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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<transcript xml:lang="en-us" file="sbemail159a.swf" width="550" height="400">
<line start="16" end="41" speaker="strongbad">My computer's been lappynapped!</line>
<line start="41" end="57">
<sfx>record scratches</sfx>
<marshie>Hello, Kenneth!</marshie>
<line start="59" end="83" speaker="marshie">Hear me roar!</line>
<line start="87" end="90" speaker="sfx">growl</line>
<line start="90" end="99" speaker="sfx">meow</line>
<line start="100" end="110" speaker="marshie">That's right, kids!</line>
<line start="111" end="151" speaker="marshie" voiceover="voiceover">Play the Fluffy Puff Marshmallows My Lappy Got Stole! Sweepstakes and</line>
<line start="152" end="178" speaker="marshie">win <em>big!</em></line>
<line start="184" end="196" speaker="marshie" voiceover="voiceover">First prize,</line>
<line start="198" end="211" speaker="marshie" voiceover="voiceover">second tries,</line>
<line start="212" end="252" speaker="marshie"><em>(singing)</em>Take a trip to the mountains...</line>
<line start="252" end="273" speaker="marshie">I'm a song and dance man!</line>
<line start="276" end="305" speaker="marshie" voiceover="voiceover">Just email who you think done it on a 3x5 notecard,</line>
<line start="306" end="333" speaker="marshie" voiceover="voiceover">stick a Fluffy Puff on each corner,</line>
<line start="334" end="381" speaker="marshie">and just walk away, mother...</line>
<line start="382" end="432" speaker="marshie">Fluffy Puff Marshmallows. Yeah! Still!</line>
<line start="434" end="456" speaker="strongbad">You gotta be kidding me.</line>
<line start="457" end="513" speaker="strongbad">Man, everybody's trying to make a buck o' nine off my heart-drooping loss.</line>
<line start="525" end="568" speaker="strongbad">Oh, perfect. Now I'm out of my antidepressant.</line>
<line start="572" end="609" speaker="strongbad">Nothing dulls the pain quite like several dozen half-full bags of</line>
<line start="614" end="618" speaker="strongbad">Italian-<span style="visibility:hidden">herb-chipotle-buffalo-ranch-guacamole-Thai-peanut-style chippety-chumps.</span></line>
<line start="618" end="622" speaker="strongbad">Italian-herb-<span style="visibility:hidden">chipotle-buffalo-ranch-guacamole-Thai-peanut-style chippety-chumps.</span></line>
<line start="622" end="627" speaker="strongbad">Italian-herb-chipotle-<span style="visibility:hidden">buffalo-ranch-guacamole-Thai-peanut-style chippety-chumps.</span></line>
<line start="627" end="632" speaker="strongbad">Italian-herb-chipotle-buffalo-<span style="visibility:hidden">ranch-guacamole-Thai-peanut-style chippety-chumps.</span></line>
<line start="632" end="636" speaker="strongbad">Italian-herb-chipotle-buffalo-ranch-<span style="visibility:hidden">guacamole-Thai-peanut-style chippety-chumps.</span></line>
<line start="636" end="642" speaker="strongbad">Italian-herb-chipotle-buffalo-ranch-guacamole-<span style="visibility:hidden">Thai-peanut-style chippety-chumps.</span></line>
<line start="642" end="645" speaker="strongbad">Italian-herb-chipotle-buffalo-ranch-guacamole-Thai-<span style="visibility:hidden">peanut-style chippety-chumps.</span></line>
<line start="645" end="649" speaker="strongbad">Italian-herb-chipotle-buffalo-ranch-guacamole-Thai-peanut-style<span style="visibility:hidden"> chippety-chumps.</span></line>
<line start="649" end="665" speaker="strongbad">Italian-herb-chipotle-buffalo-ranch-guacamole-Thai-peanut-style chippety-chumps.</line>
<line start="669" end="715" speaker="strongbad">I guess I'll slink off to Bubs' and refill my prescription.</line>
<line start="723" end="745" speaker="strongbad">Slinnnk...</line>
<line start="759" end="770" speaker="strongbad">Bubs!</line>
<line start="774" end="786" speaker="strongbad">Hello?</line>
<line start="793" end="808" speaker="strongbad">Can I get a witness?</line>
<line start="817" end="825" speaker="strongbad">Bubs?</line>
<line start="831" end="859" speaker="strongbad" volume="1.2">Aaaah!  The Lappy's tail!</line>
<line start="860" end="892">
<strongbad>I'll save you, Lappy-pie... poo...</strongbad>
<sfx>suspenseful music plays</sfx>
<line start="898" end="951" speaker="strongbad">Just keep your pixels on. Strong Bad's got everything under control-alt-delete.</line>
<line start="969" end="990" speaker="strongbad">Who put you up here— Wha?!?</line>
<line start="1001" end="1034" speaker="strongbad">It's my crappier and crappiest computers!</line>
<line start="1038" end="1089" speaker="strongbad">Careful guys, let's not do anything inappropriate with that magnet...</line>
