From Homestar Runner Wiki
Alwighty then. I am a guy in a box...and there's really not that much else I can add to that description. *rolls eyes and cracks smile*
I learned about HSR fronthand from when the SBCG4AP trailer went onto the Nintendo channel. I had heard about it from various different stuff on Youtube. Before I found out, I had been thinking that Strong Bad looked like that fat mouse guy with the mustache from Chip 'n' Dale: Rescue Rangers. I was curious, so I looked up Homestar Runner on Wikipedia. I learned about HRWiki through this also. I decided to look on the site, and I was hooked. And that's pretty much it.
My only friends right now are Coach z's cool and Bad Bad Guy, I guess. *shrugs* Well, that's pretty much it. I'll add more stuff to this page once I stop being so lazy.
Oh, yeah! I got a gift certificate for the HSR Store for Decemberween. I'll see if I can buy anything in the next couple of days.
My Bottom 10
subject: bottom 10
10. People who love cussing others out
9. About 7/8 of the programs on Disney Channel
8. The recent uproar of films with unnecessary 3d
7. Huge amounts of blood or parts of the body coming apart
6. The parental controls on Windows Vista
5. That "Imagine" video game series
4. SolJa Boi fangirls
3. World of Warcraft/Dungeons & Dragons nerds
2. People who send me useless chain mail
1. Windows Vista itself
| This user contributes using Safari.
| This user is 13 years old.
| This user is left handed
| This user's favorite character is Homsar.
| This user has too many freakin' userboxes.