="1373" end="1394" speaker="homestar">Shut it up, me.</line>
   <line start="1400" end="1427" speaker="strongbad">Here, The Cheat, have a trophy!</line>
   <line start="1431" end="1440" speaker="thecheat">The Cheat noises</line>
   <line start="1441" end="1472" speaker="homestar">Here, The Cheat, have another trophy!</line>
   <line start="1497" end="1539" speaker="strongbad">I was saving that one for about two seconds ago.</line>
   <line start="1542" end="1568" speaker="homestar">Perfect. Timing.</line>
   <line start="1571" end="1597" speaker="coachz">Here, The Chort, have a trophy!</line>
   <line start="1604" end="1628">
       <strongbad>Three trophies for The Cheat!</strongbad>
       <homestar>Three trophies for The Cheat!</homestar>
       <coachz>Three trophies for The Chort!</coachz>
   <line start="1642" end="1665" speaker="ehsteve">Eh! Steve!</line>
   <line start="1672" end="1735" speaker="strongbad">The Cheat, this is the greatest cartoon in the whole world! Have a trophy!</line>
   <line start="1736" end="1747" speaker="thecheat">The Cheat noises</line>
   <line start="1751" end="1775" speaker="strongbad">Hey, I didn't do that! Did I?</line>
   <line start="1776" end="1782" speaker="thecheat">The Cheat noises</line>
   <line start="1784" end="1845" speaker="strongbad">I mean, it was good. I liked the way you worked in Eh! Steve, but I don't think it deserved a trophy.</line>
   <line start="1852" end="1900" speaker="strongbad">I don't even think it deserved a pizza! Maybe a pizza trophy.</line>
   <line start="1945" end="1962" speaker="ehsteve">Eh! Steve!</line>


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