Cardboard Marzipan

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"Yes, I'm still out of town, Bubs."

Cardboard Marzipan is a cardboard cutout of Marzipan that was made and voiced by Homestar Runner while Marzipan was out of town. She closely resembles her Powered by The Cheat counterpart.

Apparently, Cardboard Marzipan, as puppeted by Homestar, thinks Coach Z is disgusting and thinks Bubs is a "gorgeous hunk of man." She once asked The Cheat if he wanted to go on a secret hot date when he crash-landed after his fireworks display in "Happy Fireworks". Several times Homestar, still speaking for her, corrected things that he himself had just said: When he mistakenly called Independence Day "Fireworks", Cardboard Marzipan remarked that that's not the name of the holiday. After he denied that the real Marzipan was out of town for the summer, Cardboard Marzipan said that she was.

She later reappeared when Homestar was considering building a deck. Through Homestar, she again indicated something Homestar otherwise seemed not to realize — in this case, he didn't know how to build a deck.


See Also

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