Talk:slumber party

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Revision as of 16:53, 1 October 2007 by PlasticDiverGuy (Talk | contribs)
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Who's Gary?

I can't help but wonder... who's Gary? I can only hope that his existence will be explained in the next email. Maybe I wasn't paying attention to the last email... --Chiron 11:32, 1 October 2007 (UTC)

Maybe a reference to Limozeen Gary? Dementedc 11:49, 1 October 2007 (UTC)
I was thinking it was Gary Palaroncini as well, with all the Limozeen and sloshy appearances as of late. jrgilby
I doubt it's reference to anything. It's just a random guy, a nobody. That's how I interpret it. Especially as it's not really stated anywhere why Strong Bad would be expecting an e-mail from Limozeen. --Sysrq868 16:35, 1 October 2007 (UTC)

Coulomb's law?

I don't think "Coolguy's Law" is a direct reference to Coulomb's law, even if it was mentioned in "4 branches". "Coolguy's Law" is a throwback to "Prof. Tor Coolguy" from the Strong Bad Is In Jail Cartoon. The fact that "Coolguy" sounds like "Coulomb" is just a coincidence. Not to mention there's no similarity whatsoever between the two actual equations, nor any compelling reason to write out and explain Coulomb's law in this article instead of just linking to it.

Amen, amen, a thousand times amen -Jdhannan 15:04, 1 October 2007 (UTC)
I agree as well. Besides, Coulomb's law is an inverse square law anyway, not an inverse proportional law. --Crazyswordsman 15:32, 1 October 2007 (UTC)
I disagree, i think it IS a reference. — Defender1031*Talk 15:46, 1 October 2007 (UTC)
I agree, this is NOT a reference. Where is STUFF when you need it.-racerx_is_alive


Is it just me or is the animation for Strong Bad clearing the text on his computer different in this e-mail? I would check another one, but I don't have time. Dementedc 11:45, 1 October 2007 (UTC)

Still looks like the same fwoosh-up to me. suǝʇʇıʞ ƃuıɥɔund 12:08, 1 October 2007 (UTC)
It does look like video-games -> food clears to the upper-left corner rather than going straight up. Could someone with a decompiler frame-by-frame it? 12:13, 1 October 2007 (UTC)
I thought the same thing when I was watching it. If you frame by frame it though it's just scrolling off the screen in the normal way. Must the the shape of the text on the screen that makes the illusion. 15:55, 1 October 2007 (UTC)

Slumber Party Dance

Can anyone make out what Homestar is singing? It's incoherent to me, but he's definitely not just saying "Party! Slumber Party!" as the transcript currently reads. 16:00, 1 October 2007 (UTC)

He most certainly is just saying that actually. — Defender1031*Talk 16:00, 1 October 2007 (UTC)
That's basically what he's saying, but after "Party! Slumber party!" he says something noticeably different. I can't make out one word, but he sings "Listen to some something! At my slumber party!" Despite my attempts to understand that one word where he sings "Listen to some..." I can't make it out.

This is my emial!!

I sent this email in! I can't believe it got answered! --ThomasO 16:18, 1 October 2007 (UTC)

That's really cool, way to go! So UNO invited you to a party, huh? — Defender1031*Talk 16:21, 1 October 2007 (UTC)

Oh no. There was a "slumber party" in the dorm lounge, and the only activity was a game of Uno. After one game everyone was bored and the "party" was over. --ThomasO 16:28, 1 October 2007 (UTC)

Ah, i see... they need to get more interesting games... like filthy rich, hedbanz, ticket to ride, guillotine, things nobody's ever heard of... (Those are all fun games) I'm actually gonna be playing filthy rich with my friends tonight... — Defender1031*Talk 16:31, 1 October 2007 (UTC)

In case any of you don't believe me, I have the original email still saved, which I just took a screenshot of. Hmm, I just noticed that they edited out "at a nearby dorm". Here --ThomasO 16:41, 1 October 2007 (UTC)

Welcome to the club Thomas O. How is that girl's night out party kit treating you ;) PlasticDiverGuy 16:53, 1 October 2007 (UTC)
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