HRWiki:2005 Spring Fundraising Drive

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Revision as of 20:24, 7 March 2005 by JoeyDay (Talk | contribs)
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It's that time again. I hate doing this, but it's necessary to keep the site running. Since we can't legally sell any products or advertising space on our site, a pledge drive is the only way for us to afford the cost of high-bandwidth hosting.

Why Raise Funds?

You probably noticed we recently moved to a new server. If you'd like to know more about what's going on, you can send an email to We'll be happy to send more information.

Our hosting cost on the old server was $8/month and we were paid in full through April 2005. In order to move to the new server, I started paying $50/month back in January. That probably wasn't necessary, but I like to be paid in full well in advance rather than have something go wrong when I forget to make a payment. Plus, it keeps me from spending your money. :)

By my calculations, we are now paid in full until June or July 2005. With the additional funds we have in our reserves, we will run out of money somewhere around August or September 2005.

The Goal

Since I don't like having pledge drives very often, I'd like to raise $1,000. With this amount, we will be paid in full at least until March of 2007, assuming we don't have to upgrade again before then.

I know that sounds like a lot of money, but please don't feel obligated to donate large amounts just to reach our goal. If only 100 users donate $10, we'll raise the entire amount. We have over a thousand registered users on the wiki. I would guess that at least a hundred of those are active contributors or frequent readers. If you use the site often, $10 is a small amount to ask for the next two years. If you are a power user (you know who you are), $20 is still quite a reasonable amount.

How Can I Help?

To make a donation, please utilize our donations page or send a PayPal payment directly to

Of course, you are under no obligation to donate. Please feel free to continue using the site even if you're unable to contribute financially. Just being a member of the wiki and helping out where you can is more than enough contribution in itself.

To those who donate and to those who contribute to our community in other ways, thank you.

JoeyDay (Talk) 13:15, 7 Mar 2005 (MST)

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