<line start="1091" end="1136" speaker="strongbad">I've got a lot of important text files on that 5 meg hard drive...</line>
<line start="1141" end="1193" speaker="strongbad">Now just let the Lappy go, and we can all go out for Hushpuppies.</line>
<line start="1195" end="1221" speaker="strongbad">You guys still like Hushpuppies, don't you?</line>
<line start="1227" end="1244" speaker="sfx">pops and fizzes</line>
<line start="1245" end="1272" speaker="strongbad">Okay, fine. Hushpuppies are out.</line>
<line start="1275" end="1311" speaker="strongbad">For some reason I... I thought you guys liked Hushpuppies.</line>
<line start="1311" end="1337" speaker="sfx">lots of sparks and fizzes</line>
<line start="1338" end="1361" speaker="strongbad">Sorry guys, we're getting nowhere.</line>
<line start="1362" end="1398" speaker="strongbad">I don't speak extravagantly broken computer.</line>
<line start="1400" end="1412" speaker="sfx">Preeeeeow!</line>
<line start="1412" end="1454" speaker="strongbad">The Paper! You're just in time! Find out what they want!</line>
<line start="1454" end="1474" speaker="sfx">Compy 486 clicks and fizzes</line>
<line start="1475" end="1485" speaker="sfx">Preeeeow!</line>
<line start="1485" end="1530" speaker="strongbad">Retirement? They didn't retire, I threw them away.</line>
<line start="1532" end="1569" speaker="strongbad">Ask them if they mean they want to come out of thrown-awayment.</line>
<line start="1572" end="1586" speaker="sfx">Preeeeow!</line>
<line start="1596" end="1642" speaker="strongbad">Are they joking? Those guys couldn't check an email with the help of</line>
<line start="1642" end="1683" speaker="strongbad">sixty horses dressed up as IT professionals!</line>
<line start="1692" end="1704" speaker="sfx">buzzer</line>
<line start="1706" end="1741" speaker="strongbad">Okay, okay, okay! I'll do my best.</line>
<line start="1744" end="1794" speaker="strongbad">If it'll save the orphanage... I mean, my Lappy, I'll do it.</line>
<line start="1796" end="1842" speaker="strongbad">Now, let's check emails like it was the deuce double-ought dweice!</line>
<line start="1849" end="1862" speaker="sfx">old computers spark and fizz</line>
<line start="1864" end="1937" speaker="strongbad">It just means 2002... I... thought it was slick... slick-rick... way to talk...</line>
<line start="1956" end="2033" speaker="strongbad"><em>(singing)</em> Green lines, green, green lines. It's a Strong Bad Email again.</line>
<line start="2037" end="2056" speaker="strongbad">Dearest Strong Bad,</line>
<line start="2059" end="2095" speaker="strongbad">Do you remember the email that you deleted the hardest?</line>
<line start="2098" end="2107" speaker="strongbad">Sincerly,</line>
<line start="2111" end="2125" speaker="strongbad">Joshoakland</line>
<line start="2126" end="2149" speaker="strongbad">Well, let's just see here...</line>
<line start="2150" end="2173" speaker="strongbad">Zero capitalization...</line>
<line start="2176" end="2186" speaker="strongbad">Misspelling...</line>
<line start="2192" end="2211" speaker="strongbad">Lack of punctuation...</line>
<line start="2217" end="2240" speaker="strongbad">Looks like a winner to me!</line>
<line start="2245" end="2282" speaker="strongbad">Dearest Josho, I have some good news for you!</line>
<line start="2284" end="2323" speaker="strongbad">I DO remember the email that I deleted the hardest.</line>
<line start="2336" end="2355" speaker="strongbad">And I'm still remembering it right now!!!</line>
<line start="2361" end="2387" speaker="strongbad">Homestar! Little help please.</line>
<line start="2390" end="2420" speaker="homestar">I'm way ahead of ya, SB.</line>
<line start="2424" end="2470" speaker="strongbad">Then, we'll just add some of the King of Town's fizzy denture tablets.</line>
<line start="2471" end="2500" speaker="kingoftown" voiceover="voiceover">Thems is my after-dinner mints!</line>
<line start="2514" end="2576" speaker="strongbad" volume="1.2">And now if you'd please turn in your hymnals, and join me in singing number 119,</line>
<line start="2577" end="2592" speaker="strongbad" volume="1.2">a-deleted.</line>
<line start="2595" end="2639">
<strongbad voiceover="voiceover">Deleted!</strongbad>
<homestar voiceover="voiceover">Deleted!</homestar>
<line start="2645" end="2671">
<line start="2671" end="2755" speaker="strongbad">Goodbye, old girl. They'll always say you went out in a blaze of green rectangular glory.</line>
<line start="2758" end="2790" speaker="strongbad">Alright. One down, one to go.</line>
<line start="2791" end="2830" speaker="sfx">suspenseful music plays</line>
<line start="2830" end="2846" speaker="sfx">Preeeeeow!</line>
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