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Although toilets were meantioned early on in Marzipan's Answering Machine Version 1 and halloweener, they didn't appear anywhere on the site until mid '03. In June of that year, a latrine was put in the Ballad of The Sneak. Then after that, there was another one, drawn by Strong Bad in his parody book Strumstar Hammer, an easter egg in the email kids' book. They then appeared more and more. Another was drawn by Strong Bad in for kids, then one appeared in Strong Mad's claymation cartoon in the facts. A toilet first appeared outside of an email in the Cheat Commando cartoon Shopping for Danger. Finally, a real toilet was sighted in Free Country, USA in Coach Z's locker room, in Halloween Fairstival, referred to as a "turlet" by Coach Z. How many times will toilets appear?


"kids' book"
"for kids"
"the facts"
"Shopping for Danger"
"Halloween Fairstival"
"Ballad Of The Sneak"


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