User talk:MenacingBanjo

From Homestar Runner Wiki

Revision as of 22:36, 10 November 2008 by MenacingBanjo (Talk | contribs)
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Hello Jacob,

Welcome to the Homestar Runner Wiki! The main knowledge database for Allow me to intruduce myself. I am Mas12806, specified user on the wiki. We are glad to have a new user to the community, and we hope you have a great expirience. To start, you might want to go to this page, to know how to use the Wiki properly. Please email me if you have any problems, questions, comments, or conerns. Thanks! -—Mas12806 (talk·contribs) (Mike) member of the welcoming committee.

[edit] Using Show Preview

Hello, MenacingBanjo. I see that you have made several consecutive edits to the same page. I want to point out the Show Preview button. It's right next to the Save Page button when you edit. You should use it whenever you are making a lot of experimental edits, for example when you are trying to get formatting right. Using the Show Preview button is quicker and easier than saving and clicking "edit" again, and will keep recent changes and page histories from being flooded. Thanks, --DorianGray 22:32, 10 November 2008 (UTC)

The preview doesn't show the edit buttons. Sometimes those can end up in weird, weird places based on how one formats the web page. MenacingBanjo 22:36, 10 November 2008 (UTC)

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